Bowling Green Independent Schools

Preschool Program

Parent-Student Handbook

Table of Contents:

Contact Information 2

Enrollment Requirements 3

Academic Calendar 2011-2012 3

Schedule, Qualifications, Supplies 4

Transportation 4

Bus Rider Policies 4-5

Car Rider Policies 6

Parent Involvement 7

Severe Weather Policy 7

Contacting the School 8

Field Trips, Bathroom, Birthdays & Holidays 8

Children’s Clothing. Toys from Home, Meals 8

Communication 8

Changes in Contact Information 9

Absenteeism Policy 9

Home Visits 9

Discipline, Rest Time 9

Legal Issues 9

Child Abuse Reporting Policy 9

Wellness Policy 10

Head Lice Policy 10

Bowling Green Independent Schools Preschool Staff Information

Elementary / TC Cherry
Principal: / Cheri Smith / Kory Twyman
Lead Preschool Teacher(s) / Jennifer Grieshop
Brandy Adams
Krista Williams / Jennifer Grieshop
Amanda Winn
Classroom Assistant(s)
Speech Pathologist: / Erin Dant
Michelle Schrader
Zorka Juric
Rebecca Petty
Mu Hpare
Rebecca Broyles / Paige Goodman
Andrea Greene
Lindsay Summers
Occupational Therapist:
Physical Therapist:
Parent Involvement &
Family Literacy Coordinator: / Sarah Moody
Kim Minor/Ashley Neville
Teresa Sneed / Sarah Moody
Kim Minor/Ashley Neville
Teresa Sneed

Preschool Mission Statement The Bowling Green City Schools Preschool Program is committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment that sets the foundation for lifelong learning.

Preschool Goals and Expectations

1.  We will build positive relationships with children and families.

2.  We will engage students in active learning with experiences that foster emotional and intellectual growth.

3.  We will teach our students 21st Century skills, such as global awareness, critical thinking skills, communications skills, collaboration skills, and technology skills.

4.  Preschool staff will be responsible for personal and professional growth.

Program Sites

Parker-Bennett-Curry Elementary, 165 Webb Drive

TC Cherry Elementary, 1001 Liberty Way

Enrollment Requirements

Only the legal guardian may enroll the child in preschool. The child must enroll under full legal name. Children enrolled in the Bowling Green City Schools Preschool Program are required to have on file a copy of the following:

Application for enrollment;

Birth certificate or an affidavit of the inability to produce a copy (due within 30 days of enrollment);

Up-to-date immunization record: State law (KRS 158.035) requires immunization certificates for all pupils. A child entering preschool must present an immunization record;

Proof of eye exam by an optometrist/ophthalmologist

Proof of current medical examination: Your child must have a form that shows that he/she has had a physical by a doctor of your choice;

Income verification/Free/reduced lunch form (eligibility may be determined up to four months prior to the start of school).

CALENDAR: Please note dates below. Also note that preschool will begin on August 13, 2012. The last day for preschool is May 23, 2013.


Parker-Bennett-Curry / TC Cherry
AM Session / 8:00am – 11:00am / 8:15am – 11:15am
PM Session / 12:00pm – 3:00pm / 12:15pm – 3:15pm

Preschool Qualifications

All students must live in the Bowling Green City Schools district area

And qualify as one of the following options:

1.  Preschool (At-Risk):

4 years old by October 1 of current school year and meet eligibility for free/reduced meals (150% poverty level)

2.  Preschool (Disabled/Delayed):

3 years old of current school year;

4 years old by October 1 of current school year, but family income exceeds guidelines

4 years old after October 1 of current school year, but family income exceeds guidelines

Supplies Needed

·  Backpack – large enough to hold a regular sized folder

·  Change of clothing to keep at school – include underwear and socks

·  Diapers/Pull-ups (if not toilet trained)


1.  A Transportation form must be completed for all preschoolers (part of enrollment page).

2.  Two trained adults (a bus driver and a preschool bus monitor) will be on the Preschool Bus at all times to supervise your child.

3.  Only preschoolers are allowed to ride the Preschool bus. No older students are allowed to ride the preschool bus).

4.  Preschoolers can be transported in and out of Bowling Green City School District areas ONLY. If needed, please request a list of day cares in the BG City District from Jennifer Grieshop, Preschool Coordinator, at 746-2277.

5.  To make changes to your child’s transportation, you will need to contact Jennifer Grieshop, Preschool Coordinator at 746-2277 (at least three school days in advance of the change.)

Bus Rider Arrival Policy

·  Child(ren) must be dressed and ready when the bus arrives at their homes. The bus will not wait for you to get your child ready. If you miss the bus, please bring your child to school at the start time for the program.

·  Parent or person designated on the child’s “Release Form” must walk the child to the bus.

·  Due to traffic, rainy conditions, and variances in the number of stops daily, the bus could be approximately 5-10 minutes earlier or later each day. Please be patient as the bus runs its route. We will contact you if there is a problem.

·  Preschool staff members will unload all preschoolers from the bus upon arrival at our school so that they arrive safely into the preschool classrooms.

Bus Rider Departure Policy

·  Preschool staff will personally load all preschoolers on their bus at departure time.

·  Only persons listed on the “Release Form” may receive your child off the bus or pick up at school. School personnel may ask to see I.D. to verify the person’s identity. Older siblings or persons under 18 may not accept a preschooler off the bus.

·  Parent/Adult must walk to the bus door to receive their child off the bus. We cannot let a child off the bus unless the adult comes all the way to the bus door.

·  If the parent/guardian/or designated person is not at home when the bus takes your child to the designated drop-off site, your child will be brought back to their school. The parent and/or designated person will be contacted as soon as the school knows that a child is being brought back to school. You must then come school and get your child.

·  If the parents or designated person responsible is NOT at home to receive the child (to get the child off the bus) and the child is consequently brought back to school on 3 occasions, the child will lose bus privileges.

·  If your child is brought back to school and we are not able to locate you or any of your contacts, we will eventually have to contact the appropriate law enforcement agency personnel.

Parker-Bennett-Curry Elementary Car Rider Arrival/Departure Policy

Morning Preschool

Drop off: If you transport your preschool child for a.m. preschool, you may park in the front of school and walk your child to where a preschool team member is waiting. If you arrive before 8:00am, you may wait in the front lobby with your child. DO NOT LEAVE THEM UNATTENDED IN THE LOBBY. You may not drop your child off before 8:00 a.m.

Pick up: If you transport your preschool child you may park in the front of the school and walk to a waiting preschool team member to pick up your child between 10:50-11:00am.

Afternoon Preschool

Drop off: If you transport your preschool child for p.m. preschool, you may park in the front of school and walk your child to where a preschool team member is waiting. If you arrive before 12:00pm, you may wait in the front lobby with your child. DO NOT LEAVE THEM UNATTENDED IN THE LOBBY. You may not drop your child off before 12:00p.m.

Pick up: If you transport your preschool child you may park in the front of the school and walk to a waiting preschool team member to pick up your child between 2:50-3:00p.m.

General Information: If you bring your child to school late (after school begins), you must enter through the front office of the school. Your child’s teacher will be contacted by the office personnel that your child has arrived. A staff member will come to the office to meet you with your child.

TC Cherry Elementary Car Rider Arrival/Departure Policy

Morning Preschool

Drop off: Students will be collected from parents at the cafeteria side doors. Please note that all TC Cherry Elementary students are dropped off here in the morning and the last ones are typically dropped off around 8:05am. For parking you will have two options:

#1 – if arriving while elementary aged students are still being dropped off, please park in the parking lot and walk your child to the doors to wait for preschool staff at 8:15am.

#2 – If arriving after 8:05, you may park in the car line area and walk your child to the door to wait for preschool staff at 8:15am.

Pick up: Students will be brought to the cafeteria doors for parents to pick up at 11:15am. You may park in the car line area or in the parking lot. Please use extreme caution if parking in the car line area and pulling around parked cars.

Afternoon Preschool

Drop off: Students will be collected from parents at the cafeteria side doors. You may park in the car line area or in the parking lot. Preschool staff will come to these doors at 12:15pm to collect students.

If you arrive after 12:15, you will need to check in at the front office and walk your child to the cafeteria. Please also note that if you arrive after 12:25 the cafeteria is closed for the day.

Pick up: If you transport your preschool child you must park in the lot at the right side of the building and walk into the cafeteria to pick your child up between 3:05-3:15pm.

General Information: If you bring your student in late or pick them up early you must come to the front office, get a PRESCHOOL PARENT badge and go to the preschool room.

Questions regarding preschool should be directed to Jennifer Grieshop, Preschool Coordinator at 746-2277.

Attention to all preschool parents: If any school has its stop sign extended outward, please do not pass or go around the school bus. The bus drivers (or any school personnel) are required to contact the police department and turn in the license number of any car that they witness passing a school bus with an extended stop sign.

Parent Participation

Parents are very important to the overall success of the preschool experience. Parents can help by:

- bringing their child to school regularly.

-  encouraging their child to be independent.

-  meeting with their child’s teacher and working with her/him concerning any problems.

-  attending their child’s school events

-  listening to their child about his or her daily experiences.

-  working and playing together as a family group.

-  serving as a Parent Volunteer (e.g. assisting in the classroom or in other parts of the program based on the needs of the program).

(see Parent Volunteer Program requirements listed below).

Parent Volunteers

·  Have a criminal reference check on file (See Teresa Sneed, Parent Involvement Coordinator at Parker-Bennett-Curry, to obtain a “Criminal Reference Check” application).

·  Complete a “Request to Volunteer” application

·  Attend a required “Volunteer Orientation training”

·  Regular or constant volunteers may be asked to obtain a TB skin test

·  Fill out an emergency contact form

·  Review volunteer job description

Volunteers may be given specific duties/assignments (in or out of the classroom, based on the needs of the program.) The parent volunteer may be scheduled to assist either of the preschool teachers, the Even Start Parent Involvement Coordinator or the Preschool Coordinator, based on the needs of the program, determined by the needs of the Classroom teachers, Even Start Coordinator and Preschool Coordinator.)

To inquire about participating in your child’s program as a Parent Volunteer, please contact Teresa Sneed, Parent Involvement Coordinator at 746-2276.

Our program also has a Parent Advisory Council that meets quarterly. This Advisory Council is made up of parents and staff members. The purposed of this council is for parents and staff to discuss and communicate the needs/progress of the preschool program. If you would like to serve on the Parent Advisory Council, please contact Jennifer Grieshop, Preschool Coordinator at 746-2277.


AM Preschool: / PM Preschool:
Bowling Green City Schools are delayed 1 hour / Delayed 1 hour – AM bus will come 1 hour late. Do not drop your child off before 9:00am at PBC and 9:15 at TC Cherry. / Runs on regular schedule
Bowling Green City Schools are closed / Closed / Closed

Watch or listen to the local news for this announcement. Our program will be announced as the “Bowling Green City Schools” or check the school website,

If school is ever closed early due to inclement weather or any other unforeseen event, it will be announced on the local news television and listed as “Bowling Green City Schools, closing 1 hour early”, for example. Bus riders will be delivered to their drop-off site 1 hour early. Parents of car riders would need to come to school 1 hour early to retrieve their preschooler.

Contacting the School

The Preschool Coordinator’s number is 746-2277. If our Preschool answering machine answers and you feel that it is vital that you speak to a person, please call the Front Office.

Parker-Bennett-Curry Front Office: 270-746-2270

TC Cherry Front Office: 270-746-2230

Field Trips

Parents will be informed of all scheduled field trips. Due to bus regulations, the Preschool Program does not transport parents along with their children on the school bus, but parents may meet us at the specified location when a field trip takes place. All parents along on trips should have a criminal reference check completed at school.


We will supervise children in the bathroom, teaching them good health habits and assisting them with toileting if they ask or we notice that they need help.