College Station/Bryan

Community Radiofor the BrazosValley



KEOS Bell Studios

202 E. Carson St.

Bryan, TX

(979) 779-5367

Last updated July 2009

KEOS Community Radio Mission Statement

KEOS is committed to the creation of radio broadcasting by and for a public of diverse cultures, under-served and under-represented by other area media.

KEOS shall provide programming that celebrates and expresses the diversity of the community. It shall provide a voice for groups in the community that may otherwise go unheard, sustaining a forum for alternative points of view on local, national, and international issues, with particular awareness to women, students, labor, minorities, and other public interest constituencies. KEOS will promote understandings between cultures and serve as a catalyst for positive social change within the community.

KEOS will provide programming, access, and training to the community, with significant participatory opportunities to students of TexasA&MUniversity, BlinnCommunity College and other area schools and colleges.


KEOS 89.1 FM is your listener sponsored, commercial-free, non-profit, people-powered, and locally supported, all-volunteer community radio for the BrazosValley.

KEOS 89.1 FM is a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) licensed, non-commercial radio station, which began broadcasting on March 25, 1995. We are a non-profit educational and cultural organization with 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service.

We are proud to be completely locally supported by pledges, donations, underwriting, and volunteering. Our programming is produced by and for the people - on a volunteer basis. We believe in the power of community public radio. We provide different points of view as an alternative to mainstream sound bites while encouraging direct participation from our community.

KEOS Community Radio Volunteer Positions Available

All volunteers are required be accountable, be on-time, and to adhere to FCC, IRS, and KEOS station rules, regulations, and policies including the KEOS Volunteer Handbook. Volunteers are expected to participate in various station related activities including: fund-raising projects, meeting, discussions, and miscellaneous off-air jobs at the station (cleaning, filing, etc.)

KEOS On-Air Approved Volunteers

KEOS has opportunities for on-air volunteers including hosting locally-produced shows, being a substitute host, engineering locally-produced shows, and/or putting our non-local programming on the air. No prior experience is necessary. We provide customized training for KEOS.

Program slots open all the time. Once you are on-air approved, you may request a vacant time slot when presenting your show proposal or requesting a time slot change.

See the On-Air Volunteer Training Overview for the training procedure.

KEOS Support Volunteers (Behind the Scenes )

KEOS has opportunities for volunteers wanting to make long or short term commitments to help behind-the scenes. Opportunities include reviewing music, station maintenance, distributing schedules, answering phones during pledge drives, helping at various KEOS booths, spring cleaning and public relations support.

Minor Permission Form

KEOS Community Radio Parent Permission Form

(Part of Your Personnel File)

KEOS requires minors (individuals under the age of 18) to get parental/guardian permission before attending FCC+ Training and before being approved as KEOS volunteers.

KEOS is an all-volunteer, not-for-profit, community radio station that is unable to provide adult supervision of minors. Additionally, KEOS may contain some content of an adult nature (including music). Specifically, during FCC+ training, we review what is indecent and obscene in order to understand and follow the FCC regulations.

KEOS encourages parent/guardian participation on-site when the minor is at the station, including during the training process. We also encourage you to contact us if you have any questions or comments about this process.


Please have your parent/guardian complete this form and bring it to FCC I Training for inclusion in your training folder. We will be unable to continue your training until you do so.

I understand and give my permission for ______(minor) to continue with their training and to be a KEOS Volunteer. I understand I am responsible for providing adult supervision while they are at KEOS and approve of the conditions under which they are volunteering.

Parent/Guardian name (print) ______

(signature) ______Date ______

Daytime phone number ______

Evening phone number ______

Emergency contact ______phone number______


Training of KEOS On-Air Volunteers

1. First Interview:

The Management Team/Volunteer Coordinator will review application and conduct the interview.

a. Explain the Volunteer Training Program and approximate time commitment

b. Explain the Mentoring program and the responsibilities to attend and complete all the requirements.

c. Explain that they will be contacted by the Volunteer Coordinator with Training Dates.

2. Volunteer/Training Coordinator:

The Volunteer/Training Coordinator will establish initial FCC and Ops Training Sessions prior to assignment of Mentor. Upon successful completion of both classes, Volunteer Coordinator will assign a Mentor who will work closely with the Volunteer to get the training completed in a comprehensive and timely manor. The documentation will be maintained by the Coordinator and available for the Management Team review before the final approval of new members. The Volunteer/Training Coordinator or member of the Management Team will do the intake interview and its documentation. The Volunteer/Training Coordinator will keep the Management Team up-to-date on volunteers-in-training. The Volunteer/Training Coordinator will maintain regular contact with all volunteers to keep lines of communication open.

3. Mentor Contact:

Mentors will be selected based on time available for both the mentor and the applicant. The Mentor is the primary on-air and procedures trainer for new applicants and will be responsible for them being exposed to the Studio Board and procedures training, to ensure trainee is capable of producing a quality show.

1. The mentor will coordinate the training of his/her charge.

a. Ops training will be done during an Ops time slot. An Ops training check-list will be completed to ensure all areas are covered. Two Ops training sessions and one Ops monitored session are expected of all applicants. The mentor can do the Ops mentoring, if desired or have another mentor provide this training.

b. Mentoring will use the basic mentoring check list. All forms will be provided to the applicant. A minimum of three mentored shows with the applicant hosting an entire show without major help are required. They do not all have to be with the same mentor, but the primary mentor is responsible to ensure all key points are covered by assisting mentors.

c. The primary mentor will stay in close contact with the applicant to ensure FCC I, FCC II and Programming trainings are completed with-in the first month of contact, if at all possible.

d. The primary mentor will be sure that the applicant is connected via the web, so is always aware of activities, training and events.

e. The mentor will accompany the applicant to at least one Management Team meeting before the applicant’s review.

f. The first Fund Raising Rally after the applicant has begun training is a required attendance. The first Fund Raising event the applicant will assist their mentor on the air pitching. If the new volunteer has their own show by this time but has not been on the air for a fund raiser; the mentor will assist on the air pitching during the new show.

4. Management Team Review:

The Management Team Review will consist of visiting with the applicant as to his/her level of comfort in taking on a role at KEOS. They will have already discussed the candidate with the primary mentor and will be aware of strengths and weaknesses of the candidate. The Management Review/ approval process will be completed in closed session the same evening.

A. Following Approval: They will offer the applicant times to immediately become active as with some Ops shifts or other open times. If the applicant is planning a new show, the proposal will have been reviewed and at this time the time-slot maybe assigned along with a start date. But it is important to welcome the new member and assign them a duty quickly. (Done via E-mail)

B. Following Non-approval: Based on the reason for the non-approval accommodations will be attempted or the application will be informed that KEOS can not use them at this time. (Done in person)

5. Evaluations:

A written test of basic information will be administered to all volunteers at the end of the training program. A score of 85 or above is required to move forward with the final approval process. The test can be retaken a second time to improve the score.

After formal training programs we will use questionnaires to identify ways to improve these processes.

First Contact Interview:


Name of Interviewee:

Contact information: E-mail:


Name of Interviewer:

□ Welcome and tour:

□ Background of the station -history

□ Volunteer Station -governance

□ Training is key to maintaining quality of programs and hosts as well as meet FCC regulations

□ Training time requirement:

Normally can be completed in a month but will require approximately 42 hours total

□ As a member of KEOS family volunteer time commitment after training:

Two hours volunteer service for every two on-air hours

□ Where do they live? How long have they been in the area?

□ Are they a student? Level in school and time planning to be in the area?

□ Give them the application and explain how to turn it in. Also tell them their mentor will contact them with-in a week of completion of application

□ Explain if they are interested in doing their own show they will have to do a Program Proposal to be reviewed by the Management Team for approval and scheduling. Their Mentor can help develop the program proposal.

Thank them for their interest and remind them to turn in the application ASAP.

Turn in form to Volunteer Coordinator.




Name: Date of Birth:

Local Address: City and Zip:

Phones: (H) (W) (Cell)

Permanent Address (If Different from Above):

City & Zip: Phone:


Are you a Student? ____ Full/Part Time ____ Where? ______

Do you have a job? ____ Full/Part Time ____ Where? ______

Have you ever been convicted of a crime? ______

How did you find out about KEOS? ______

Do you know any KEOS Volunteers? ______

What days and times could you volunteer at KEOS? ______


Are you applying for: On-air ___ Off-air/Support ______

Tell us why you would like to volunteer at KEOS: ______


If you would like to produce a program what type would you be interested in? ______

Please describe any music, media, non-profit organization, skills, unique qualities or radio experience you have: ______



KEOS Community Radio is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization. KEOS depends on all volunteers tobe dependable and on time. Volunteers are expected to participate in various station sponsored activities such as fundraising projects, meetings, discussions and miscellaneous duties (housekeeping, office work, etc) KEOS is licensed by the Federal Communications Commission and is required to adhere to all FCC rules and regulations. Volunteers are likewise

required to adhere to all rules and regulations of the FCC and KEOS.

If accepted as a KEOS volunteer I agree to abide by the rules and polices above as well as any updates:

Signature of Application: ______


BELOW FOR OFFICE USE ****************************************************************

Date received: ______Date interviewed: ______Accepted for training? Y N

Date Training Completed:______Approval: On-Air Off-Air/Support

KEOS Community Radio General Station Policies

Failure to follow station policies can and will result in warnings and possible dismissal as a KEOS Volunteer.

General Policies:

Lock all 3 doors any time you leave the station unattended - day or night.

You are responsible for keeping up-to-date with all station policies, KEOS Volunteer Handbook updates, as well as checking the Events Calendar, the email lists, and your mailbox regularly.

Once approved as a KEOS volunteer, you are responsible for knowing what is on the KEOS-Ops List.

Make sure you are on the correct email list(s).

Do not hand out door combinations to anyone, including other volunteers, unless specifically directed by a Management Team member.

Do not give out any volunteer’s personal contact information to non-KEOS personnel. Take a message to pass on. Exception: give out Music Director’s email to record companies.

You must keep an updated Volunteer application on-file with the Volunteer Coordinator. Fill in an updated Volunteer Application and place it in Volunteer Coordinator’s mailbox with any changes.

Personnel folders and pledge forms are to remain at the station.

All music must be directed to the KEOS Music Director, John Roths (). Use our mailing address: KEOS P.O. Box 78 College Station, TX 77841

You can begin reviewing music after you have been approved. Contact our Music Director, John Roths (), to let him know you are interested in reviewing music. We also have a sign-up sheet for you to sign.

Attendance is mandatory for all-station meetings. In the unlikely event you cannot attend, you are still responsible for knowing the content of the meeting.

No alcohol or illegal drugs are allowed at the station. No one is allowed to be on the air while under the influence.

No smoking is allowed inside the station. Smoking area is outside back door in Dog Run. There is a Butt Can provided for you. Please don’t litter.

KEOS Recycles! Please assist us by following the signs posted around the station.

Notify a member of the Management Team of any on-air FCC violations.

On-Air Specific Policies

Give a Legal ID at the top of every hour.

If you leave the station unattended, make sure the legal ID will be played - even if someone is supposed to arrive shortly. Things happen.

Complete your traffic and transmitter logs every time, including signing in and out when you are the Operator-on-Duty. Check the tower readings during your shift and know the legal limits. Also complete Play Lists and Talk Show Documentation forms and file appropriately (notebooks for each show in Control Room).

You, as Operator-on-Duty, are responsible for all FCC violations, including from guests, on your program. If there are FCC violations by your live guests, you need to turn off the microphone and terminate the live, on-air interaction immediately. If you have reason to suspect your guests may not be aware of the FCC+ restrictions and/or may violate them, you need to let them know the guidelines before they go on the air in order to prevent any potential problems.

Attendance is recorded by your completion of the traffic and transmitter logs. Failure to complete your portion of the logs can count as unexcused absences.

The Operator on Duty is REQUIRED to wear headphones when the microphones are live.

All major show changes (format, host, and name) need to be submitted to and approved by the KEOS Management Team.

Leaving the Station:

All of us need to make sure we take care of the basic duties around the station, especially when you are leaving the studio empty. Please remember to leave the studio in a proper condition including:

• Fill out the logs. Don’t forget to sign in and out.

• Make sure you checked the tower at the start of your show or as close as possible.

• Set up the appropriate programming before you leave if there is not another programmer relieving you.

• Re-file any CDs, Paperwork, Underwriting and PSA Announcements, etc.

• Throw away your trash and empty full trash bins into outside trash can. Clean restroom.

• Turn down all the radio speakers including main speakers, cue speakers and headphone volume.

• Turn off the air conditioning and heat (Nighttime Programmers)

• Turn off lights and radios around the station.

• Make sure ALLthe DOORS are locked.

• Leave the station in better condition than you found it.

KEOS Community Radio Groups Lists Overview

KEOS makes extensive use of our email lists to communicate important station information.


What is it: Our optional, fun, discussion list:

For: KEOS On-Air & Support Volunteers

To join: go to


What is it: Our mandatory, low-traffic Operations list for ONLY important station operations

For: KEOS On-Air Volunteers and Management/Board of Directors

To join:go to

KEOS Community Fund Drive Key Points

Come by the station to offer moral support and/or a hand even if you are not on-air approved (yet)

Our Pledge Drives are only done 3 times a year! Pitching during Pledge Drives is not easy, but can be fun by following these actions: