
Lost Park Ranch Owners Association

Annual Membership Meeting

August2, 2014, 10:00 am - Jefferson Community Hall, Jefferson, CO

  1. Call to Order, introduce board members

President Cliff Pugh called the meeting to order at 10:06 am. He introduced the following Board Members: Jim Sylvester (Member at Large), Susan Bergmanis (Treasure), Gary Jasper (Member at Large) and Jed Caswall (ACC Member). He mentioned Randy Connett (Vice President) was unable to attend and he recognized Jim Hoffmeyer for several years of service on the board and for chairing the Firewise committee

  1. Approval of Agenda

President Pugh asked for approval of the Agenda (Attachment 1). Mary Scheppers (Lot 218) moved for approval of the Agenda and Jeannie Mellinger (Lot 198 & 267) seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

  1. Guest Speakers
  1. Corporal Leffler, Park County Sherriff's Office; Corporal Leffler spoke about burglary prevention, home protection and home security saying that Lost Park Ranch has one of the lowest crime rates in Park County. He was asked about ATV riding and told us that there is not much they can do, as the ATV riders are gone, long before they can respond. However, they will ticket ATV riders if you can identify them and you are willing to sign a complaint. A question was asked about young children riding ATVs - Corporal Leffler made it clear that it is against the law for a minor to ride and ATV and parents can be ticketed. This year the Park County Sheriff has reorganized its department to try to provide more deputies on weekends and to give them a smaller area to cover. A question was asked about patrolling the falls near Guffey – Corporal Leffler said that a majority of the responsibility for the area is Teller County’s. There is limited radio service in the area so the safety of officers is a concern. A question was asked about how the Park County Sheriff is preparing for marijuana-related issues. They are writing a lot of tickets and enforcing the open container law regarding Marijuana in vehicles. Home grow operations are a code violation. The big problem is with rentals where people are willing to pay high rent so they can grow marijuana plants, It is up to the Board of County Commissioners to provide funding for additional officers.
  1. Michelle Connolly - CUSP : Michelle talked about how they manage forests. The old thought was to keep fires out of the forest. In the mid 60's, they realized there was a problem. Now, they are going into forest and cleaning. Ideally, fire is a good way to clean out forests. They are now recommending we create open cluster areas with individual trees and small groups of trees, with lots of open meadows. This allows more sunlight to the forest flow and more snow will stay in winter.

For individual lots, they recommend keeping aspen trees because they do not carry fire. CUSP hires contractors, paid by grant money, with instructions to keep Aspens and healthy trees. The particularly recommend retaining ponderosa pine but recommend clearing spruce, limber pine, and douglas fir.

Dwarf mistletoe primarily infects ponderosa pine trees before you notice anything. If there is only a small amount, you can trim branches with dwarf mistletoe but if there is a lot, you may need to cut the whole tree. The dwarf mistletoe spores spread during August and September but as soon as a branch is cut, the mistletoe does not have any more ability to grow.

Sudden aspen decline (SAD) is something that may be causing aspens to die but it is not know why. Aspens sometimes get fungus, as indicated by a red ooze. Cut the tree out, if it is real bad. Aspens like disturbance and it seems to inspire them to grow more if they are not too crowded. Black webs in aspen trees indicate the presence of tent caterpillars.

If you have dead trees (snags) on your land where it looks like cavity-nesting birds are living, you may want to leave one or two of those trees standing.

Pine beetle management has evolved over the past several years. If you have a tree that you think may have pine beetles, it would be best to contact the Colorado State Forester.

  1. Minutes from the 2013 Annual Meeting

Cliff Pugh asked for approval of the minutes from the 2013 annual meeting. Jed Caswall(Lot119) moved for approval of the minutes from the 2013 LPROA Annual Meeting. Joe Knopinski (Lot 207) seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

  1. Treasurer’s Report - Susan Bergmanis

Attachment 2 is the Treasure's Report. Treasurer Susan Bergmanis reported that only 3 lots have not paid their dues for 2014 and all back dues from previous years have been paid. The HOA Board was asked to look into other possible investment accounts that are a safe investment that might pay more dividends. The HOA Board agreed to look into this and report back at the next Annual Meeting. Theresa Pugh (Lot 227) moved for approval of the Treasure's Report and Bob Ballard (lot 24-30) seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

We need to have about $200,000.00 in the Water Augmentation account to replace the pond liner in today's dollars.

  1. President's Report

Pond Status in Lost Park Ranch, (LPRPond near Statgestop) - The water in the LPR Pond is good and fishing is excellent. We now have a new intake with cage and the pump is in good shape. We have been siphoning water out and pumping water in to maintain the quality of the water. Suckers are a problem, but the TFC built a trap to catch them. It has been working well. We have caught several hundred pounds. The Fishing Club purchased a mower and boat motor to help maintain the large pond.

Jim Sylvester has donated a lot of time supporting the Pond Maintenance.

Firehouse - Painting of the Firehouse is about 85% completed. Heaters are going to be inspected and serviced as needed by the Jefferson-Como Fire Department. Propane to the heaters had been shut off but will be turned on to prevent the Fire Truck from freezing. Mike Palmer (Lot 107) was recognized as a new volunteer fireman from Lost Park Ranch.

Combined Lots with vacated Lot Lines

Lost Park Ranch has 3 lots that have vacated the property line. These are referred to by Park County as “consolidated” lots. Park County has a set procedure that must be followed to vacate the property line. Lots can be combined for tax purposes, but this is not the same as having vacated the property line since these lots can later be sold individually. Taxes are about 7% for lots with a house, and 20% for vacant lots, with larger lots charged a smaller percentage. Beginning in 2015, owners of multiple lots will be required to pay dues for their first two lots, as stated in LPROA bylaws. Chuck Schwalier asked the board to state in writing that they will not collect back dues from lot owners that were allowed to claim combined lots by previous boards. President Pugh confirmed that the board will not collect back dues for those that had been claiming combined lots. A question was asked whether multiple lot owners had to pay for two fishing club memberships and the answer was yes.

  1. Firewise Committee - Jim Hoffmeyer

See Attachment 3. Jim introduced the current Committee members, Mike Palmer, Joe Knopinski and himself. Jim indicated that they are working to get Lost Park Ranch designated as a Firewise Community so we can get grant money to help clean up our community. We hope that being designated as a Fire Community will help keep insurance costs down and will make our community safer.

Joe Knopinski talked about ideas for a change of culture and ways to help people feel like we are all in this together. We need to get involved with wood chipping. So far, only four (4) people have signed up for wood chipping this year. Individuals can join Indian Mountain Burn Pit for $100.00 a year. It would cost $1,000.00 a year for Lost Park Ranch to join. We could also consider having wood chipping for more than one day a year. We need to create a community program to help others who cannot do it themselves prepare for wood chipping.

A motion was made by Jeannie Mellinger (Lot 198 & 267) and seconded by Jed Caswall (Lot119) that the Board look into joining the Indian Hills Burn Pit and put an article in the newsletter so we can vote on it at the 2015 annual meeting. The motion passed. There was some discussion about the HOA buying a trailer, but there are some other considerations that need to be looked into, such as insurance, license, liability, storage and maintenance.

  1. Wood Chipping Date - September 20th, 2014, Sign up

Bob Ballard discussed the wood chipping program which he and Misi Ballard have coordinated for several years. The date this year is Saturday, September 20th. Participants should meet at the firehouse at 8:30. The cost this year is $75 donation which goes to CUSP (Coalition for the Upper South Platte – ). Bob noted that it is important to stack up wood in piles such that each pile can easily be picked up in its entirety by one person and is easy to carry. The piles should have the large end out and should not contain any roots or anything that has dirt in it. (Note: Instructions are included on the CUSP website at

  1. TFC Update - Theresa Pugh

Theresa noted the following:

  1. We have had a great water year for fishing.
  2. We have had success trapping the Suckers.
  3. Fish Stocking will be on August 7, 2014. They would like to have some volunteers help.
  4. The Annual TFC Picnic will be August 9, 2014 at the Stagestop Fire House at 10:00AM.
  5. The new owners, Tim and April Penney, of the Bordenville River Ranch are members of the TFC and we all need to aware of this. There have been some problems with people approaching them and telling them they do not have the right to fish.
  6. Jim Sylvester brought up that Ute Trail River Ranch has been purchased by the Broadmoor and will no longer be open to the public.
  1. Architectural Control Committee (ACC) Update - Gary Jasper and Jed Caswall

Gary Jasper reported that we have had four (4) requests for ACC approval this year. Three of the four were approved. The fourth was not approved because they were requesting approval to build a shed before a house has been built. This is against the Land Use Regulations in Park County.

  1. LPROA Board Member and ACCElections - Cliff Pugh (President), Sue Bergmanis (Treasurer), Gary Jasper (ACC and Member at Large) and Neil Underwood (ACC)

Jed Caswall, ACC member, conducted the elections. The three 2-year term board positions held by Cliff Pugh, Jim Sylvester, and Gary Jasper were expired. All three individuals were willing to stand for reelection. They were nominated. Pat Shoemaker questioned whether Gary Jasper should hold a position on the board and the ACC, but Jed stated there was no prohibition in the bylaws. No other candidates were nominated. The three were reelected unanimously. The board position vacated by Jim Hoffmeyer had one year remaining. Susan Rendek (Lot 178229) volunteered to take that position. No other candidates were nominated and Susan was approved unanimously.

The ACC had two 3-year term positions held by Gary Jasper and Neil Underwood that were expired. Gary was willing to stand for another term but Neil was not at the meeting and did not notify anyone of his desire to run again. There were no other nominations for the ACC so Jed Caswall (Lot 119) moved the nominations cease and Joe Knopinski (Lot 207) seconded it. Gary Jasper was relected unanimously for another three years.

  1. Work Day Volunteers

The HOA Board was asking for volunteers for scheduled work days. A request will be sent out in a blast e-mail from our web site.

  1. Additional Membership Comments
  1. Bob Ballard told us about Northern Goshawk nesting in our area. This is very rare, but they are very aggressive. Watch out!
  1. Bob had copies Living with Wildlife in Moose Country, provided by the Colorado Division of Wildlife. He also had copies of Walk for Wilderness, 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Wilderness Act 1964-2014.
  1. Cliff Pugh mentioned the death of 2 individuals in Lost Park Ranch due to Carbon Monoxide and recommended that everyone get a Carbon Monoxide Detector in their houses. He also mentioned that a device called a Propane Sniffer could be installed and that would shut off propane in the event of a leak. Park County has a high incidence of radon gas so residents may want to get a radon gas detection test kit.
  1. Adjourn for Pot Luck

Jed Caswall (lot 119) motioned to adjourn the meeting and Mike Palmer (lot 107)seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously

Attachment 1

Lost Park Ranch Owners Association

Annual Membership Meeting Agenda

August 2, 2014

Jefferson Community Hall Jefferson, Co
10:00 AM

1. Call to order, introduce board

2. Ask for approval of the Agenda

3. Guest Speakers-

a.Michelle Connolly- CUSP

b.Corporal Leffer, Park County Sherriff's Office

4. Minutes of the last Annual Meeting

5. Treasurer's Report - Susan Bergmanis

6. President's Report - Pond Status In Lost Park Ranch, LPR Pond near Stagestop, firehouse painting, Dues on multiple lots

7. Jim Hoffmeyer, committee on Community fire mitigation plan

8. Wood Chipping Date - September 20th, Sign up

9. TFC Update- Gary Belk or Theresa Pugh, Annual Picnic- August 9th, Stocking- August 7

10. ACC Update- Gary Jasper and Jed Caswall

11. LPROA and ACC Elections Board member elections.

12. Work Day volunteers-

13. Additional Membership Comments

14. Adjourn - Pot luck

Attachment 2

Attachment 3 LPROA Firewise Committee Report

LPROA Firewise Committee - Summaryof Activities

LPROA Annual Meeting August 2, 2014

1.Mission of LPROA Firewise Committee

• Encourage LPROA community efforts such as chipping.

• Provide fire mitigation information to LPROA residents via the LPROA web site and LPROA newsletters.

• Report issues to the LIPROA Board relative to fire mitigation and report to LPROA Board regarding Firewise Committee progress.

• Work with Colorado State Forest Service CSFS) and Coalition for the Upper South Platte (CUSP) on various issues such as obtaining designation as a Firewise Community.

2. Firewise Committee Members

• Jim Hoffmeyer, Joe Knopinski, and Mike Palmer

3. Firewise Community Designation

The LPROA Firewise Committee is working with the Colorado State Forest Service and the Coalition for the Upper South Platte in developing an application for designation as a fire wise community. It is believed that this designation will help reduce fire insurance rates. Individuals in the Stagestop Owners Association have been helpful. We are working on the following documents which we hope to submit by October 1, 2014:

  1. Application Form: The application form is complete.
  2. Community Wildfire Protection (CWPP) Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs) represent the best opportunity we have to address the challenges of the wildland-urban interface (WUT) in a way that brings about comprehensive and locally supported solutions.


The current version of this report is 56pages long. It contains both general information on fire mitigation as well as specific information for LPR.

4. Chipping

The LPROA Firewise Committee encourages LPROA lot owners to take part in the chipping program on September 20, 2014. This is a community event.

5. Other Steps the LPROA Firewise Committee Recommends

  1. Join with Indian Mountain and Stagestop in the burn pit - cost $1,000. This is less than $5 per lot. Volunteers are needed as part of this commitment (no specific number of hours).
  2. Expand the chipping day to other days where neighbors help neighbors either clear standing and fallen dead or stack preparing for chipping day.
  1. Purchase a trailer that could be used for the above or placed on an owner's property for them to fill then we work together to haul it to the bum pit.
  2. Encourage a program where neighbors call neighbors to offer to assist in cleaning up properties.

The LPROA Firewise Committee will work with the LPROA Board in further discussions of the above recommendations.

6. Issues

  1. Insurance rates are increasing 10% to 25% per year. We believe that increased fire mitigation and designation as a Firewise community will help.
  2. Chipping Program: Encourage more owners to become involved in chipping program and fire mitigation in general.
  3. Increased visibility of LPROA Firewise Committee similar in importance to Architectural Control Committee. The LPROA needs to somehow establish a community culture of fire wise attitude and behaviors.

7. Further Information Re2ardin2 LPROA Firewise Committee

  1. Contact: Jim Hoffmeyer — 303-828-5246
  1. LPROA Website:

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