Minutes of Regular MeetingMarch 5th, 2012

Full Meeting

The full meeting of the full senate convened at 3:15 PM, Kendall-Cram Room, LBC. 40 members were present.

Presiding: The chair, President Cowen.


Ex Officio:S. Cowen, M. Bernstein, B. Sachs, T. Lorino,C. Adams, C. Lane, M. Kahn (as proxy for J. Wiese)

Deans:J. MacLaren, C. Haber, P. Buekens,

A. B. Freeman School of Business:H Sujan, M Sujan,

Newcomb-Tulane College:None


Continuing Studies:L. Green

Law:R. Scalise

Liberal Arts:F. Smith, H. Sullivan, M. Yun, H. Howard, V. Mayer

Medicine:H Andersson, L. Morici, R. Reitan, H. Zhang, A. Betancourt

Public Health and Tropical Medicine: H. Long, S. Hassig, J. Lefante

Science and Engineering:C. Walker, D. Mullin, K. Johannesson, P. Colombo, J. Ruscher,

Social Work: L. Pearlmutter,

Student Senators:B Hambley,B. Johnson (as proxy for M. Lewis)

Staff Senators:S. Lossi,

Senators at Large:V. John, M. Kahn, J.Tasker, L. Myers, A.Gajda,

Absent Voting Senators:M. Davies, Y. Jones, I. Solomon, L. Query, K. Swartz, R. Marksbury, D. Meyer, N. Altiero, R. Marks, J. McFarland, M. Kalka, G. Owen, W. Redfield, C. Hancock, J. Carriere, M. Thompson, D. Mushatt, Z. Pursell, N. Mock, M. Lewis, E. Nicoll, N. Maples, M. Miller, L. Levy, J. Friedman, L. Byers.


The minutes of the February 13th meeting were approved with amendments. The final amended minutes are posted on the Senate Wiki under bothmeeting agendas.

Introduction of New Members

There were no new members to introduce

Suzanne Lossi replaces old member from Pediatrics


Nominations for the Vice-President of the Senate were opened. A nomination for John Veranowas made. There were no additional nominations.

A motion was made and seconded to close nominations.

A vote was taken; John Verano was elected as Vice President of the Senate for the 2012-2014 term.


President Cowen provided the following report.

As the last meeting was a little over three weeks ago, there was no new report. The Provost, Michael Bernstein, discussed the Faculty Handbook revision timetable.

Academic Affairs has begun the process to revise and update the Faculty handbook. The Provost’s office has obtained a professional writer to assist in this process. The goal of the initiative is to have revised language of the document, both substantive and formatting changes, complete by early in the 2012-2013 academic year. The final revisions will go through the FTFR committee for vetting and final approval.


There was no unfinished business.


1. Physical Facilities

Vijay John provided a report from the Physical Facilities committee.

The physical facilities committee report was briefly reviewed. Vijay John noted that the full report is posted to the Senate wiki and website for review.


Brady Johnson provided a report on the Tulane University Medical Amnesty Program. The full details of the report are available on the Senate Wiki and the Tulane University Senate website.

The proposal requests a new ambulance for Tulane University Medical Amnesty Program. There has been a 15% increase in call volume; however, there is only one dependable unit available. The program will attempt to raise funds on its own to support this addition.

There was a call for increased awareness. The amnesty program was founded in 1981. This nationally recognized program is comprised of registered EMT’s who have come together to encourage students to report the need for help with alcohol and/or drug issues. As part of the program, a student who calls for assistance will not be reported to student affairs/conduct offices.


Having no additional new business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:45PM.

Respectively Submitted,

Jeff Wiese, MD

Secretary, Tulane University Senate

Secretary’s Note: All written reports mentioned in the minutes, together with the full text of approved Handbook revisions and other policy changes, are available on the Tulane University Senate Wiki located at: tulanesenate.pbworks.com