FC Progress Reports

Faculty Collaboratives
Academic Year 2015-2016

Phase 1 and Phase 2

Please complete and send to Susan Albertine bythe following dates:

2015 Dates: September 30th; October 31st; December 18th

2016 Dates: March 31st; April 29th; May 27th

August 1, 2016– Phase 1 Final Report DUE; Phase 2 – Annual Report DUE

Please indicate in your email if we may post your report to the public Toolkit.


Date submitted:

Submitted by:

Progress toward goals for current reporting period:

New England Regional Conference / MSC/VALUE Conference
Estimated Cost: $5,500 for conference room fee
Additional travel cost for speakers (will be driving costs)
Identified a conference location – Southbridge, MA
Date: March 4
Preliminary agenda:
9:00 – 9:15 Welcoming Remarks
9:15 - 10:15 Morning Plenary Panel discussion around the overall schema of using
the VALUE rubrics and ELOs as a framework for teaching, learning and
assessment.Regional conversation about what VALUE represents and
how we arrived at ‘articulations of thinking’ regarding the VALUE rubrics
and corresponding ELOs. Speakers from MA, CT, RI
10:30 – 11:45 Assignment DesignPat Hutchins or Natasha Jankowski from NILOA
11:45 – 12:30 Lunch
12:30 – 1:30Capstone Courses and Signature Work Lori Dawson
1:30 – 2:30 Using the MSC/VALUE Data
How institutions have used the data they received from the MSC pilot to
generate campus-wide conversations and changes in practice
Speakers from MA, CT, RI
2:45 – 3:45 Presentation by representative from NEASC (Bonnie is working on trying
to identify somebody)
3:45 – 4:00 Closing Remarks
Assignment Design,
Tuning, and DQP / This academic year, we plan to convene a core group consisting of a representative from the two-year, four-year and UMass segments to determine what it is students should know and be able to do at the end of courses that the institutions within each segment have agreed would transfer, as part of the major, within the Massachusetts System of Public Higher Education. The core group will then write corresponding course level outcomes which will be vetted through a larger group consisting of representatives from each campus in the system. We will work with 2 – 6 disciplines to develop course level outcomes for between 10 and 26 courses (depending upon supplementary funding). In year two of the grant funding period, we will look to bring faculty from these disciplines and courses together to create assignments that address these outcomes and are designed to allow students to demonstrate their learning at an ‘appropriate’ level. This work will link to assignment design, Tuning and the Degree Qualifications Profile. The impact we expect to have is:
  • to create an enhanced understanding about student learning outcomes across institutions,
  • to create an enhanced understanding of program expectations with respect to level of learning across institutions, and
  • to facilitate better curricular alignment within the major between two-year and four-year institutions.
**Received Supplementary Funding from the DHE to begin this work**
Have scheduled a meeting with DHE Deputy Commissioner in January to talk about how best to move this work forward in a sustainable manner
Website and Listserv / Utilize the DHE Student Learning Website and the MA List Serve as an electronic means to connect faculty and disseminate information

Please describe any current challenges you are facing in meeting your FC Project goals:

Union negotiations are still under way stalling the work.
Faculty fellows have been unavailable over the last month due to illness (one faculty fellow was hospitalized twice over the month) and due to a death in the family (our second faculty fellow has been dealing with the death of her mother and all that goes along with that) This has stalled our progress on meeting our goals.

Suggestions or Questions for AAC&U FC Staff:

Please update your goals for the next reporting period:

Confirm date, location and availability of technology for interstate, regional conference; confirm session topics and speakers
Convene individuals who will be working on writing course level learning outcomes; hold a session on writing learning outcomes; upload materials to the DHE Student Learning Website
Upload material onto website, post material on student learning list serve