United States History and the Constitution

Leslie Martin


Course Description – This is a survey course of US History. That means we will study all of the major political, economic, and social events in our country’s history.

Course Outline (with tentative test dates)

Unit 1 – Colonies to Revolution (Sept. 1/2)

Unit 2 – American Government (Sept. 22/23)

Unit 3 – Westward Expansion (Oct. 7/8)

Unit 4A – The Civil War (Oct. 23/26)

Unit 5 – Reconstruction (Nov. 10/11)

Unit 6A – Industrialization (Dec. 1/2)

Unit 6B – Progressivism (Midterm Exam)

Unit 7 – Imperialism (Jan. 26/27)

Unit 8 – the Roaring 20s and the Great Depression (Feb. 16/17)

Unit 9 – World War II and the Early Cold War (Mar. 7/8)

Unit 10 – America in the 50s and 60s (Mar. 22/23)

Unit 11 – Vietnam to Present Day (April 21/22)

Course Materials

1 three-ring binder

Notebook paper



Course Grading

9 Weeks Grading Final Grade

Tests/Projects 60% 9 weeks grades average 80%

Quizzes 20% End of course test 20%

Classwork/ Homework 20%

Classroom Rules and Procedures


1) Be respectful of others.

2) Follow directions when given.

3) Listen attentively while the teacher or another student addresses the class.


1) Reminder of correct behavior

2) After school detention

3) Parent contact/ office referral


-  Notes outlines will be available online before the start of each unit. You can either download them into Notability or get a printed copy from me.

-  Taking notes is highly encouraged. You will be allowed to use your notes on our daily quiz, so although notes are not graded, they can affect your grade.

-  When you come in to class start working on the bellwork. You will be doing this mostly through the Socrative app. Bellwork will count as a class work grade.

-  You will have until the timer is up to complete your bellwork.

-  If you are absent you have several resources to help you cover the material you missed:

o  Read over the powerpoint slides

o  Read over the corresponding section in the “red book.”

o  Watch the Tom Richey video that corresponds to the section we covered (link on my website and in Google Classroom)

o  Stay after school and I will go over what you missed with you.

-  About Google Classroom:

o  The code to join our class is:

o  We will use Google Classroom for distribution of materials and as a place to post classwork. You can also find the powerpoint slides and other helpful resources there.

For additional help:

-  Social studies tutoring will be available each Tuesday after school with either me or Mrs. Hill.

-  If you cannot stay on a Tuesday, but still need help, talk to me and we can schedule a time to meet after school.

-  You are allowed to make test corrections on all tests for half credit back. This must be done in the same grading period as the test was taken!