Bipolar TorchPowerful cutting tool. This tool was used on Deep Space 9 to cut through Toranium Metal Inlay. It is bigger than a Plasma Torch and therefore probably not in a Tool Kit.

Dualitic Inverter Use is unknown. It was used by Starfleet Engineers on the Defiant.

Duotronic Probe Used to regulate plasma flow, it is speculated though that a Gravitivic Caliper is more suited for the task.

Emergency Hand Actuator Aboard Federation Starships and Stations, a small hand crank located in an access panel on one side of an automatic door. The actuator can be used to open a door should the normal computer-driven system be inoperative.

Gravitic Caliper A tool used to regulate plasma flow, speculated to be more precise than a Duotronic Probe.

Hyperspanner Enigneering tool used in the calibration of Plasma Injectors.

Hypospray Although normally a medical instrument. The Hypospray has become part of the Engineer's vast array of tools because of the Bio Neural Gel Packs.

Interphasic Coil Spanner Use unknown. Used on Deep Space 9.

Isolinear Chip Reader A device that reads data on an Isolinear Chip. It can also check if the chip is still usable or damaged.

KLS Stabilizer Engineering device used to maintain power output stability of a starship's warp core.

Krellide Storage Cells A power-storage device used in shuttlecraft and handheld tools.

Magnetic Probe Used to seal the flow of Matter-Antimatter in the Warp Core. This tool was used in the 2260's so it may have been replaced by now.

Magnaspanner Use unknown, although it was used by Starfleet Officers and it is a handheld device.

Multiphasic ScannerUse unknown. Used aboard the USS Enterprise-D.

ODN Recoupler Use unknown, used by Starfleet Officers. Only to be used on the Optical Data Networks.

PADDPersonal Access Data Device. Used many ways, for duty schedules, repair schedules, manuals, note taking, log recording, etc. At least one small PADD is essential for the Engineer's Tool Kit.

Pattern Enhancers Devices used by Starfleet tranporter systems to amplify a tranporter signal, thereby making personnel transport safer during relatively hazardous situations. Three pattern enhancers are used, deployed in a triangular formation.

Phase-Conjugate Graviton Emitter Engineering device sometimes used in tractor beams to increase lift capacity.

Plasma TorchCutting tool. Not as powerful as a Bipolar Torch. It is small enough to fit in a Tool Kit. Engineers should use caution as this tool can injure you. Can be used on conduits.

Reverse-Ratcheting RouterUsed to create gouges.

TricorderHandheld device used to scan objects. Can be used to run or verify diagnostics. Also great for data transfers. Required for a good Engineer's Toolkit.