MINUTES of MEETING THURSDAY 1919th Th September June 20132012
PRESENT: / 28Members 24 Members in total / APOLOGIES:Mr D HockingMr Trevor Warburton / ChairmanChairman / T MarkerD Milns / S.PeachT Marker
Mr John GoodingMr John Gooding / SecretarySecretary / I.SimpsonD Hocking / N.BridgeK Johnson
Mr Mick ReamsMr Ian Simpson / Membership SecretaryVice Chairman / A.NicholsJ Green / C.SpringS McConnville
Mr Mick Reams / Membership Secretary / J.Green
No / ITEM /
The Chairman opened the meeting with a minutes silence in remembrance of member John Sivill who had recently passed away.1. / Minutes of the meeting on 15th August15thFebruaryMarch 2012 2013: Read and approved by W.Hibbard & F. Finlay
All / Secretary
2. / Matters arising from previous meeting: Unfortunately the visit to RAF Coningsby had been cancelled by the station due to operational reasons.
The secretary reported that the cadet band usually did a collection on the nearest Saturday to D Day for the Branch and had hoped to extend the day with a 70th Anniversary BBQ party afterwards. However next year the ABF had booked the band through their Headquarters to appear at the Petwood Hotel, Woodhall Spa on the same day. The possibility of holding a Luncheon on the Sunday was discussed but no firm commitment was made. The secretary would look into the possible alternatives and report back once next year’s band calendar had been finalised.
The treasurer had received 40 Lapel badges and as agreed was selling them at £5 each.
3. / Treasurers Report: Read and approved by all present.
A vote of thanks was given to Trevor Warburton for the £860 raised at the Gainsborough collection in Morrisons. / I.SimpsonI. Simpson
4. / Welfare Report: It was reported that Nobby Bridge had been seen in the bailgate looking a lot better. Derek reported that he had met Al Nichols in Asda who told him they had found an aneurism close to his heart.
Nothing to report.
5. / New Members: None1 new member. Harold Hibberd, 531409 Royal Engineers, He introduced himself to the branch and was welcomed by the members present / M Reams
6. / Correspondence: Derek informed the branch of the details for this years Remembrance Service in the Cathedral and John confirmed that Padre George Goalby would be available to conduct a short service at the Regimental Memorial in Sobraon Memorial Park afterwards.
Wally gave a short talk on the Not Forgotten Association and informed the branch that he was stepping down as the representative and that Derek had kindly volunteered to take on the role.
The secretary had received an invite to members to attend the rededication ceremony of the Signals Standard on Sunday 20th October at St Nicholas Church, Newport during the Evensong service.
The secretary reported that yet again he had had very little correspondence as most of it, as before, went direct to the Chairman. He had received an email from Margaret Legg at the Regimental Office informing us of the death of Barrie Addison, of Sleaford, who passed away on 23rd June. He served with the Assault Pioneer platoon of the 2ndBatt. R.Lincs Regt. and latterly, for many years was an SMI with Lincs ACF. His cremation was set for 11;45 20th July at Grantham. All members available to attend were asked to wear regimental ties. All queries to be directed to Eric Sharpe, Lincs ACF.
7. / Any Other Business:
Derek had put in a bid at Asda Living and had pleasure in reporting that we had come second in last month’s Green Token Scheme and had received £25 towards Branch funds. Now fired with optimism he planned to do the same at Waitrose and also Asda in Nettleham fields.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 20:30
7. / Any Other Business:
Updates were then given on Maj Gen Gerard-Wrights memorial service on Sept 10th, The Battle of Britain memorial service at the Cathedral on Sun 16th Sept, (It was agreed to return the proforma asking for 10 places to be reserved)
Ian Simpson reminded members of the AGM on Sun 22 July at 11am, followed by a finger buffet, and also the band concert by the band of the Royal Anglian Regt on Tues 31st July at 7:30pm at the Lawns.
He asked for volunteers to attend the High St Collection on Sat 4th August where the cadet band would be playing to draw attention to the Memorial Appeal.
The visit to RAF Coningsby was confirmed as 18th Sept, names for the visit were invited.
Val Spring is intending to run a coach to the Birmingham Tattoo on Sun 25th Nov for the 2:30 performance. Further details to follow.
Ian mentioned that the Memorial Appeal had just topped £20.000. more updates at the next meeting.
Nick Mathers had taken over 100 photos at the National Arboretum and had put them on disk for any member wishing to view or copy them. John Gooding would send a copy to the webmaster.
Ian confirmed that there were 12 seats left for the Duxford trip.
9. / Date of Next Meeting: Thurs September 17th 2013Thursday 16thAugust 2012
The secretary gave his apologies for that meeting but he would away at Army Cadet Camp.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8:30pm