World Civilizations
Disclosure 2017-18
Mr. Chris Maag Room 106 email:
Course/Class Description
Understanding our origins helps us to better understand the events of today. In our World Civilizations class, we will discuss the origins, and rise/fall, of each civilization while discussing their impact on today’s cultures. We will use this knowledge to discuss the world’s current events as well understanding our rolls in our community, nation, and world.
Class Requirements
1- Notebook- Students are required to keep an organized notebook, which should be brought to class every day. It will be used to store vocabulary, assignments, and class notes.
2- Class Participation- Points will be awarded to those students who follow directions and participate in class. Students who choose not to obey classroom rules and directions will lose class participation points and their citizenship grade may also be affected.
3- Quizzes/Tests- During the semester tests and quizzes will be given. If a student is marked absent on test or quiz day, he/she will have until ONE WEEK BEFORE the end of the term to take the test before or after school.
4- Assignments- All assignments must be neat, readable, and turned in on the specified due date for full credit. If a student is marked absent on the due date, he/she must submit the assignment on the same day he/she returns to school in order to receive full credit. The student must write “absent and the date” on the assignment. If a student is marked absent from class, it is his/her responsibility to come in before, or after, school to obtain the make-up work. Assignments will also be included on the blog.Late assignments up to three days past the deadline will be discounted 25%. Late work over the three days past will be accepted at a 50% discount. I reserve the right to adjust the late work and late quiz/test policy for students with special circumstances.
Citizenship Policy
Citizenship will be determined by behavior, attitude, tardiness, and effort. Failure to follow directions, excessive talking, swearing, destruction of classroom property, lack of preparedness, cheating, having food in the classroom, using electronics and poor use of class time are examples of unacceptable behavior. **Failure to abide by the rules will result in one or more of the following consequences: verbal warning, conference with teacher, lowering of citizenship grade, contact with parents, and/or referral to administration.
Royal R & R – School-Wide Program, Policy and Procedures:
Royal students—your academic success is very important to the teaching staff of Roy High! The ultimate goal is GRADUATION and college and career readiness!! We’ve created a program aimed at encouraging regular attendance, achievement, and responsible citizenship in each class, and expectations are high. Royal students, stay in the struggle, graduation is worth it!
Review & Reward: Throughout the week, students may earn the opportunity to leave class early during review & reward time. Students with a grade of C+ or higher will be given the option of leaving class, while students with a C grade or below will be required to use the time to review, make-up, or re-learn material. Students with a C+ or higher may choose to remain in class for review as well. All students who are tardy to class that day or who have lost attendance credit in the class will not be released during the review time. Students must also have their school ID. Students are required to use the review time effectively, so students who are current on all assignments for the class will be required to bring other course work, a book, or provide help/tutoring to other students reviewing material. Time spent as a “peer tutor” is viewed favorably on college scholarship and job applications!
Part of your academic grade will be based on attendance. For every unexcused absence, points will be deducted from your grade. If you are school excused, you are sick, or you have any type of personal reasons as to why you are not in my class for that day those points will not be deducted, but you have to contact me beforehand. If you fail to contact me you will not be given those points back again, unless your parent or guardian contacts me through email or by phone.
Electronic Device Policy
Students are may use their phones to submit assignments, review the class blog and materials, but are not to be used for texting, updating your status, tweeting, snap chatting, etc! Students are expected to have their phones put away while they are in my class unless Mr. Maag says otherwise. Any student on their phones during class will be invited to put them away. If you are found on your phone again they will be taken by Mr. Maag and you may pick them up at the end of the day.
Your grade will be based on quizzes, tests, assignments, participation and attendance. The grading scale is as follows:
100-93% ------A 83-80% ------B- 69-67% ------D+
92-90% ------A- 79-77% ------C+ 66-64% ------D
89-87% ------B+ 76-74% ------C 63-60% ------D-
86-84% ------B 73-70% ------C- 59% or less ------F
Students are responsible for keeping their textbooks in the best condition possible. Students must keep their books covered or fines will be assessed at the end of the semester.
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact Mr. Maag before/after school hours or via email at .
Video Presentation Permission
We will be watching movies and documentaries some of which are from the History Channel, National Geographic Channel, and Discovery Channel. These movies will aid students’ learning and understanding of certain topics. Some of these movies are rated PG-13. According to district policy, we need parent/guardian permission to show these movies. These movies include: Beckett-1960’sEgyptian Pyramids/MummificationSpartacus- 1960’sThe Real 300- The last stand- History Channel, The Dark Ages- History ChannelKnight’s TaleRome: History Channel. By signing this document, you are giving your student permission to participate on these days. If you would rather not have them participate other opportunities will be available on those days for credit and learning.
Please read/sign & return to Mr. Maag with your studentWorld Civilizations 2017-18
I have read the class disclosure for Mr. Maag’s Government class for ______(print student’s name) and understand what is expected for my student. I
For my student to participate on the days that we will be viewing videos that are rated PG-13.
(Parent’s Signature) (Date)
______(Parent Email Address/ Phone Number)