Goods Receipt Compliance (GRC) Tool

Goods Receipt Compliance (GRC) Tool

The GRC application is a role based tool which provides John Deere with a method for capturing goods receipt compliance problems. GRC supports a common enterprise process for goods receipt compliance, metrics and a corrective action feedback loop, focusing on EDI 856 Advanced Ship Notification (ASN), Ship Label, and Packing List.

GRC captures all ASN and receiving dock errors as material is being receipted and provides the feedback loop with the suppliers for correction of the problems.

Document Overview

This document will introduce the Goods Receipt Compliance (GRC) application functions.

Document Objectives

This documentation will help you to perform the following tasks.

·  Become familiar with the GRC Tool user roles

·  Create new Issues (Deere Users)

·  Search for Issues (All Users)

·  Download search results

·  View Issues

·  Edit Issues (Deere Users)

·  Add/view attachments

·  Add internal comments

·  Select email contacts

·  Review Email Notifications

·  Respond to Issues (Suppliers)

·  Select Root Cause and Resolution for Errors

·  Add/view attachments

Table of Contents

Goods Receipt Compliance (GRC) Tool 1

Document Overview 1

Document Objectives 1

Goods Receipt Compliance (GRC) Tool Basics 3

Roles and Permissions 3

Starting the GRC Application 4

JD Supply Network Support 5

Help Information 5

Creating New Issues (Editors) 6

Add Attachments 8

Submit the New Issue 9

Screen Prompts and Error Messages 9

Search Goods Receipt Issues (All Users) 10

Issue Status Indicators 11

Download Search Results 11

Search Results Field Descriptions 12

Viewing Issues (All Users) 14

Editing Issues (Editors) 15

Supplier and Deere Contacts 17

User Search 17

Add/View Attachments 18

Add Internal Comments 19

Submit the Issue 19

Screen Prompts and Error Messages 20

Email Notifications 21

Deere Editor Automatic e-mail 21

Supplier Response Automatic e-mail 22

Responding to Issues (Suppliers) 23

Add/View Attachments 24

View Supporting Documents 25

Root Cause and Resolution for Errors 25

Submit the User Response 25

Glossary 26

Goods Receipt Compliance (GRC) Tool Basics

Roles and Permissions

John Deere employees and John Deere Suppliers will use the GRC application. Users require a valid John Deere or JDSN (John Deere Supply Network) userid and password to access the application.

Users will be assigned to one of the GRC user roles. User roles are described in the table below. Non-Deere employee users who are acting on behalf of Deere may be assigned to the Editor or Viewer.

Role / Description
Editor / ·  Examples: Deere and non-Deere receiving location personnel; EDI Coordinator.
·  Users with the Editor role are able to:
o  create new issues
o  edit and/or view existing issues.
o  add, edit and delete attachments
o  select the appropriate Deere and supplier contacts for the issue.
o  view and add Deere internal comments.
Deere Viewer / ·  Users with this role are able to:
o  create new issues
o  view issues and their attachments.
o  view and add Deere internal comments.
Supplier / ·  Note: There are 2 Supplier roles: External Supplier and Interfactory Supplier (John Deere Employee).
·  Suppliers are able to:
o  respond to issues
o  view issues and attachments
o  add attachments and issue comments.
·  Supplier Profile contacts with the Business Role of EDI, JDSN Web EDI or Logistics are retrieved as supplier contacts in the GRC Tool based on the unit selected.
·  Selected supplier contacts receive email notification when issues are submitted. The email message contains a link to a specific issue in the GRC Tool.

Starting the GRC Application

Use these steps to start the GRC Application from the JD Supply Network (JDSN) page.

1.  Display the JD Supply Network page.

/ This page is located at

2.  Type your John Deere userid (i.e., ou12345) in the User Name box.

3.  Click in the Password box and type your password.

4.  Click the Sign In button.

5.  Click on the I Accept button on the JDN Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement page. The My JDSN Home Page displays.

6.  Click on the Applications link at the top of the page.

7.  Select Goods Receipt Compliance Tool (GRC) from the list of JDSN applications to display the application mini home page.

/ The application mini home page includes links to other related information, including Business Objects reports and training materials.
/ You may also position the mouse over the Delivery option on the Quick Launch Menu and select Goods Receipt Compliance Tool (GRC).

8.  On the application mini home page, click the Access Goods Receipt Compliance Application button to display the GRC Main Menu.

/ Deere users with Dual roles will also have a drop down box on main menu allowing them to toggle between Deere and Supplier role (if they need to respond on behalf of their unit).

JD Supply Network Support

All Suppliers/External users as well as U.S. and Canadian Deere employees can call the Supply Management Enterprise Support Center at 800.939.1499 for help with applications available from JD Supply Network (JDSN). Anyone calling will be asked for his or her userid.

There are other JDSN resources to assist you including the FAQ's section, Resource Center, and individual Unit Supply Management information where you can find specific unit contact information.

Help Information

Click the help link to display help information pertinent to the JDSN Goods Receipt Compliance Tool Application.

Select the contact us link to display the Supply Management Enterprise Support Center phone numbers, email link and, for European users, an email form.

Click the “tabs” at the top of the help page to display FAQ, Glossary or Contact Us information.

Click the “X” button in the upper right corner to close the help window and return to the page you were viewing before selecting help.

Creating New Issues (Editors)

Goods Receipt Issues are created in the GRC Tool as a way to track and resolve goods receipt compliance problems. New issues are usually created by a receiving dock employee, but can be created by any employee with Deere access to JDSN. New issues are then reviewed by an EDI Coordinator, or other employee assigned to the Editor role. The EDI Coordinator/Editor enters additional information, selects email contacts and then submits the issue.

While all fields are not required, the optional fields should be used as necessary to help explain the issue for all viewers, editors, and suppliers.

Use the steps listed below to create a new issue.

/ Fields with the red asterisk (*) are required.
  1. Click on the Initiate New Goods Receipt Issue link on the Main Menu to display the Create New Issue page.
  2. In the John Deere Unit field, select the unit who placed the order. This field is required.
  3. In the Problem Description field, select the option that best describes the problem encountered when the order was received. This field is required.
  4. You may enter comments or additional information in the Problem Comments field. Comments must be entered for problem descriptions ending with an asterisk (*).

/ Problem comments are visible to all users.
Comment fields can also be used to capture your standard receiving process information where GRC does not have a designated data field (e.g., container count, etc.)
  1. Enter a part number from the packing list that is impacted by the issue in the Material / Part / Item Number field. This field is required.
  1. Enter the number of parts impacted by the issue in the Number of Part Numbers Impacted field. This field is required.

/ For example, if you have 10 different part numbers listed on the packing list that are impacted by the problem, enter one of the part numbers in the Material / Part / Item Number field and enter 10 in the Number of Part Numbers Impacted field.
  1. Do one of the following:
  1. Click the Get Supplier & Doc Number button to see a list of suppliers, purchasing document and document types associated with the part number and unit entered in the top part of the form. Do NOT use this option if the issue is related to shipping damage, as it may replace the carrier supplier number with the material supplier number.
  2. Select the appropriate Vendor option.
  3. The Supplier Number and Purchasing Document/PO Number are retrieved by the system and entered automatically. The Planner name will also be added to the issue.


  1. Type the Vendor/Supplier Number for the part.

/ The part number must be valid for the unit selected in the John Deere Unit field.
  1. Type the Purchasing Document Number / PO Number.
  2. Enter the packing list number in the Pack List Number field.

/ This field is required. If the receiving problem is a missing packing list, type the word “missing” in the Pack List Number field.
  1. In the Pack List Quantity field, enter the quantity of parts shipped for a given part number indicated on the packing list.
  2. Enter the ASN Number associated with this shipment.

/ The ASN Number may also be called the Shipment ID or SID number, this is the unique number used to clearly identify the ASN in EDI associated with this shipment.
  1. In the ASN Quantity field, enter the quantity of parts shipped for the part number as indicated on the ASN.
  2. In the Order Quantity field, enter the quantity of parts ordered by Deere for a given part number as indicated by the purchasing system data.
  3. In the Received Quantity field, enter the quantity of parts shipped by the supplier and received by Deere for a given part number as indicated by shipping label and / or physical count.
  4. You may attach supporting documents in the File Attachments area.

Add Attachments

/ Examples of documents you may wish to attach are packing list, bill of lading, delivery notes, shipping documents, digital photos, etc.
  1. Click on the Browse button to display the Choose File dialog box.
  2. Navigate to the desired file and select it.
  3. Click on the Open button to add the file path to the Add New File Attachment field.
  1. Click on the Upload File button to add the file to the File Attachments list.
  1. Repeat steps a - d to include additional documents.

/ Click on the View File link to view an attached document. If you need to delete a comment click on the Delete File link to remove the file from the issue.

Submit the New Issue

/ Issues cannot be deleted after they are submitted. Please review the information for accuracy before submitting the new issue.
  1. Confirm that all information entered is correct and then click on the Submit button when complete to submit the issue for review.
/ An issue number is assigned and displayed when the new issue is submitted. You may use the issue number to search for the issue and edit it.
The Deere Status is set to New and the Supplier Status is set to No Response from Supplier.
/ No e-mail notifications are sent by the GRC Tool when issues are created. Users must use the Search Goods Receipt Issues function to display and edit a new issue.

Screen Prompts and Error Messages

If an error occurs, an error message appears and the field with the incorrect information is highlighted in red.

Click OK to close the error message. Correct the error and submit again.

/ Messages also appear in the message area in the upper left corner of the screen.
Click the message number link to display specific information about the message. Click the close button to close the Help window for the error message.

Search Goods Receipt Issues (All Users)

Use the steps listed below to search for Goods Receipt Issues.

  1. Log on to the GRC tool and display the Main Menu.
  2. Click on the Search Goods Receipt Issues link to display the Search Issues screen.
  3. Enter criteria in any of the search fields to limit the results.

/ Deere Status options are: New, In Progress, New or In Progress, Deere Complete and All.
Press and hold the Ctrl key on your keyboard to select multiple John Deere Units.
Supplier Status options are: No Response From Supplier, Supplier Working on it, Supplier Completed and All.
Expanded View: Choose Yes if you wish to see additional fields of information for the issues. Suppliers may view all fields except Updated Comments (Deere comments/discussion)

  1. Click on the Retrieve button to see a list of search results.

/ The Vendor/Supplier Number field drop-down list includes any supplier numbers associated with your User ID.
/ Search results display up to 500 issues. If results return more than 500 records you may use the Download button to download the search results to Excel and view all results there.

Issue Status Indicators

Deere/Supplier Status Indicator / Deere Status / Supplier Status /
/ New / No Response from Supplier
/ In-Progress / Supplier Working on it
/ Deere Complete / Supplier Completed
/ See the Search Results Field Descriptions table that follows for a complete list of fields displayed in the search results along with a description of each field.

Download Search Results

If results return more than 500 records you may use the Download button to download the search results to Excel and view all results there. Or you just may prefer to review the issues returned in Excel.

Use the following steps to download search results to Excel.

  1. Perform the desired search and view the results.
  2. Click on the Download button to display the File Download dialog box.
  3. Do one of the following:

·  Click on the Open button to start Excel and immediately display the search results in an Excel spreadsheet.

Click on the Save button to save the information in an Excel document you can open later.