Statham Grove Surgery

Patient Participation Group Meeting

Thursday 14th January 2016



Victoria Francis (Chair), Jenni Hall (Chair) Jeannie-Marie Richards, Mark Granelli, Suzy Roston , Tony Harms (Secretary), Jo Rawlinson, Dr S Silverman (Statham grove Practice).

1.  Minutes from previous meeting 12th November 2015 APPROVED

2.  Matters Arising: Dr Silverman reported on the general situation.

a. This was not good as the practice was understaffed but this was in many ways due to circumstances such as maternity and sick leave rather than from pressure of loss of funds.

b. Drs Singer and Sayer were both absent and the nurse had been away for a month.

c. Dr Lauren Hall had started and locums had been taken on who were old trainees. This had affected the surgeries, particularly as new doctors meant that histories had to be taken again.

d. Dr Melia had come in to replace Dr Phelan

3.  The PPG proposed a list of Doctors including locums and those on leave should be put up in the waiting room.

4.  The PPG pointed out that the waiting room had become a little shabby. There was some discussion as to how this could be improved. An electronic screen with information was proposed. An electronic method of patients announcing their presence for an appointment was also mentioned. It was thought that something more immediate could be done.

5.  Jenni Hall pointed out that a great deal of time and trouble from both the committee and a volunteer (to translate into Turkish) had been spent on the flow chart and it was frustrating to see it wasted. It was agreed that the changes to the appointments procedure were not extensive and the flow chart should go up. It was acknowledged that although the existence of an appointment procedure should not stop the practice from making experiments to improve it there was also a benefit from having an established procedure that was understood. It was agreed that the flow chart should go up as a regular feature and be edited where necessary.

6.  It was agreed that an A3 version of the flow chart should be produced and that the flow-chart should go onto the website. Dr Singer agreed that the flow chart should be made available in a folder or folders to be left on the tables (more were to be ordered) . ACTION Victoria Francis

7.  Dr Silverman explained the new telephone procedure. The call backs to patients were now being split between the available doctors rather than the patient being able to choose who would call them. This was because of time constraints.

8.  Dr Silverman said that the practice would like to be able to offer an advocate to accompany a non-English speaker but that this had become difficult. There was the option of using a “language line” but in fact most people spoke sufficient English or were able to bring a relative or friend as an interpreter. Unfortunately there were no Turkish language speakers available for reception.

9.  The general atmosphere of the waiting room and particularly the presentation of the posters attracted some criticism. It was suggested that the PPG could help with the reorganisation of the waiting room, perhaps with some help regarding the poster presentation from members of the Stoke Newington School. The PPG would enquire. ACTION: Jo Rawlinson

10. The present state of the PPG:

1. Recruiting to the PPG: The minutes should be posted in the waiting room. ACTION Tony Harms

2. It was suggested that an email could be sent to old members

3. regular meeting dates: The last Thursday of every other month. The next meeting was suggested for 24th March – however this would cause difficulties with the practice and the 17th March was proposed as an alternative. The other dates would be:

26th May,

21st July (the last day of summer term),

29th September,

24th November.

4.  Time of meetings: The late meeting in November had not been well attended. A 3.30pm to 4.30pm time was suggested. Would this be possible? ACTION Victoria Francis

5.  Would the Methodist Church on Green lanes be a better venue? ACTION Tony Harms

6.  It was suggested there might be specific topics for PPG meetings with, perhaps, practice members giving a 5 or 10 minute spot at the beginning of meetings on topical subjects. This led to a general discussion of the purpose of the PPG.

11. The meeting was then brought to an end. Next meeting 17th March.