Course Name


Public Speaking & Presentation skills

Course Number / GEN 2134
Semester / November 2014, Autumn2
Credits / 3
Class Contact Hours / 45
Faculty / Priyanka Das
Office Hours / Appointment by email:
Catalogue Description
Students identify significant factors contributing to effective oral communication and apply this knowledge to improve their skills and accuracy in speaking and writing (in English) and in developing their interpersonal skills. Emphasis is placed on identifying the purpose of the communication (what the sender wants to achieve) and selecting and practicing language and formats appropriate to various contexts. Activities will include developing micro-skills used in researching (selecting, analysing and organizing relevant details) and presenting information effectively in different ways. This course is designed to extend and develop skills necessary to enhance individual student’s effectiveness, particularly in the workplace and for further academic study. It complements work in other aspects of the program, especially Human Resource Management.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course a student will be able to:
  1. Identify the important factors in communication processes.

  1. Select relevant information from several sources and organize in forms appropriate to different purposes.
  2. Use strategies for improving interpersonal skills.

  1. Plan, prepare and deliver an individual spoken (formal) presentation effectively.

  1. Improve accuracy in use of English to increase effectiveness.

Teaching and Learning Strategies and Methods
Class discussion, peer collaboration, case studies, role play, debate, brainstorming, formal and informal presentations and impromptu speeches.

Course Assessment

Type / Hand-out
Week / Hand-in
Week / % / Learning outcomes
Project 1 – Demonstrative
Speech (Video) / 3 / 4 / 10% / 1,2,3,4
Project 2 – Midterm Exam– Informative Speech / 3 / 5,6 / 25% / 2,4,5
Project 3 – Inspirational Speech / 6 / 8 / 20% / 2,4,5
Continuous Assessment / 1-9 / 1-9 / 10% / 1-5
Class participation / 1-9 / 1-9 / 10% / 1-5
Project 4 - Final Term Exam–Persuasive Speech / 7 / 8 or 9 / 25% / 2,4,5

Assignment overview

A detailed assignment outline would be provided to the students well before the speech projects. Students are advised to follow the guidelines and grading rubrics for more information on the nature of the project.

Class Participation (10% total grade):

Because lecture without interaction is the least effective means of facilitating learning (it puts you in a passive, receive-only mode!), lectures would be limited to a 20-minute information session. Rest of the class time will be spent in discussions, activities, and group work—all designed to help the student explore the concepts in oral communication and become personally involved in the learning process. Participation in group activities and speech presentations in the class will therefore carry grades. So it is advised to attend and participate in all the active learning sessions in the class.

Please note: Assignments must be submitted on time and at the correct place according to the instructions provided to the student.Failure to submit the assignment on time will incur the following penalties:

Submission up to 24 hours late: - 20% reduction in grade for that assignment.

Submission over 24 hours late: - 0 will be recorded for that assignment.

Required Reading

Hand-outs are supplied during the class. Regardless, take notes!

Additional Reading Available from the Library

Brickman, R. & Kirschner, R. (2002). Dealing with people you can’t stand. New York:McGraw-Hill Company
Carnegie, D. (1962). The quick & easy way of effective speaking. New York: Simon and Schuster
Carnegie, D. (1989). How to win friends and influence people.New York:
Simon and Schuster
Covey, S. (1990). The seven principles of highly effective people. New York:
Simon & Schuster
Munter, M. (2012). Guide to managerial communication. New Jersey: Prentice Hall
Nielsen, J. (2008). Effective communication skills: the foundations for change. USA:Xlibris Corporation
Online resources (journals, online libraries, etc.):


Mind Tools---> Toolkit---> Communication tools