Top 10 Benefits of Installing a Zero-Clearance Fireplace

Whether hunting for an alternative heating system or looking to add more personality to your living room with a fireplace, all of the options out there can make it challenging to choose. No matter what fuel you prefer (natural gas, propane, wood or wood pellets) a zero-clearance fireplace may be the best option for you. Zero-clearance fireplaces are pre-fabricated fireplaces that they can be safely installed near combustible materials. Less expensive and more efficient than a masonry fireplace, as well as conveniently designed to fit in tight places, a zero-clearance fireplace is a smart and attractive addition to any home.

There are two types of zero-clearance fireplaces: traditional and modern. Traditional zero-clearance fireplaces are ideal for people who prefer the look of a classic masonry fireplace and want the option of choosing between different fuel types. You can choose between gas, propane, wood pellet or wood-burning models. These models offer you the aesthetic appeal of a masonry fireplace with glass doors to increase their efficiency.

Modern zero-clearance fireplaces are primarily designed to burn wood and offer you even greater energy efficiency. Instead of having glass doors they usually have cast iron doors. They are designed to reduce the amount of heat that can get lost up your chimney.

Both types offer you these 10 benefits:

1.  Can be installed in any home: The heavy insulation in these appliances allows them to be used in any home, including mobile homes in many cases (it is important to check the model information to ensure it is safe in a mobile home).

2.  Low maintenance and easy to operate: These appliances are designed to be easy to use and to require less maintenance. You will not have to worry about expensive masonry or chimney repairs.

3.  Convenient installation: Pre-fabricated in a factory, installation requires much less time and work than other heating appliances. It is still important to have professional assistance to ensure you have proper venting.

4.  Reduced installation costs: Since you do not need to protect combustible materials (such as paneling, wood, or sheetrock) from the heat of a zero-clearance fireplace, no masonry work is required which cuts down on the cost of installation.

5.  Fits in tight spaces: Zero-clearance fireplaces have a greater amount of insulation than generic pre-fabricated fireplaces. This added insulation makes it unnecessary to leave a buffer zone between your fireplace and combustible materials allowing it to fit into tighter spaces than other appliances.

6.  No hearth or chimney required: You do not have to worry about your children or animals being hurt by the sharp edges of a hearth because zero-clearance fireplaces do not have one. Many models can be ventilated by a pipe in the back instead of needing a chimney. Others will need a pipe that vents through the roof but a masonry chimney is not necessary.

7.  Increased efficiency: Open-hearth masonry fireplaces have as low as 10% efficiency whereas zero-clearance fireplaces can have up to 70% efficiency.

8.  You pick the fuel type: Whether you prefer the convenience of electricity or want to use an environmentally friendly fuel like wood there is a zero-clearance fireplace fit for you.

9.  Many styles to choose from: There are many different styles and sizes to choose from to fit your home and cater to your taste. It is important to choose a fireplace that is the right size for the space it is installed in. Choosing a fireplace that is too small or too large is not wise. It is smart to speak to a professional who can help you choose the right model for you.

10.  Adds character to any home: The superb design of zero-clearance fireplaces allows you to enjoy the cozy atmosphere and attractive focal feature created by having one in your home.

If you have been won over by the benefits of a zero-clearance fireplace, speak with one of our professionals today to find out what models might be best for you! Remember, you can make a zero-clearance fireplace look more like an authentic, masonry fireplace by accessorizing with a grate and ornamental fireplace tools.