Mrs. McKinley’s Classroom Procedures Overview
Arrival Before you enter the classroom each morning you need to go to your locker and get all of your books and supplies for your morning classes (Math, Science and SS). After you get all of your books and supplies, enter the room and quietly begin reading AR. This is a required activity daily. YOU MAY NOT RETURN TO THE HALLWAY WITHOUT APASS. Everyone should stop talking at 8:00 or when the announcements begin. DO NOT approach the teacher without permission in the mornings unless there is an emergency. She is doing multiple required tasks that have deadlines.
Roll CallWhen the teacher calls roll, respond in one of two ways:
1) If you are buying lunch from the lunchroom that day, you will say “school”
2) If you brought your lunch from home that day, you will say “home”
If you have lunch money, turn it in to the teacher when she calls your name.
Please keep up with your lunch account balance.
Completing AssignmentsWhen completing assignments there are a few things to remember. Most importantly, papers without a name on them will be thrown in the garbage. It is the child’s responsibility to ensure his/her name is on the paper, the assignment title is on the paper, and it is turned in on time. No pens or spirals are allowed. Always write neatly and legibly. Skip lines and answer multiple choice questions in ALL CAPS. If I cannot read it, the question will be marked wrong..
Hallway BehaviorAnytime you enter the hall you are representing yourself, our school and your teacher. You should also set a good example for the younger students of our school that look up to you as the leaders of this school. There should be no talking in the hall. You should always keep your hands to yourself. You should walk single file on the fourth tile in a quiet straight line. Do not jump in the door ways, touch the walls, or talk to other students that are in the hall.
Bathroom BehaviorStudents should use the restroom before entering the room each morning. If you have to go during class, raise your hand and wait for permission to take a pass. Playing or wasting time in the restroom will result in loss of bathroom privileges. Passes must be signed out upon leaving and in upon returning.
Changing ClassesWe will change classes throughout the day but only at scheduled times. To go to your locker at an unscheduled time, you need a pass. NO EXCUSES!
Homework PassesYoucan earna homework pass for every 10 Box Tops you turn in to your homeroom teacher. You may use them for non-graded assignments in most subjects. Your teacher has the option to stop this at any time. Not all teachers accept homework passes.
Missed AssignmentsAll class work and homework assignments are posted on the back white boardand each child is responsible for recording his/her homework daily before leaving school. Completed homework not returned to school is equal to not doing homework at all. Sixth graders must be responsible and organized!
Students that are absent are responsible for getting their own assignments when they return. All missed grades will be placed in the “missed work” folder in the student center with the student’s name on it. If they did not miss any grades, it is their responsibility to obtain notes from another responsible student in class. Students will not be able to make up work unless an excuse is brought to the teacher within three days of the absence.
TeamworkStudents are expected to sit with a group at a table and work cooperatively with that group throughout the year. Groups are not allowed to talk or work together on grades. Groups ONLY change at the end of each grading term. If a student needs to excuse himself/herself from the table, there is a center table for them to sit.
DismissalThe teacher dismisses class. Students should leave the classroom neat with NOTHING left on tables or the floor. Students go to lockers and line up immediately waiting to walk to the buses/cars. The hallway should be left neatly also.
LockersNo food or drink should be left in lockers. Record your combination with your homeroom teacher in case of emergency. Please clean out your locker occasionally. Don’t forget the combination during holidays. Do not share your combination.
Lost and FoundIf you have lost anything, please check the lost and found in EACH teacher’s classroom as soon as possible. If you find anything that does not belong to you, place it in a lost and found closest to you.
Parents Parents are always welcome in my classroom. Please check in at the front office and get a visitors pass before traveling to the classroom. Do not expect me to stop teaching to talk to you. My planning time is the appropriate time to discuss issues and/or concerns. It is also the parent’s responsibility to expect graded papers and homework. Homework is given regularly. If your child tells you they have completed their homework, require them to bring it home and show you. Homework assignments are posted weekly on McKinley’s calendar at
If there are any questions or concerns, please contact Mrs. McKinley immediately. Thanks!
Print Student Name ______
I have read and understand Mrs. McKinley’s classroom procedures and will encourage my child to comply daily.
Parent Signature Date