Minutes of the SWIMS Journals Group Meeting

27th Jan 2016 10:00-12:00


Present: / Angela Drayton (AD) - chair
Ann Vellender (AV)
Claira Bannon (CB) / Jenny Toller (JT)
Jake Procter (JP)
1. Apologies: / Barbara Moye (BM)
2. Introductions: / AD welcomed BM to the serials group. BM will have responsibility for the Thames Valley area.
3. Minute taker: / CB
4. Minutes of last meeting - accuracy
Agreed as accurate.
5. Minutes of last meeting - matters arising not on the agenda
  • Deletion of serial ‘physical’ copies - i.e. the copy records which are autogenerated when an issue is checked in - it is unclear whether the deletion of these records causes problems in related management sheets, and the warning messages are unclear. JT awaiting clarification from OCLC on whether their deletion has any effect elsewhere in the system.
  • BMJ title change – it was noted that the new title of The BMJ now comes further down the list of BMJ journals retrieved in a search due to the inclusion of a colon – although not ideal there is no solution to this.
  • Service Pack 7 – JT reported that this has been delayed to hosting migration and will now be in late Spring.
  • Barbara Moye – AD has trained BM in the population of management sheets and in serial check ins. AD will be taking queries on her behalf for the time being.
/ JT
6. Deletion of issues box on cataloguing screen
AD reported that a large number of issue records had been deleted from the Lancet’s catalogue record. It was decided that the issues box should be removed from the cataloguing screen and the data hidden in order to prevent people from doing this in the future. AD to include a warning about deleting issue records in a Swimming Pool article.
Post meeting note: JT has now removed issues box from catalogue screen.
08/02/2016 email sent instead as an article could not be included until March which was felt to be too far ahead. / JT
7. Unusual generation patterns
JP confirmed that there were ongoing problems with unusual publication patterns that require combined frequencies to generate correctly, notably Psychological Medicine and BJS.
Radiographics required a manual alteration in order to generate correctly. AV to try altering Jan dates in order to solve the problem. JP to ask OCLC if they can create a new frequency to solve this issue. AD to forward JP relevant screen shots for Psychological Medicine.
AV suggested that all group members be copied into all email discussions. / AV
8. Journal holdings notes field
JT noted that people have been populating the notes field on the holdings page and that it was unclear whether these notes were for internal purposes or for library users, and that these would not be able to be seen in Webview.
The paragraph on populating the notes field in the cataloguing rules was found to be misleading – AD to draft a replacement paragraph emphasizing that this field is for internal notes only and is not visible in Webview, and to let Anne Lancey know. AD to add a section about this to her Swimming Pool article.
Post meeting note: See 6 above (warning included in email) / AD
9. Universal title setting
JT reported that this is not going to be used because the cataloguing group felt that it would prove confusing to users.
10. Affiliate libraries’ journal holdings
JT explained that whereas up until now affiliate libraries needed to have their holdings manually added to Olib, she and OCLC are working on an import procedure that would do this electronically. If successful, the holdings would be imported in the individual library’s format rather than the Olib format. / JT
11. Data integrity checks
The group had completed their data integrity checks successfully. It was noted that audit trails sometimes led to ‘library desk’ and had to be pursued further to obtain information.
AD suggested an amendment to the cataloguing rules to say that if there is no journal ISSN available, a dash should be added in the field instead.
Post meeting note: JT drafted and Cataloguing Group Chair (Ann Lancey) ratified the proposed change which has now been implemented
JP reported two problem log items – CB to follow up World Psychiatry and JP to follow up the other with Sarah Maddock. AV mentioned that in the past deleting generations and auto-generating again had solved similar issues. / AD
12. AOB
  • There has been some difficulty in finding instructions on how to change journal names – AD to add a note about this in her Swimming Pool item.
  • JP reported that Mental Health & Physical Activity has a problem frequency and might need the creation of a new frequency for 2 pa. JP to follow up.
  • A location has checked in combined issues as separate ones – AD to add a note about this in her Swimming Pool item.
Post meeting note: See 6 above (warning included in email)
  • JP mentioned that he might benefit from some further training – AV to investigate whether wifi access might be available at the next meeting in June to cover a few areas with JP – AD to bring her laptop.
/ AD
9. Date, location and minute taker of next meeting
Wed 8th June 2016 at Swindon Hospital, Seminar Room 4, 11am-1pm.