CI 424 4
Wichita State University
College of Education
Course Syllabus
CI 424: Secondary Education Practicum
1 credit hour
Semester: Spring 2009
Class Times: Tuesdays, TBA Location: Schools, TBA
Faculty Member: Daniel Bergman, Ph.D.
Office Address: 117 Corbin Education Center, Campus Box 28, WSU, Wichita, KS 67260
Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday, 10:30-12:00; other times by appointment
Telephone: (316) 978-6387
Note: Weather Cancellations – Call 978-6633 (select 2) to obtain information on weather related class cancellations. Unless WSU is officially closed or the printed class schedule indicates, class will be held.
E-mail Addresses:
- Send all questions and related correspondence to
- Send ALL completed assignments to
Catalog Description: This practicum is designed to allow students to spend time in an appropriate classroom setting(s) working with a cooperating teacher(s) to plan, implement, and assess instruction aligned with state and/or district standards. S/U grading.
Prerequisites: CI 317 Literacy Strategies in the Content Areas, CI 427 Philosophy, History and Ethics of Education and CI 318 Middle Level/Secondary Literacy Practicum; concurrent enrollment in CESP 433 Introduction to Learning and Evaluation and CI 423 ISAM: Secondary Education
Textbook(s) and Related Material:
You are STRONGLY recommended to join your subject specific professional organization as a student member (discounted rate).
Additional resources to be provided via instructor and electronic media.
Behind almost every great man there stands either a good parent or a good teacher.
- Gilbert Highet
CI 424 Secondary Education Practicum is offered spring only in the secondary licensure programs at Wichita State University. It is taken for 1 hour of credit that translates to 1 class session a week required in the public schools. In Spring 2009, WSU students will choose between a class session at 9:00 – 11:00 am OR at 1:00 – 3:00 pm on Tuesdays. Placements will begin on Tuesday, January 27, 2009 and continue (except for spring break) through Tuesday, May 5, 2009.
University candidates are placed with a supervising teacher licensed in their subject area. This practicum provides candidates with the opportunity to put into practice in the public schools the strategies and skills introduced in the campus course CI 423 Instructional Strategies, Assessment and Management (ISAM): Secondary Education.
CI 424 Course requirements for candidates and the time commitments of the classroom teacher are as follows:
1. observe classroom routines and procedures
2. interview supervising teacher about classroom routines and procedures (interview may
occur either in person or by e-mail)
3. plan, implement and assess a minimum of THREE lessons with the following criteria:
a. Each lesson must last 10 minutes or longer
b. At least one lesson must involve large/whole-group instruction
c. At least one lesson must involve small group instruction
4. observe district, building, and classroom factors influencing instruction
The candidates will have completed approximately 60% of their subject area major as well as the foundational core of Introduction to Diversity (7 hours), a literacy course (2 hours), and history, philosophy, and ethics course (3 hours).
Major Topics: Each guiding principle, associated with a major topic, is addressed and assessed in this course:
Major Topics /Guiding Principles from the Unit Conceptual Framework*
Professionalism and Reflection (PR) / Human Development and Diversity (HDD) / Connection of Teaching Experiences and Assessment (CTA) / Technology (T) / Content Knowledge, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, and Alignment with Standards (CKS) / Collaboration (C)Reflective Practice / ×
Professionalism / ×
Collaboration / ×
Diversity and Exceptionalities / ×
Instructional Planning, Implementation, and Assessment / × / × / ×
Classroom Management / × / × / ×
Resource Acquisition / × / × / × / ×
Technology / ×
Technology Expectations:
Students are expected to be familiar with all of the technology expectations of the Core I Technology Integration Plan. In addition, students should check their WSU e-mail account at least every other day for messages. Technology awareness and applications play a major role in this course. Students are expected to approach all learning with an open attitude; this is especially true of learning in the technological area.
Students are expected to word process formal written materials. Internet research is required for formal written assignments. E-mails will be answered in a timely manner during the workweek. For an immediate response, students are encouraged to use the home telephone number provided.
For Undergraduate Teacher Education also see the course outline for the Technology Integration Plan Requirements.
A Note about Confidentiality:
Maintaining the confidentiality of Birth-to-Grade 12 pupils with whom WSU field placement students work is extremely important and is a legal requirement. It is also important to remember that our field placements exist because WSU maintains good working relationships with schools. Thus, it is critical to maintain confidentiality with respect to children, teachers and other school personnel.
You are encouraged to use your good judgment using non-identifying pseudonyms to refer to your placement sites, cooperating teachers, and students in your classes in all of your written communications (including journals, personal blogs, Facebook, etc.) and in public conversations (e.g. on a bus, in a restaurant, etc.).
Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it.
Autograph your work with excellence.
- Author Unknown
Excellence is not an act but a habit. The things you do the most are the
things you will do best.
- Marva Collins
Life is meant to be a never-ending education, and when this is fully appreciated,
we are no longer survivors but adventurers.
- David McNally
Course Assignments:
Detailed assignment sheets and rubrics will be distributed in class for appropriate assignments.
Contextual Factors Report (15%)
Routines and Procedures Report/Peer Evaluation (25%)
Self-Evaluation of Large Group Lesson (30%)
Self-Evaluation of Small Group Lesson/Peer Evaluation (30%)
*More information regarding the assignments listed above will be provided during the course of the semester.
Weighted averages of the assignments above combine to form the overall grade earned in this course, given as a final overall percentage. Neither individual nor final scores will be rounded up. The overall percentage translates into the following designations.
Satisfactory (S) = 70-100%
Unsatisfactory (U) = below 70%
Course Policies:
* Papers will be word processed, APA style, and submitted as attached Word documents (.doc, please NO .docx format). Send all assignments to (please note this special address; papers sent to the wrong email address will lose 10% points).
* Due dates are given in the initial CI 423/424 schedule provided on Blackboard. Turn in work on or before these deadlines.
* Late papers will lose 10% points for each day after the due date. Please back up your work.
* Please turn off all electronic devices (laptop, cell phone, music, PDA, etc.) during your time in the school classroom.
* Please wear appropriate clothing befitting a teacher when you are in schools.
A Recommendation—Professional Teaching Portfolio
Begin collecting artifacts and documentation that demonstrate what you have learned and your commitment to the teaching profession. Your portfolio should be self-explanatory, and say much about you. Ensure that your portfolio truthfully portrays you, your professionalism, energy, and commitment to teaching. This portfolio will be invaluable to you when you begin interviewing for positions. The portfolio will NOT be turned in. Its significance lies in its value to you in acquiring a position and continuing your professional development. Moreover, the materials you collect for your portfolio will give you a “head start” for your Resource File, a prominent assignment in the subject-specific methods courses (CI 454).
Learner Outcomes (assessments, guiding principles and KSDE standards):
Course Outcomes / Related Assessment / Guiding Principles from the Conceptual Framework / KSDE Program StandardsThe secondary educator is a reflective practitioner who acts professionally. / Contextual Factors Report
Routine and Procedures Report
Lesson Self-Evaluations / PR / S4-P1-4, S5-P 6, S7, P2-3, S8-P4-5-6, S9-P1-3. S12-P3, S13-P2-3
The secondary educator promotes the ideals of diversity. / Contextual Factors Report
Routine and Procedures Report
Lesson Self-Evaluations / HDD / S1-P4, S3-P2-5-6-7, S4-P5, S7-P1, S10-P4
The secondary educator is able to meet the needs of student with exceptionalities. / Contextual Factors Report
Routine and Procedures Report
Lesson Self-Evaluations / HDD / S3-P3-8
The secondary educator works collaborative. / Routine and Procedures Report
Lesson Self-Evaluations / C / S8-P2, S9-P2, S10-P1-2, S13-P1
The secondary educator functions within all legal requirements and procedures. / Routine and Procedures Report
Lesson Self-Evaluations / PR / S5-P8, S10-P5, S13-P4
The secondary educator is able to design instruction. / Contextual Factors Report
Lesson Self-Evaluations / CTA CKS / S1-P3, S2-P2, S3-P1, S6-P2, S8-P7, S11-P1-3
The secondary educator is able to implement instruction. / Contextual Factors Report
Lesson Self-Evaluations / CTA, CKS / S1-P-1, S4-P2-6, S5-P2, S6-P1-3, S7-P4, S11-P2-4
The secondary educator utilizes effective assessment processes. / Contextual Factors Report
Lesson Self-Evaluations / CTA / S3-P1-3, S4-P3, S7-P5, S8-P1-3
The secondary educator demonstrates effective classroom management skills. / Routine and Procedures Report
Lesson Self-Evaluations / CTA / S5-P1-3-4-5-7
The secondary educator is able to use resources effectively. / Contextual Factors Report
Lesson Self-Evaluations / CKS / S1-P2, S3-P4, S4-P2, S10-P3
The secondary educator is technologically skilled. / Routine and Procedures Report
Lesson Self-Evaluations / T / S12-P1-2
The ultimate responsibility of a leader is to facilitate other people’s development
as well as his own.
- Fred Pryor
Education consists mainly in what we have unlearned.
- Mark Twain
Certification Requirements:
Both the state of Kansas and national accreditation requires that university programs for the preparation of teachers and other school personnel be performance-based. In particular, this requires that students not only pass required courses/attain certain GPAs, but also receive satisfactory ratings on certain required assessments, many of those assessments are embedded within program’s coursework.
One such assessment required for all professional education courses is The Teacher Education Professional/Dispositions Rubric. At a minimum, this rubric will be completed by the school supervising/cooperating teacher at the conclusion of the semester for each student. The proficiency required of candidates is a 3 or higher in each area of the rubric. A copy of that rubric is attached to this syllabus.
Students failing to attain a satisfactory rating on a required assessment may be provided special assistance. The university is not able, however, to recommend individuals for licensure who fail to attain a satisfactory rating on required assessments, even though they may receive an acceptable course grade or exceed minimum GPAs.
In addition to the final disposition form, the supervising/cooperating teacher will also complete an Interim Field Experience Disposition Rubric. The deadlines dates for both rubrics are below:
1. Interim Field Experience Disposition Rubric
a. To be completed by Supervising/Cooperating Teacher
b. Due in CI 423 class on Wednesday, March 4
2. Final Disposition Rubric
a. To be completed by Supervising/Cooperating Teacher
b. Due in CI 423 class on Wednesday, May 6
I've missed more than 9,000 shots. I've lost almost 300 games. I've failed
over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.
- Michael Jordan
Sometimes what you want to do has to fail so you won’t.
- Margueritte Harmon Bro
Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and
attended to with diligence.
- Abigail Adams
The real secret of success is enthusiasm.
- Walter P. Chrysler
Supervising/Cooperating Teacher: Please complete this rubric on the teacher education candidate that you have in your classroom. The rubric should be completed before WSU’s spring break so that all parties involved have information from which to evaluate and improve. Please return rubric to the candidate, who will return it to WSU.
Candidate name ______Course ______
Supervising Teacher ______Sem__ester______
1. Attendance
_____ Attended regularly except when excused in advance.
_____ Had one or more unexcused absences. How many? _____
2. Punctuality
_____ Arrived on time.
_____ Was late more than once.
3. Diversity
_____ Demonstrated respect for cultural diversity and individual differences.
_____ Did not demonstrate respect for cultural diversity and individual differences.
4. Reliability/Dependability
_____ Completed assignments, duties, and tasks on time.
_____ Failed to complete assignments, duties, and tasks on time.
5. Appearance
_____ Dressed appropriately; presented a professional appearance.
_____ Dressed inappropriately; was careless about personal appearance.
6. Interaction with Students
_____ Was comfortable interacting with students; showed concern for students.
_____ Was uncomfortable with students; did not show concern for students.
7. Response to Feedback
_____ Was reflective; responsive to feedback.
_____ Was not reflective; unresponsive or defensive to feedback.
8. Commitment to the Profession
_____ Exhibited an enthusiasm for teaching and a lifelong commitment to learning.
_____ Expressed unprofessional comments and feelings about teaching and learning.
9. Willing to Collaborate/Partner with Others
_____ Worked effectively with peers, supervisors, parents, and students.
_____ Interacted ineffectively with peers, supervisors, parents, and students.
10. Attitude toward Students as Learners
_____ Expressed or demonstrated a belief that all students can learn.
_____ Demonstrated a negative attitude regarding the ability of all students to learn.
Comments/Questions (place on the back of this sheet)
Supervising/Cooperating Teacher: Please complete this rubric on the teacher education candidate that you have in your classroom. The rubric should be completed the last week of fieldwork so that evaluators have as much exposure and contact with the candidate as possible. Please return rubric to the candidate, who will return it to WSU.
Candidate name ______Course ______
Supervising Teacher ______Semester ______
Recognizes and respects multiple perspectives (verbally and nonverbally)
COE Conceptual Framework Proficiency/Disposition = C3 / Communicates with a problem-solving attitude, asking for clarification, checking understanding of the other position before stating and justifying an alternative position / Communicates disagreement/ disapproval of others’ statements, states an alternative position, and provides justification for that position / Communicates disagreement/ disapproval of others and/or their statements while providing an alternative solution / Communicates disagreement/ disapproval of others and/or their statements rudely and disrespectfully
Justifies and supports statements (Communicates specific observable behaviors, established theories, and/or literature to support conclusions and/or personal opinions rather than stating judgments)
COE Conceptual Framework Proficiency/Disposition = CTA3 / Explains connections between personal opinions and/or judgments through behavioral observation, established theories, research literature, and/or course content / Bases personal opinions and/or judgments in behavioral observations, established theories, research literature, and/or specific course content / Provides limited justification or support for personal opinions and/or judgments (when questioned) / States personal opinion or makes judgments without justification or support
Participates in activities and discussions
COE Conceptual Framework Proficiency/Disposition = C3 / Consistently contributes in ways that support group members and extend the group’s work / Often makes verbal and/or nonverbal contributions related to activity/discussion / Seldom makes contributions related to activity/discussion / Does not participate in class discussion or activities
Attends class and pays attention in class
COE Conceptual Framework Proficiency/Disposition = C3 / Attends class regularly, arrives on time to class, is attentive and well- prepared, does not leave early. / Attends class regularly, arrives on time, is attentive in class, does not leave early. / Attends class regularly, arrives on time, is inattentive in class, leave early. / Misses class or arrives late; is inattentive in class, and leaves early.
Values both the learning process and the information garnered in the process
COE Conceptual Framework Proficiency/Disposition = CKS2 / Demonstrates an eagerness for the information presented in classes as well as for the learning process / Makes statements that reflect a sense of value in the material covered in education courses and for the learning process / Shows neither positive nor negative attitude toward information presented in course work and for the learning process / Expresses disdain for information presented for courses and/or learning processes
PROFICIENCY: Score of 3 or higher in each area