In attendance: Councillor H Staples (Chairman)

Councillors C Bird, O Snell, P Skinner, J Skinner, E Armstrong, J Harrison,

S Walsh, M Ordway

Boston Borough Councillor J Noble

Mrs K Partridge (Clerk)

1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies received and accepted from Councillor G Bishop. Apologies also received from Lincolnshire County Councillor E Ransome.

2 APPOINT A CHAIRMAN: Councillor Staples proposed by Councillor P Skinner, seconded by Councillor Armstrong and unanimously agreed.

3 APPOINT A VICE CHAIRMAN: Councillor Bishop proposed by Councillor P Skinner, seconded by Councillor Harrison and unanimously agreed.


It was agreed to appoint the following:-

·  Fishtoft Playing Field Trust; Councillor Snell

·  Rochford Tower Hall; Councillor Harrison

·  Fishtoft Forget Me Not Club: Mrs Watson

·  St Leonards Hospital Trust; Councillor M Ordway

·  St Guthlac’s Church; Mrs Cooper

·  Fishtoft Academy; Mrs Hopwood

·  Hawthorn Tree School; Mr Lister

·  Planning Sub-committee: Councillors M Ordway, J Harrison, H Staples.

·  Highways Liaison; it was agreed not to appoint at the present time.


6 POLICE REPORT: Report provided by PCSO Russell.

Reported incidents dated 18/04/16 – Present.

ASB animal problems – Ward Crescent

ASB inconsiderate behaviour – Ward Crescent x2

ASB malicious communications – Fishtoft Road

2 x Burglary – Priory Road, Willoughby Hills

3 x Theft – White House Lane, Woodthorpe Avenue, Royal Way

2 x Vehicle offences – Rider Gardens, Taylor Close

2 x Concern for safety – Ward Crescent, Clifton Road

4 x Traffic offences – Eastwood Road, Lime Grove, Woodthorpe Avenue, Horncastle Road

3 x Suspicious persons – Saddlers Way, Gaysfield Road, Horncastle Road

3 x Suspicious vehicle – Fishtoft Road, Saxon Gardens, Sibsey Road

Pilgrim Hospital :-


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Concern for safety x 2

RTC in carpark

Traffic offence

Councillor Armstrong reported there was still an issue of vehicles speeding through the village – Church Green Road, Gaysfield Road, Fishtoft Road and Clampgate. The Clerk to report to PCSO’s.

7 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 18 APRIL 2016: It was resolved the minutes be approved and signed, proposed by Councillor P skinner, seconded by Councillor Armstrong and unanimously agreed.


Coronation Cottage: Issue of vermin and overgrown garden at Coronation Cottage had been reported to Boston Borough Council Environmental Department; they had requested the person who first brought this to the attention of the Parish Council should report directly to BBC. This matter has now been dealt with.

Clifton Road Parking: LRSP had not commented and had passed on concerns to Highways. Mr Lister had replied and was fully aware of the problems; they will ensure that newsletters from school to parents will continue to raise this matter. County Councillor Ransome had been approached by one of the residents of Clifton Road and a meeting was arranged between Highways and Mayflower Housing, unfortunately there was no progress made.

Woodthorpe Avenue: Concerns at parking close to the junction with Eastwood Road had been reported to LRSP, who had passed it directly to Highways, a reply had not been received from Highways.

Allotment Rents: No progress made in ascertaining fair rents. More enquiries will be made.

Notice Board, Rochford Tower Lane: Prices for a new board had been sourced; an aluminium board including posts would cost in the region of £550.00. It was queried if the board at the Co-op on Eastwood Road could be relocated to Rochford Tower Lane, the Clerk to make enquiries at LALC regarding any legal implications.


Highway schemes planned for the next year within the parish include surface dressing at Eastwood Road and Willoughby Road; carriageway patching at Whitehouse Lane; carriageway surfacing at Woad Lane. Restrictions for surface dressing will be implemented as necessary, diversions will be posted.

Councillor Ransome had agreed to attend a ride around the parish with Members and the Highways Officer if possible. It was agreed to arrange at a later date, in the meantime Councillor Staples will take Councillor Walsh for a ride around to familiarise her with the area.

10 LITTER PICKING GROUP REPORT: Councillor Armstrong reported the group will now be active again as better weather is upon us. Councillor Ordway asked if the area at the end of Pilleys Lane/A16 junction could be given some attention.

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There was still rubbish being left on the playing field after football matches; the Clerk to write to ask if they could ensure they dispose of their litter in the appropriate way.

11 CLERKS REPORT, CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED AND COUNCILLORS ISSUES: General correspondence received included Clerks & Councils Direct; Witham Fourth IDB Newsletter; Boston Borough Council “The Event”

Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures and Equal Opportunities Policy: Proposed documents handed out; it was pointed out the list of Acts on the Equal Opportunities Policy were out of date. The Clerk to check with LALC and re-present both documents for adoption at a future meeting.

War Memorial: Mr Hislop had completed the refurbishment of the area. A quotation had been received to spray the area with weed killer twice a year at £30.00 per visit; this would be carried out in May/June and September/October each year. It was proposed by Councillor P Skinner, seconded by Councillor Armstrong and agreed Mr Hislop be given the job for this year; to be revisited again when setting the budget for the next financial year.

Councillor Bird reported there is a community car scheme available; details from Ms Williamson on 360183. Maple Lodge are setting up a carers support group on the last Wednesday of the month.

Councillor Staples reported she and Councillor Armstrong had attended a meeting at Boston Borough Council regarding the future implications of funding at Parish Councils. A briefing note had been prepared and was handed out. A presentation will take place at the June meeting by officers of Boston Borough Council.

Councillor Ordway was dismayed the Events leaflet from Boston Borough Council had arrived a month late, almost all of the events advertised have passed. Councillor P Skinner will raise this issue at BBC.


Councillor Noble reported Pilleys Lane will be closed for one day in June for a planned programme of works by Higways.

He had attended a meeting regarding the Boston Flood Barrier and there were concerns all round regarding the siting of the barrier and with the tidal flow. In general river users were not happy with the process.


a) a budget update was presented and accepted.

b) to approve payments of accounts:-

Clerks salary - £320.24

Clerks expenses - £35.48

War Memorial refurbishment - £2280.00

Witham Fourth allotment drainage rates - £199.09

It was resolved the accounts be paid, proposed by Councillor P Skinner, seconded by Councillor Bird and agreed.

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14 PILGRIM FATHERS ANNIVERSARY, SUB-COMMITTEE UPDATE: Councillor P Skinner will make enquiries with regard to available funding. A meeting for the sub-committee only has been arranged for 6 June.

15 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on Monday 20 June 2016 at Rochford Tower Hall and will commence at 7.00pm with a 10 minute public forum, if required.

There being no further business to discuss the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.55pm.

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