TITLE (Bold and uppercase; Arial 12; centralized; line spacing 1.5; Title should not exceed 30 words)
First Author1, Second Author1, Third Author1, Silva, A. B.1 (e.g.)
1University/Department. (Font Arial 10, center alignment, single line spacing).
E-mail: (e.g.).
(Font Arial 10, centralized, single line spacing).
Keywords: 3-5 keywords related to the study separated by comma (e.g.: word 1, word 2, ...,word 5). All keywords must match terms listed on the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) database (https://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/) (Arial 10; justified; line spacing 1.15)
Abstract (Arial 10, Bold, Aligned left)
A non-structured abstract of no more than 250 words must be provided. It is not allowed insert any figure or table in this section. References should be avoided. If it is essential, please cite the author(s) and year(s). Also, non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, but they must be defined at their first mention in the abstract itself if they are essential. (Font Arial 10, justified text, single line spacing)
Hypothesis (Arial 10, Bold, Aligned left)
A simple affirmation susceptible to denial (Font Arial 10, justified text, single line spacing).
Introduction (Arial 10, Bold, Aligned left)
It should be brief and contemplates the rationale for the study, its context and what is known about. (Text Arial 10, single line spacing, justified text). Indentation should be 1.25 cm in all paragraphs.
Objectives (Arial 10, Bold, Aligned left)
Main objective (Font Arial 10, justified text, single line spacing)
Materials and Methods (Arial 10, Bold, Aligned left)
Approval from the institutional ethics committee (i.e. CEUA nº xxxxx.2017.xx), type of study, samples, place, procedures, measurements, variables and outcome, sample size and statistical analysis. (Text Arial 10, single line spacing, justified text). Indentation should be 1.25 cm in all paragraphs. Subtitles (Arial 10, italic).
Preliminary Results/ Expected Results (Arial 10, Bold, Aligned left)
Main findings/Expected findings (scientific contribution). (Text Arial 10, single line spacing, justified text). All figures and tables should be displayed at the end of this section (Please, use the models provided by the Scientific Committee). Indentation should be 1.25 cm in all paragraphs.
Table X – Table title (Arial 10, Bold, Justified text)
If necessary, insert footnotes here (Arial 8, justified text, single line spacing)
Figure X – Figure title (Arial 10, Bold, Justified text)
Figure X – Figure caption. A caption should comprise a brief title (not on the figure itself) and a brief description of the illustration (Arial 10, center alignment, single line spacing).Conclusions (Arial 10, Bold, Aligned Left; please delete this section if not applicable)
It should be based on the objective. (Text Arial 10, single line spacing, justified text). Indentation should be 1.25 cm in all paragraphs.
Acknowledgments (Arial 10, Bold, Aligned Left)
Formal statement recognizing individuals and institutions that contributed to conception of the project and approved grants from financial agencies that will support the research. (Text Arial 10, single line spacing, justified text). Indentation should be 1.25 cm in all paragraphs.
References (Arial 10, Bold, Aligned Left)
References must be in VANCOUVER style (Arial 10, single line spacing, no indentation, justified text).
Examples of vancouver style:
Body text
Citations in the text:
A recent study (1) indicates....
According to Silva (2)... (for one author)
Carvalho et al. (3) stated that... – More than one author
Citing several works (i.e. 1,2,3,7,8):
Several studies (1-3,7,8) have shown...
Article with 1 to 6 authors:
Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, Author DD. Title of article. Abbreviated title of journal. Date of publication;volume number(issue number):page numbers.
Article with more than 6 authors:
Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, Author DD, Author EE, Author FF, et al. Title of article. Abbreviated title of journal. Date of publication;volume number(issue number):page numbers.
Print book:
Author AA. Title of book. edition [if not first]. Place of Publication: Publisher; Year of publication. Pagination.
Web page/home page:
Author/organization's name. Title of the page [Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher's name; Date or year of publication [updated yr month day; cited yr month day]. Available from: URL
This should be the 4th and last page of the abstract. Please, ensure that the submitted abstract possesses between 2 and 4 pages. The abstract will be rejected in case of less 2 or more 4 pages.