RFP/Organizational Summary for Proposal Submission


Please fill out the following form with information about your organization to prepare a proposal and price quotation.

If information is gathered from other sources (i.e. Website, independent research, etc.) please indicate source in parenthesis.



  1. General
  2. Proposal Deadlines
  3. RFP Documents Provided
  4. Association Summary
  5. Staffing Summary
  6. Membership Management
  7. Data/Website Management
  8. Board Support
  9. Committee Support
  10. Chapter Support
  11. Financial Management
  12. Meeting/Conference Management
  13. Publications Management
  14. Membership Marketing/PR
  15. Social Media Management
  16. Other
  17. Strategic


1. General
Association Name / American Neurological Association
Proposal contact persons/titles/address/email/phone / William J Barnes, CPA
Barnes Givens & Barnes Ltd
1655 N Arlington Hts Rd Suite 305E
Arlington Hts, IL 60004

Preferred method of contact / Email
2. Proposal Deadlines
Letter of Intent due / February 15, 2013
Proposal Due / February 28, 2013
Send Via (Email/Mail) / Email
Number of hard copies / none
1st Selection / March 1, 2013
Interview/Presentation / March 15, 2013
Final Selection / April 1, 2013
Start Date / May 1, 2013
(Add any additional deadlines included in RFP)
3. RFP Documents Provided
Please list any documents provided by prospect, or found on prospect’s Website
4. Association Summary
Currently managed by (include Website) / L&L Management
Headquarters location / Minneapolis, MN
Is current staff or organization aware of search? / Yes
What prompted search? / Contract renewal and expected growth of organization from 1,800 members to 5,000+
Association Website /
Mission / The American Neurological Association is a professional society of academic neurologists and neuroscientists devoted to advancing the goals of academic neurology; to training and educating neurologists and other physicians in the neurologic sciences; and to expanding both our understanding of diseases of the nervous system and our ability to treat them.
Year established / 1875
What is the primary geographic scope of the association (International/National/Regional)? / Primarily national with international members
IRS Tax Status (501(c)3 / 501(c)6 / 501©3
If international, country of incorporation
Year founded
5. Staffing Summary
Number/titles of current staff / 6 –see below
Percentage of staff time dedicated to the association and tasks / Education coordinator – 80 %
Executive coordinator – 100 %
Meeting event planner – 50 %
Administrative coordinator – 20 %
Associate Executive Director – 75 %
Controller – 15 %
Executive Director – 440 hours
AP/AR – 208 hours
Mail room – 60 hours
Are any services outsourced? / Communications director - $78,000 inc. benefits
6. Membership Management
Number of members / 1,800
Primary Industry / Academic neurology (research, teaching, clinical)
Membership Categories / Member, Fellow, corresponding member, corresponding fellow, Honorary Fellow, Special Advisory Member
Primary membership benefits / Subscription to Annals of Neurology journal, inclusion
If international, primary languages spoken by membership / English
7. Data/Website Management
What software is used to manage membership data? / I4A
Association Website /
Do you have E-commerce on Website? / No
Is there a members-only area of the Website? / Yes; log-in information available upon request
Website management / To accompany and encourage the organization’s growth, the successful AMC must have the expertise and capability to build and maintain a website that includes robust interaction between members through an online community and forums; the ability to customize content based on career stage and areas of interest; and integrate information through various delivery mechanisms (i.e. social media, RSS feeds, push notifications, etc.)
The successful AMC must also have experience in providing online educational materials and courses.
8. Board Support
Describe Board structure / Executive Council consists of President (Eva L. Feldman), Past President (Robert L. Macdonald), President-elect (Robert H. Brown Jr.), 1st Vice President (David M. Holtzman), 2nd Vice President (Karen C. Johnston), Secretary (Nina F. Schor), Treasurer (Steven P. Ringel) and nine councilors (Allan I. Levey, Kenneth L. Tyler, Allison Brashear, Amy R. Brooks-Kayal, Barbara G. Vickrey, Anthony J. Windebank, Nicole Calakos, Samuel J. Pleasure, Jonathan M. Rosand)
Total number / 16
Officers / President (Eva L. Feldman), Past President (Robert L. Macdonald), President-elect (Robert H. Brown Jr.), 1st Vice President (David M. Holtzman), 2nd Vice President (Karen C. Johnston), Secretary (Nina F. Schor), Treasurer (Steven P. Ringel)
Executive Committee / President (Eva L. Feldman), Past President (Robert L. Macdonald), President-elect (Robert H. Brown Jr.), 1st Vice President (David M. Holtzman), 2nd Vice President (Karen C. Johnston), Secretary (Nina F. Schor), Treasurer (Steven P. Ringel)
Number of meetings per year in-person / 2-3
Number of days of in-person meetings / 3-4
Are any in conjunction with Annual Conference or other meetings? / Yes
Number of meetings per year via teleconference / 2-3
9. Committee Support
List all committees / *Governance structure attached*
Does staff provide administrative support? / Yes
Frequency of committee meetings (in-person and via teleconference) / Staff coordinates and executes 10 conference calls per month
10. Chapter Support
Number of chapters and locations / NA
Does staff provide administrative support?
Describe type of support provided
11. Financial Management
Current Budget / See attached for 2013
Copy of current budget provided? / Yes
Please provide the latest audited Financial Statements
In what month does fiscal year begin? / January
What accounting method is used (cash/accrual)? / Accrual
How frequently are financial statements prepared? / Annual
Current management fee / $300,000 for 2012/ $440,000 proposed for 2013
When was most recent audit? / 2011
12. Meeting/Conference Management
Please list all meetings/events/programs that occur per year, with the following details (copy cell blocks if there are multiple meetings.). If an event does not reoccur annually, please indicate so. Indicate if an event is a joint meeting.
Meeting Name: American Neurological Association Annual Meeting
Number of Attendees / 1,200
City where it was last held / Boston
Number of days / 3
Describe type of programs / Scientific, career development, networking
Number of exhibitors / 0
Square foot of exhibit space / 0
Is program book or agenda available (Check Website) / Yes
Is exhibitor prospectus available? / NA
Are sponsorships made available? / Yes
Are CEUs provided? / Yes
Name of accrediting body / ACCME
Any additional information or notes / The successful AMC applicant must demonstrate experience with obtaining CME.
Meeting Name: TCRC
Meeting Name / Translational and Clinical Research Course for Clinician-Scientists
Number of Attendees
City where it was last held / San Francisco
Number of days / 2
Describe type of programs / Scientific and professional development courses for Fellows and Junior Faculty, focused on translational science
Number of exhibitors / NA
Square foot of exhibit space / NA
Is program book or agenda available (Check Website) / Attached
Is exhibitor prospectus available?
Are sponsorships made available?
Are CEUs provided? / Yes
Name of accrediting body / ACCME
Any additional information or notes
13. Publications Management
Please list all regularly reoccurring publications (such as newsletters, magazines, etc.) that occur per year, with the following details. (copy cell blocks if there are multiple meetings.) Do not include materials such as program books or membership brochures.
Publication Name: Annals of Neurology
Average number of pages / 300
Is sample provided? / Yes
Frequency / Monthly
Color (black/white, 2 colors, or 4 colors) / 4-color/B&W
Who receives publication / Members
How is it distributed (mail, email, Website) / Mail/website/mobile app
Does the cover/design remain the same? / No
Is advertising made available? / Yes
Does staff sell ad space? / Publisher sells ad space
Does publication have volunteer editor? / No
Amount of content typically provided by staff vs. volunteers / None. Aside from arranging conference calls/meetings, AMC has little involvement or responsibility for day-to-day oversight of journal.
Additional notes / The successful AMC must have experience with negotiating and monitoring publication contracts.
Publication Name:
Average number of pages
Is sample provided?
Color (black/white, 2 colors, or 4 colors)
Who receives publication
How is it distributed (mail, email, Website)
Does the cover/design remain the same?
Is advertising made available?
Does staff sell ad space?
Does publication have volunteer editor?
Amount of content typically provided by staff vs. volunteers
14. Membership Marketing/PR
Is marketing/PR requested? / Handled in house/newsletter
Number of press releases per year
Please save any press releases in G drive folder.
15. Social Media Management
List groups relating to association or industry on Facebook/LinkedIn, and describe type and frequency of activity / ANA Facebook page
Any mention of association or industry on Twitter? / Yes – thenewana1
Is forum available on Website? / Not at this time, but plans call for development a much more robust website that would be likely to have multiple specialty- or topic-based forums.
Describe forum activity and frequency of posts
Does Association have a blog? / Not at this time, but blogs could be incorporated into the upgraded website.
List any blogs relating to industry
16. Other
Describe any special programs not listed in this questionnaire, and type of support provided by staff.
Management requirement / The Association would like 100 percent FTE from executive director
17. Strategic
When did most recent strategic plan take place? / In progress, began 9/12
Could we obtain a copy of the strategic plan or goals? / Yes
Is membership increasing, decreasing, or stagnant? / Increasing (new, more inclusive membership rules)
Is industry increasing, decreasing, or stagnant? / Static
What major problems/issues does organization face currently or in the next few years? / Providing valuable services to growing membership
What opportunities exist for organization? / Expanded membership, chance to offer more educational opportunities,
Please list any competing and/or similar organizations / American Academy of Neurology, Child Neurology Society, Society for Neuroscience
What do you are the 3 biggest challenges the association is facing? /
  1. Developing unique programs that promote recruitment
  2. Programs that promote retention
  3. Carving out its niche among the neurosciences

If you could communicate 3 things to the membership, what would you like to tell them? /
  1. We want this organization to matter to you.
  2. We will listen to your input and make this organization valuable to you.
  3. We will strive to uphold the high stands that have been in place for the past 138 years.

What are your membership marketing and communication challenges? / The audience is made up of extremely busy people who may not take time to read communication, appealing to individuals with a broad range of accomplishments (i.e. older, esteemed members vs. those newer to the profession)
Please list the current communication methods, and the frequency. Ex: Weekly e-blasts, newsletters, mailers, etc. / Bi-monthly newsletter, monthly e-blasts, direct mailings (5-10 per year), countless direct e-mails regarding committee involvement