St Jacob’s United Church of Christ, Blue Creek 8 am
Combined Sunday School 9:30 am
St John’s United Church of Christ, Penntown 10:30 am
August 28, 2016
Welcome*(Those who are able, please stand)
*Call to Worship(Based on Psalm 81)
One: Sing aloud to God our strength and shout with joy:
All: God, our Host,welcomes us.
God reminds us, “I brought you out of the land of Egypt and fed you along the way:”
When we opened our mouths, God filled us with good things.
God calls us to walk the path of faithfulness, trusting the promise:
a feast for all--freshly-baked bread, hot from the oven,
and sweet honey to satisfy our hunger. Let us worship God!
*Opening Hymn “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms”#496
*Prayer of Invocation
Hospitable God, you invite us to a banquet where the last may be first,
and the humble and the mighty trade places.
Let us share your abundance with no fear of scarcity;
let us greet strangers as angels you have sent!
Send your Spirit now so that we may find a place at your table
and welcome others with radical hospitality.
In the name of Jesus, Guest at all our tables, we pray. Amen.
*Passing of Peace
Response “Glory Be to the Father”#734
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost;
as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen.
Scripture Readings Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16*Luke 14:1, 7-14
Meditation “How Open Is Our Table?” Pastor Lynne
Morning Prayer / Lord’s Prayer (sins/sin)
Call to Offering
As God has welcomed us, let us extend God’s blessings by sharing our tithes
and offerings in support of Christ’s ministry today.
*Offertory Response“Doxology” #44
*Prayer of Dedication
Dear God, you have offered us a place at the table
and you have called us to share without expectation of being repaid.
You have called us to make a place for the poor, the outcast and the oppressed.
So we ask that you bless these resources
so that they might support ministries of compassion and justice
until all of your children have a place at the table. Amen.
*Closing Hymn “Lord, Speak to Me”#593 vss 1-2
As you have feasted at the table at God’s invitation,
go into the world renewed and restored.
Go into the world to share to Good News
that there is a place for everyone at God’s banquet table.
Go into the world to share God’s bounty. Amen.
*Choral Response “Lord, Speak to Me”#593 vss 3-4
Look Who’s Invited! Service Prayers was written by the Rev. Christopher Ney of Newburyport, MA.Copyright 2016 Local Church Ministries, United Church of Christ, Cleveland, OH 44115. CCLI# 3100743
Organist: Shirley Huber
Upcoming Scripture: Jeremiah 18:1-11, Philem 1-21, Luke 14:25-33
We offer our condolences to the family of Betty Koester, who passed away on August 12, 2016. Betty is the mother of Jim Koester and Barb (Rev. Joe) Foster. May she rest in peace!
Kroger Community Rewards: St. John’s received $395.55 from 24 households shopping at Kroger May 1 – July 31. Contact the office for help re-registering your shopper card today!
August 28 Hot Breakfast Bar Buffetat St. Paul’s Church Hall, New Alsace,
7:30am-12pm, free will offering. Thank you for your support!
Sept 5 - St. Anthony’s Labor Day Picnic, Chicken/Roast Beef Dinners 11am-4:30pm, Carry-outs ‘til 6pm, turtle soup, raffles, games, kids’ area, and much more!
Sept 9 YouthOvernight Friday night at the Parsonage. We will volunteer at the Salute-a-Soldier 5K on Saturday morning. More details to come!
Wing Night Starts Sept. 7!
The entrance of this newly finished area of the Legion is the set of glass doors to the left of the flag poles as you drive in the main entrance from Eastern Ave. This is non-smoking and open to the public, including children. The Legion encourages all to come and enjoy!!