General Education Equivalencies

Oakland Community College

Pre Communication Sciences and Disorders Curriculum

Department of Communication

Sciences and Disorders

Bachelor of Arts Degree

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Undergraduate Advisors: Tausha Beardsley ()

Aaron Hardy-Smith ()

General Information about CSD

Front Desk: (313) 577-3339


Competency Requirements

WSU Competency
Requirements / OCC Course
Basic Composition (BC)
ENG 1020 / ENG 1510
Intermediate Composition
(IC) / ENG 1520
English Proficiency Exam / Fulfilled only at WSU
Mathematics Proficiency / MAT 1630 or MAT 1540 +
1560, or exam at WSU
Oral Communication
(OC) / SPE 1610
Computer Literacy
(CL) / CIS 1050, 1100, 1125, or 1500
Critical Thinking
(CT) / PHI 1710
Writing Intensive
(WI) / SLP 5360

Group Requirements

A given Subject Area Code (e.g., ANT, HIS, PS, etc.) may not be used more than once; a course must be at least three semester hours to apply; and courses for group requirements may not be elected on a Passed/Not Passed basis.

WSU Group Requirements / OCC Course
Physical Science (PS)
(one course) / PHY 1030 or 1610
Life Science (LS)
(one course) / BIO 1500, 1511, 1530 or 2710
Third Science
(one course) / PSY 2510
Requirement / Take Physics OR Biology with a lab.
Historical Studies (HS)
(one course) / HIS 1510, 1520, or 1550
American Society and Institutions (AI)
(one course) / POL 1510
Social Science (SS)
(two courses) / ANT 1540
ECO 2620 or 2610
GEO 1520
SOC 2510 or 2520
Visual and Performing
Arts (VP)
(one course) / ART 2600, 2620
HUM 1510, 1520 or 1900
FSH 1500
MUS 1560 or 1590
THE 1561 or 1900
Philosophy and Letters (PL)
(one course) / ENG 1610, 1710, 1720, 2510, 2520, 2530, 2540, 2550,
2560, 2750, 2760 or 2790
HUM 1710
PHI 1510, 1520 or 1610
Civilization and Societies (CS)
(one course) / HUM 2720
Foreign Culture (FC)
(three courses) / Complete any one language through the
Third semester (FRE, GER, ITA, JPN, RUS or SPA
Exposure Areas
Cultural Diversity (CD) / ANT 2510 GEO 1520 GER 2610 or RUS 1510 or 2610
Ethical Issues in Society (EI) / PHI 1610
Science, Technology and Society
(ST) / HEA 1510

Community College students are strongly encouraged to complete one semester of college level math beyond algebra. The suggested WSU course is STA 1020 and the OCC equivalent course is MAT 153. This satisfies a requirement for Clinical Certification by the American Speech-Language Hearing Association.

Students are also strongly encouraged to follow the above science course selections. One course in each of the following subject areas will satisfy the science requirements for the ASHA. These subject areas are: Physics (PS), Biology (LS) and Psychology (third science). Only one of these courses needs an accompanying lab component and students may choose to take a lab with Biology OR Physics.

Last Updated: 8-16-2010