Table of Contents Page
Introduction 2
Completed Activities for 2005 - 2006:
Professional Staff Teaching/Learning Center 3
Professional Staff Workshop Opportunities
Academic Affairs Programs 4
DCC Professional Staff Development Workshops 4
Human Resources Management Programs 6
Tuition Support
DCC Tuition Reimbursement 6
SUNY Tuition Waiver 7
DCC Tuition Waiver 7
Grant Support
Improvement of Instruction Grants 7
Individual Professional Fund Allowance 8
C.B. Schmidt Award 8
DCC Foundation Mini-Grant Awards 9
External Grants Obtained 12
Professional Leave Support
Conference Attendance 12
Sabbatical Leaves and Leaves of Absence 12
Professional Staff Recognition
Length of Service 13
Faculty Promotions and Tenure 14
Faculty Endowed Chair 14
The Handel Family Faculty Endowed Chair to Perpetuate the Legacy of
Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt 14
Chancellor's Awards for Excellence in Professional Service & Teaching 14
Administrative Three Year Term Appointments / Renewals 15
NTE Promotions 15
Preview of Activities for 2006 - 2007:
Grant Support
Next Year's DCC Foundation C.B.Schmidt / Mini-Grant Awards 16
Professional Leave Support
Next Year's Sabbatical Leaves and Leaves of Absence 18
Dutchess Community College remains ardently committed to the continuing development of the professional staff. This Professional Development Report shows the willingness of the College to commit time, personnel, and financial resources to support a diverse range of high quality activities undertaken by the professional staff. DCC strives to be a leader in professional staff development.
n The Office of Academic Affairs administers Tuition Reimbursement, SUNY Tuition Waivers, conference attendance, Improvement of Instruction Grants, contact hour release time, faculty sabbaticals, faculty promotion & tenure, the DCC Foundation / C. B. Schmidt Mini-Grant Awards, and the Chancellor's Awards for Excellence in Professional Service and Excellence in Teaching.
n The Professional Staff Development Committee, in conjunction with the Office of Academic Affairs, coordinates a program of staff development workshops.
n The Professional Staff Teaching / Learning Center provides individual assistance and group workshops to professional staff in the use of instructional technology.
n The Office of Human Resources Management administers the DCC Tuition Waiver, DCC Credit free course attendance, the Length of Service Awards, faculty leaves, and administrative staff sabbaticals, promotions and term appointments.
n The Office of Human Resources Management also coordinates a program of staff development workshops.
n The Office of the Registrar administers audits of DCC credit courses.
n The Business Office coordinates with the principal authors of external grants.
n The Computer Center conducts regular in-service computer training.
In the fourteenth annual Professional Development Report, the Office of Academic Affairs presents a summary of professional development at Dutchess Community College for the 2005-2006 academic year. Additional copies of this report may be obtained from the Office of Academic Affairs. The report is also available electronically on-campus via the College home page, then Academics, Documents.
Dr. Penny Haynes
Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
The Professional Staff Teaching / Learning Center (TLC) assists the instructional and professional staff in activities related to incorporating all aspects of technology into credit courses and programs at Dutchess Community College. Assistance is also provided, when staff time is available, for work-related presentations. By teaching faculty and professional staff members, the Center’s staff encourages its users to become proficient in the use of instructional technology, thereby promoting the concept of self-sufficiency.
The TLC is staffed by a Director and a team of student assistants who will provide individualized or small group training in areas such as the Windows environment, design and maintenance of internet based materials, Blackboard, Creation of presentational materials, CD burning, scanning, multimedia projects, and more. The TLC strives to assist faculty who wish to creatively use instructional technology to improve student learning. The facility is equipped with six computer terminals, two scanners, CD/DVD burning hardware, and two multimedia centers.
The TLC is located in Hudson Hall, room 232 in the DCC Library and located on the web at www.sunydutchess.edu/tlc. Access to room 232 is through the main entrance to the library. The TLC is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. To make an appointment or for more information about the TLC, contact Nancy Wozniak, TLC Director (431-8976 or ). Because of the growing demands on the TLC, please schedule an appointment to ensure availability of a station or assistance.
q Five State of the art P-4 Computer systems
q One multi-media computer system for both video and audio
q One G-5 Mac
q CD and DVD creators including multi CD burning
q Multi page scanners
q 35 mm slide and negative scanner
q Color printing, photo printing and color copying
q TV, VCR, DVD players for viewing
Software Training and Assistance:
q Blackboard
q PowerPoint and other presentation software
q FrontPage and other software for authoring web pages
q Support for Windows 98, ME and XP
q Multi-media editing software for both video and audio
q Photo editing software
q Software books and training software
q Sink, microwave, refrigerator
q Lunch or work tables (can be moved for group work)
Academic Affairs Programs
The Office of Academic Affairs conducted and/or developed the following professional development programs this year:
§ Academic Affairs Division Retreat
§ Adjunct Faculty Orientation
§ Departmental Affairs Council Retreats
§ First-year Faculty and Mentors Luncheons
§ All day Full-time Faculty Academic Orientations
§ Orientation for New Full-time Members of the Professional Staff
§ Tenure Track Faculty Leadership Luncheon
§ Promotion and Tenure Workshop
§ Sabbatical Workshop
The Office of Academic Affairs sponsored the following speakers on campus:
· Ms. Linda Suskie
· Dr. Walter Asonevich
· Professor Michael Kazin
"Teaching for Success"
This monthly newsletter (except for summer months) is available for viewing on the DCC website.
The Professional Staff Development Committee, listed below, develops ideas and works with faculty members to create and present professional development workshops.
Professional Staff Development Committee 2005-06
Dan Barbuto
Madelyn Bashoff
Bruce Cassel
Susan Conrad, Chair
Paul Higgins
Navina Hooker
Steve Huck
James Mabry
Laura Murphy
Paula Perez
Brian Powers
Camilo Rojas
Andrew Scala
Carol Stevens
Melissa Mesuda-Ortega
The Professional Staff Development Committee in conjunction with the Office of Academic Affairs sponsored the following professional development programs this year:
Fall Semester 2005
· “Enhancing Student Learning Through Assessment” Ms. Linda Suskie
Professional Development Week, January 2006
· “Getting On Board The Assessment Railroad Or How Dr. Walter Asonevich
To Avoid The Middle States Cow Catcher”
· “Critical Thinking and Reflective Judgment; Tom Denton &
Conversations Across the Disciplines” Leigh Williams
· Sharing Instructional Strategies for Developmental Dr. Lucia Cherciu
Education: An Interdisciplinary Forum
· Historical Walking Tour of New York City George Stevens &
Dave Freeman
· Digital Data Management Nancy Wozniak
· Working with the Millennial Student: Paula Perez
Strategies for Success Susan Pulliam
· Wellness for Academic Success Brian Powers
· Hotel Rwanda Joel Diemond Laura Murphy
· CyberCheat: Dealing with Academic Dishonesty Wendy Bohlinger
In a Wired World Ron Crovisier
Tom Trinchera
· “The Fate of the Christian Left in America” Michael Kazin of
Georgetown University
· CSTEP, Disability Services, EOP, FOCUS, Honors Wendy Bohlinger
Program and Smart Start: Discussion of Student Stewart Dawes
Programs and Services Tammy MacBrien
Paula Perez
Werner Steger
Rita Weber
· Domestic Violence in the Lives of our Students Judy Lombardi
Professional Development Week, May 2006
· Changing Conflict through Mediation Jody Miller
· Flora, Fauna, Climate, Geology and Culture of Mark McConnaughhay
Australia, New Zealand, and the Western US
· Roundtable Conversations Across the Disciplines- Tom Denton
Beautiful Problems, Critical Thinking Leigh Williams
and Reflective Judgment
· Working with Hot Wax Paints Pamela Blum
· VIP tour of the Historic Poughkeepsie-Highland Fred Schaeffer
Railroad Bridge
· Hike Along the Hudson – Vanderbilt Mansion Dan Barbuto
National Historic Site
Human Resources Management Programs
The Office of Human Resources Management offered the following staff development workshops this year:
§ New Employee Orientation
§ Right-To-Know Law
§ Sexual Harassment Training
DCC Tuition Reimbursement (Account #5113)
Thirty-five faculty and administrators received tuition support as of August 31, 2006
totaling $31,022
Bridgette Anderson
Joe Cosentino
Rachel Craparo
Carla DelTreste
Karen Desmond
Mary Dohrenwend
Dave Freeman
Juan Garcia-Nunez
Jackie Goffe-McNish
Sandra Holst
Barbara Kabbash
Susan Kennen
Lisa Keto
Patricia Lamanna
Phil Marsh
Ornella Mazzuca
Nancy Moskowitz
Deborah Most
Marta Newkirk
Margaret Olimpieri
Diana Pollard
Lisa Pignetti
Patricia Prunty
Ellena Reda
Mark Roland
Manuel Sairitupa
Jody Sterling
Carol Stevens
Craig Stokes
Tara Sweet
John Trosie
Debbie VanBuren
Rita Weber
Sally Weglinski
Robert Zasso
SUNY Tuition Waiver
Three members of the professional staff used SUNY Tuition Waivers:
Anthony Denizard
Toni Doherty
Mary Dohrenwend
DCC Tuition Waiver
Waivers were taken by members of the professional staff for themselves and/or their immediate family members to take DCC credit courses at no charge. As of August 31, 2006, the total amount of the College contribution to this benefit for the year was $51,315.
Improvement of Instruction Grants
The primary purpose of Professional Development Projects is the improvement of instruction through projects outside the normal course development activities regularly engaged in by faculty members. These may include such activities as the production of multimedia presentations, computer simulations, self-paced tutorials, instructional manuals, or other course materials for department use; development of faculty seminars which may include the use of outside scholars or consultants; or participation in off-campus workshops or credit-free courses which bear directly upon instruction and course content.
Twenty-eight faculty and administrators received support as of August 31, 2006
totaling $19,704
Seemi Ahmad
Leah Akins
Barbara Cavalieri
Jeff Clapp
Jeff Clark
Karen Desmond
Dana Dorrity
Pamela Duda
Michele Elone
Carmen Garcia
Juan Garcia-Nunez
David Gavner
Jacqueline Goffe-McNish
Bill Harwood
Susan Kennen
Melanie Klein
Pat Lamanna
Ornella Mazzuca
Catherine McGuire
Holly Molella
Keith O’Neil
Gerri Pozzi-Galluzi
Fran Raucci
Craig Stokes
Christine Turczyn
Debbie Van Buren
Christel Venieri
Leigh Williams
Individual Professional Fund Allowance
Each member of the professional staff is entitled to be reimbursed up to $350.00 per year toward the purchase of books, journals, subscriptions, computer hardware and software, and travel to workshops and conferences. Expenses must be job-related and approved by the staff member's department head. The DCC Individual Professional Funds, commonly known as the "Book and Travel Allowance", may also be used to defray costs of membership in professional organizations and subscriptions to professional journals.
Starting in September 2001, eligible continuing members of the professional staff may elect to pool their book allowance for a specified two-year period.
The Individual Professional Fund Allowance is a negotiated benefit. Specific procedures for claims under this benefit are available from the College.
As of August 31, 2006, a total of $56,936 has been paid from this fund.
C. B. Schmidt Award
Until his death in 1968, C. B. Schmidt served as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Dutchess Community College. His ten years of service to the college guided it during a period of rapid growth. He was actively concerned with the expansion of Dutchess' curriculums as well as its physical facilities. Mr. Schmidt's contributions as Chairman of the Board were recognized by the professional staff with the establishment of a development fund in his name.
The criteria for awards have been the "anticipated contribution to the development of the DCC professional staff."
The C. B. Schmidt Award funds, with the support of the DCC Professional Staff Organization and the Schmidt family, were combined with DCC Foundation Mini-Grant funds in May 1999. This allows the funds to grow faster. A special C. B. Schmidt Mini-Grant will be designated each year for a project that meets the criteria of the former Schmidt award (see next section).
Members of the DCC Foundation Mini-Grant Awards Committee for 2005- 2006 were Constance Eames, Paul Newsome, Navina Hooker, Tara Sweet, Daniel Valentine, Maryanne Kinsella, Timothy Decker, and James Mabry. Michael H. Graham represented the DCC Foundation Board. David Schmidt, representing the Schmidt family was unable to attend.
The Awards Committee received twenty-one applications totaling just over $36,000. The Committee recommends funding for all twenty-one projects totaling $35,000. Brief descriptions of the applications are provided below.
The project by Sara Taylor to conduct research on computer assisted instruction in math and the project by Deborah Weibman, Maryanne Kinsella, and Jane Selin to undertake online training in the SPSS statistics software will be designated as the C.B. Schmidt Mini-Grant Awards. Both projects represent research that may yield significant results for the College.
The DCC Heritage Project, conducted by Andrew Rieser and Richard Reitano, will be the recipient of the Matt Finley Mini-Grant Award.
Award Descriptions (listed alphabetically):
Seemi Ahmad and Mark Condon $3000 (full funding)
This award will provide part of the funding needed for DCC to host the Beacon Project in June, 2006. The Beacon Project showcases student research and writing skills at an annual conference and awards ceremony.
Mark Condon $2000 (partial funding)
This project will focus on student learning outcomes assessment in the biological sciences. Prof. Condon will work with colleagues in the AHBS Department and other area colleges to organize a workshop utilizing an expert in this area to help in the development of plans for assessing student learning in the biological sciences.
David Freeman $1315 (full funding)
This project will support the successful DCC High School Architectural Competition. The Competition stimulates interest in architecture among area high school students and helps promote awareness of the Architecture and Construction Technology programs at DCC.
David Freeman & Catherine McGuire $650 (full funding)
This award will support a one-day “Day of Architecture” to be hosted at DCC. This will bring high school students and their parents, local architects, and outside sponsors to the college. Students will work in groups with local architects to complete a project that they will present at the end of the day.