Pennsylvania District Declaration of Candidacy

All candidates for District Office must submit this Declaration of Candidacy form at District Convention. If you have any questions, please e-mail the District Governor at or District Administrator at .

  1. Statement of Candidacy

Having read the qualifications and duties of the office as stated in the Service Agreement, and the Bylaws of the Pennsylvania District of Circle K International, I declare myself a candidate for the office of:

Furthermore, I do hereby certify that I am a member in good standing of a Circle K International Club of the Pennsylvania District and I will be enrolled as at least a half-time student for the fall and spring semesters of the 2017-18 Circle K administrative year. I also understand that I am required to be present at all called meeting of the District Board of Officers and other official events of the District as stated in the District Officer Candidate Packet.

Print Name / Signature
  1. Information

Please complete the following information below.

Year in School
Expected Graduation (Month and Year)
School Address
Zip Code
Summer Address
Zip Code
  1. Open Responses

Please complete the following information below. Answers do not need to be in paragraph form but should be professional, clear, and spell-checked.

What past experiences qualify you to be a District Officer?
Why are you interested in pursuing District Office?
What other obligations will you have during the 2017-2018 academic year, such as other extracurricular activities, course load, job, personal and family obligations, etc.?
What have you gained personally and professionally through your involvement in Circle K International?
What do you hope to learn and gain through the experience of being a District Officer?
Have you been a member in Kiwanis Family prior to Circle K such as Key Club, Builders Club, or K-Kids?
Toward what issues, programs, and needs do you believe our District needs to direct attention?
In what areas of organizational operation do you need further training?