Pastor’s Ponderings

Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. Prov. 14:34

I never thought I’d live to see the day that we now live in in Charlotte, NC. The level of stupidity, debachary, ungodliness, and evil far exceeds anything one could ever imagine. We now have a president that has chosen to place himself above God Almighty. He has issued presidential orders that go against what the creator of this universe says is right. He has redefined right and wrong and it’s the opposite of what God says is right and wrong. To make matters even worse, our local mayor and city council not only agree but continue to push to make our city even more evil than it already is. In May the Charlotte Observer’s editorial board counciled young girls to “over come” the discomfort of seeing naked boys in their locker room. They compared it to the civil rights movement to give blacks equal rights. The comparison is so far off base that it does not even deserve a response or consideration. In the early 1990’s I visited a village in the interior of the country of Haiti on the island of Hispaniola. In that village very few of the ladies wore anthing other than a pair of panties or shorts. The men in the fields working, wore no clothes at all. The little boys and girls all were naked. There I met a little 13 year old girl who had already had three miscarriages. There were to my knowledge no young boys or girls in the village that were not “trying” to have sex as soon as they figured out the difference between boys and girls. I preached the Gospel to them. I meet with the village elders and told them they must cloth the children as well as the adults. Modesty in the Bible is encouraged for a reason. That village now has a large church, a school, and almost no pregnant teenagers.

Rightousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. This past Saturday (May 21st) I was talking to a nurse in CMC Union Emergency Room. During the conversation she said, “I really don’t know what to do. The world is getting worse just as the Bible said it would toward the end of time. Should we just be quiet or should we stand against the evil we see going on around us?” I told her we must stand and let our voices be heard. We are commanded to go and preach the Word to all we meet. The righteous must stand and let our voices be heard. God determined what was right and wrong. We are His representatives in this world and are required to let our lights shine. Dear Ones, rebuke the wicked, condemn sin, and point the way to the Savior. All in love in the name of Jesus.

Pastor Homer

“Getting Deep with God” by Holly K. Ferguson

Getting Deep with God is a poetic compliation of inspirational writings that are spiritually filling and motivation from areas of relationship, dating, and personal development.


The Senior Adult Ministry will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 14, 2016 in the Family Life Center from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon-Lunch will be served at 11:30 a.m.
Cost is $5.00 per person at the door Special guest will be “Gabriel Bello, a multi-instrument musician”

Also, an award winning producer and audio engineer

Don’t miss this meeting! See you Tuesday, June 14, at 10:30 a.m.!!

The ARK Encounter, Answers in Genesis Creation Museum,

and the Ohio Amish Country

Monday, September 19, 2016, through Friday, September 23, 2016, we will be experiencing four (4) nights and five (5) days of fun, fellowship and biblical history in Kentucky and Ohio.

The life-size Noah’s Ark will be the largest timber-frame structure in the world: 510-foot-long, 85-foot-wide and 91.5-foot-high. The Ark Encounter, as the sister attraction to the popular Creation Museum, is a Christian evangelistic outreach intended to bring the Ark of Noah’s day to life. Located in Williamstown, Kentucky (south of Cincinnati and 40 miles from the Creation Museum, Petersburg, KY), the Ark will equip visitors to understand the reality of the events that are recorded in the book of Genesis. This is an invaluable experience to the Sunday school teacher, the Bible student and to the lay person in the church.

We will be spending two (2) days in the largest Amish and Mennonite settlement in the US. We will visit Lehman’s Hardware and Appliances, a retail store located in Dalton, Ohio, which has become known worldwide for their non-electric products. Next we will visit P. Graham Dunn Christian giftware Manufacturing also located in Dalton, Ohio.

On Thursday we will visit Holmes County Flea market, a 55,000 square foot building which houses 60 vendors in the heart of the Amish country. We will also visit the country side and the local Amish shops. We will enjoy authentic Amish food in selected restaurants.

If time permits, before returning home on Friday, we will visit the Ernest Warther Museum, the master wood carver of the world. The Smithsonian Institute appraised his artwork as “Priceless works of Art”.

The cost per person is approximately $335.00. Others are charging $800.00 per person. What a deal!! See Norma McCormick or Barbara Murdock. Sign

up now!

The Youth had a fantastic time at our send off for Daniel Pool Party last Sunday! Thank you to

all the parents who contributed snacks! The Youth Committee meeting that was scheduled for

this Sunday the 5th will be moved to next Sunday the 12th following morning service. This month the youth are working on remodeling the youth room. This Sunday we will be visiting friends that we will invite to VBS. If you have any furniture that could be used in the youth room we would very much appreciate it. The Youth are eagerly anticipating Vacation Bible School. They are all volunteering in some way as well as attending the Youth VBS class. The Youth Committee and myself are in the works of planning fun activities over the month of June that will be posted at a later date. I have created a new email so if anyone needs to get in touch with me via email you can reach me at

(Psalm 147:1)

Praise the LORD!

For it is good to sing praises to our God;

For it is pleasant, and praise is beautiful.”

Why do we praise Him?Because of:

His majesty, His glory, His Excellency,

His greatness, His holiness, His power,

His goodness, His mercy, His loving-kindness,

His faithfulness and truth, His salvation,

His wonderful works, His comfort,

His judgment, His counsel,

the fulfilling of His promises,

His Pardon of sin, His deliverance,

and His protection.

If you are not in the choir, we would

love for you to join. If you don’t want

to take part in the choir, above are 20

reasons for you to sing wherever you

are because“it is good to sing praises

to our God”. Let’s love Him with our hearts!Joe

6-Betty Lawing

7-Ethel Seneca, Judy Rogers

8-Callie Long

9-Jordan Hooks

12-Carolyn Perkins

19-Lynette Williams

20-Terry Benton, Clyde Hooks

23-Larry Price

15-Millis Hough

26-Dee Rosenbalm

30-Donna Davis, C.J. Davis

It’s hard to believe it is June already. The main focus of our Ladies meeting in May was to be in EARNEST prayer for our revival which is coming up that last week in July. Some of the things we coveted to pray for were; the searching our own hearts, salvation for the lost and the openness of our hearts to God’s moving. I can’t wait to see what God will do with us here at Clear Creek once we really let Him get a hold of our hearts and lives.

Our next Ladies meeting is June 21st. Our Ladies night out is June 7th at Blue Bay in Albemarle. We will leave from the church at 6pm. Looking forward to seeing each of you. God Bless you all in Jesus Name Jody

We had a great month of May with our Baptist Men meeting to help Mrs. Judy Rogers move into her new home! We appreciate all those men who came to help in the move.

Our last meeting was May 17th and we discussed how we as Christians should live in an ever-darkening world-system. We enjoyed seeing what our Lord has to say concerning these things as we watch the world opposed to Christ become more brash and bold about their opposition. This brings up the importance of our men carrying out Paul’s command in 1 Corinthians 16:13 to act like men and be strong!

Our next meeting will be Tuesday June 14th at 6:30 PM. Men, please come and join us as we serve God, our own church and community. May the Lord bless you all.--David Wyatt

There will be no Movie Night in June due to Vacation Bible School. We will resume in July.

Ok folks the ungodly minority are at it again. It seems to me like they are on a mission to push us as far away from our Judeo-Christian values as they can. Let’s not let them succeed. We can and must band together to stop them. One of their latest attempts, was a DC directive to open our daughters’ DRESSING ROOMS to boys who self-identify as girls.

Here are some of the ways we as Christians can respond. First the letters to Target. Please feel free to pick up your copy in the foyer and take it to them. Secondly, we can take comfort in the fact that we here in the Tarheel State are not alone in fighting the bathroom issue. Eleven other states have joined us. Thirdly, we have not only the right but also the OBLIGATION to resist the SCOTUS decision to force same sex marriage on every state in the union. After all, back in 2012, NC voted overwhelmingly in favor in marriage being between a man and a woman. Fourth and finally we have an opportunity to express our concerns at the voting booth on June 7th. Please read up on all the candidates who are running for the US Congress for the privilege of representing the 8th and 9th districts. I believe every member of Clear Creek lives in one of those two districts. Also there will be a judicial election on that ballot. Please be informed and vote prayerfully.