Best Practices: Answer Sheets & Scanning
Creating Answer Sheets
- Before you distribute answer sheets, make sure the answer sheets are crisp copies that are square on the page.
- When you print answer sheets, be sure to use a high-quality laser printer to print the master answer sheet single-sided on 8.5”x11” 20 lb plain white paper.
- When you print answer sheets, be sure to select “none” in Page Scaling field in the print menu.
- When you copy answer sheets, be sure to use a high-quality copier to make copies single-sided.
- When you copy answer sheets, make sure that the copies are the same size as the original (not reduced or enlarged) and are not distorted in any way.
- When you copy answer sheets using “scan back, make sure to place the answer sheet on the glass. DO NOT use the document feeder.
- DO NOT create answer sheets on an ink-jet or dot-matrix printer.
- DO NOTuse a high-capacity, low-quality duplication system such as Risograph.
Answer Sheets: Bubbling & Checking Before Scanning
Before you scan an answer sheet, take a second to review it and make sure:
- The student should be using a #2 pencil to fill in the answer sheet.
- Do not use mechanical pencil as the carbon does not have the same darkness grade as #2 pencil.
- The student name is bubbled and it matches the name printed on the top of the answer sheet.
- Answer bubbles are dark and completely filled. Good Range Questionable RangePoorRange
/ /
a b c d a b c d / a b c d a b c d / a b c d a b c d
GoodRange / Questionable Range / PoorRange
Best Practices: Answer Sheets & Scanning
- The student should make clean erasures if changing any answer bubbles.
- White out can be used to cover original bubble.
- Teachers can use Sharpie permanent markers to bubble students’ answer sheets.
- There are no stray marks on the answer sheet front or back, especially in/around the block code.
- The answer sheet is in one piece, with no tears, bends, folds, spindles, or mutilations.
- The answer sheet is a good, crisp copy and is square on the page.
Preparing answer sheets for scanning
When you prepare a batch of answer sheets, make sure that:
- Count the number of answer sheets in each batch so that you can tell when all answer sheets have been scanned.
- There are no more than 50 answer sheets in a batch. Answer sheets go into the scanner’s feed tray facing right side up.
- Adjust the paper guides in the scanner’s feed tray to fit the width of the answer sheets.
Scanning and uploading answer sheets
The Edusoft Grader tells you the number of answer sheets you’ve
scanned in this batch.
1) Review the number of scanned answer sheets and click either back
or upload.
- If the number is not correct, reload the batch of answer sheets and click back to rescan them.
- If the number is correct, click upload to begin uploading the answer sheets to the Edusoft system.
2) The Edusoft Grader displays progress information as it uploads the answer sheets, and lets you know when the uploading is completed.
a) If this dialog box hangs at a certain percentage for a long period of time, please contact Edusoft Customer Service (866433-8763 option 2) for immediate assistance.
b) If you encounter a “network communication” error message during this stage, please click “Retry” button and the Grader will attempt to resend the current batch of answer sheets to Edusoft. You do not need to rescan this batch of answer sheets at this time. If after clicking “Retry” button a couple times still fails, please contact Edusoft Customer Service (866433-8763 option 2) for immediate assistance.
3) Once the current batch of answer sheets has been uploaded, click scan more to scan another batch of answer sheets, or click view results to view the results that have been uploaded to the Edusoft system.
For more information, please refer to the following documents located in the online Library while logged into the Edusoft website: Preparing, Scanning, and Uploading Answer Sheets in the Training Guides and QuickGuides section, Scanning and Grader Guide in the Book Nook. If you need further assistance, please contact Edusoft Customer Service by calling (866) 433-8763 option 2.
Edusoft change in policy – Edusoft will no longer delete a single student score. They will delete an entire assessment therefore the answer sheets would need to be scanned again.
CUSD Edusoft Help Desk 327-9636