Fairplay Middle School
6th Grade Math
Course Syllabus
Instructor: Miss. Jochum e-mail: hool Phone: 770-651-5376
Amath binder with agenda,homework, paper, ruler, dry erase marker and a pencil should be brought to class every day.
Course Description:
This course will use the Sixth Grade Georgia Mathematical Performance Standards. These Performance Standards will be addressed through the following Learning Focus Units:
Unit 1 – Rational Explorations: Numbers and their opposites
Unit 2 - The NumberSystem and Fluency - extend and fluently apply the concept of part(s) of a whole to manipulate numbers (fractions, decimals, multiples, factors, etc.) to solve real world problems
Unit 3- Rate Ratio and Proportional Reasoning Using Equivalent Fractions – ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve real world problems
Unit 4 – Expressions – mathematical and real-world situations can be represented as algebraic expressions
Unit 5 - One Step Equations and Inequalities – expressions, equations and inequalities are used to represent and solve real world and mathematical problems.
Unit 6- Area and Volume – analyze the concepts of area and volume with two and three - dimensionalfigures.
Unit 7– Statistics – statistical variability and how to describe, summarize, and interpret datadistribution in the context it is given.
Warm Ups/Weekly Basics/Classwork 35%TUTORING IS EVERYDAY 7:30 Rm. 106
Tests/Quizzes30%Students are welcome at tutoring each
Homework15%morning when help is needed on an assignment.
See Other Side
Please keep this copy to refer to expectations throughout the year
Assignment Expectations:
Assignments are to be copied from the correct whiteboard and written in agenda at the beginning of each class. If your child is absent they should refer to the folders in the back of the classroom for missed work. Tutoring is an excellent opportunity for questions.All assignments are expected to be completed and turned in on time. Late work will result in 15 points off per day. An assignment is considered “late” if not turned in when the teacher collects it.
Tests and Quizzes:
Students will take pre/posttests as well as quizzes over the current standards. In addition to these tests, students will take a quick quiz every Tuesday. Often they are short quizzes covering a skill already learned. However for the first nine weeks of school, students will be taking a quick quiz over perfect squares.
It is expected that your child study the perfect squares study sheet given them.
Role of the Parent:
Parents have the responsibility to be actively involved in their child’s education. I am always willing to discuss your child’s academic and social progress with you. Do not hesitate to contact me through e-mail or by phone if you have questions/concerns or wish to set up a conference.
Parents are expected to check your child’s agenda daily.
Remember the more you care about your child’s education, the more they care!
Math Tutoringis available during homeroom from 7:30 - 8:05 every morning!
Because I have a homeroom, all tutoringwill be in Mrs. Jochum’s classroom (room 106).
Tutoring is designed for questions with attempted homework and general class questions. There will be other students in the room this in not one on one tutoring.
Students who have not attempted the homework will not be admitted.
Online Grading is now available for each of your child’s classes. The Login information must be obtained in person from the main office. This is a valuable tool for you to see your child’s progress.
Some people only dream of success, we will work hard and become successful
Please cut along the above line and return the bottom section to Miss. Jochum
I have read the Math syllabus. My child and I understand his/her responsibilities and have agreed to abide by them. This includes returning the first homework assignment on time.
Print Name (student)Signature (student)Date
Print Name (parent)Signature (parent)Date
Miss Jochum