New Freedom Intergroup Meeting Minutes

January 14, 2017

Always to extend the hand and heart of OA to all who share my compulsion; for this I am responsible.

I.  Call to Order – Judy K.

II.  Serenity Prayer - All

III.  Adoption of Agenda

·  Motion: Adopt the Agenda

·  Made/Seconded: Barb/Nancy

·  Resolution: Approved Unanimously

IV.  Approval of minutes from last meeting

Correction on Treasurers report is as follows: Judy advised the group that $500.00 had been designated towards the Fall Retreat Soar 8 Convention.

·  Motion: Adopt the Minutes

·  Made/Seconded: Martha/Pris

·  Resolution: Approved Unanimously

V.  Read Long Version of Tradition from Big Book

VI.  Reports: *= open for nominations

a.  Chair* – Vacant.

Marie advised the group that she is no longer the Chair, however, she assured the group she will continue to work towards getting the name changed to New Freedom Intergroup.

Marie stated that the By-Laws need to be revised and offered to help the in-coming Vice-Chair with the revisions.

b.  Vice-Chair* – Vacant

c.  Treasurer – Judy K.

Income: $378.31

Expenses: $790.33

Ending Balance Checking: $2871.01

Ending Balance Savings: $2536.10

·  Motion: Accept the Treasurers Report

·  Made/Seconded: Martha/Barb

·  Resolution: Motion carried Unanimously

Judy gave an extensive report to the group on the Budget and explained the Budget verses Actuals.

She proposed that we keep $2000.00 of the remaining monies for intergroup, send 30%/$653.00 to World Service and 10%/218.00 to SOAR 8.

·  Motion to split excess funds 60/30/10

·  Motion seconded by: ______

·  Resolution: Motion carried unanimously

Judy talked about Life Line, Bits and Bites and the need to carry the message to those who still suffer.

d.  Secretary – Cora W.

Attendance; 15 Reps, 3 Board (3 Voting) = 18 voting persons

9 votes= the majority

e.  Delegate – Georgette P.

Georgette states she has nothing to report at this time and advised the group that she is looking forward to being the Delegate for NFI.

f.  Newsletter – Angela

Angela Absent

Lori gave a brief report and advised the group that Angela has taken over the Newsletter and has made great strides in updating the Meeting List.

Barb asked “Does the newsletter person have to attend NFI?” There was a discussion among the members and it was decided that the Newsletter person does not have to be in the NFI meetings. The group agreed that Angela would be encouraged to attend when possible.

g.  PI/PO – Kathy W.

Kathy Absent

Martha advised the group that PIPO is very important and stated that new members come into the rooms after the New Yea.

Barb advised the group that WSO is doing a poster contest to get new members into OA.

h.  Twelfth Step Within – Karen J.

Karen discusse Florida State and SOAR 8 and stated that she is working on the 2017 Calander. Karen encouraged the group to come up with ideas and topics for Workshops for 2017.

Marie stated she has called Marywood and left a message to schedule a date for the Fall Retreat in October and has not been able to speak to anyone to date. Marie will update the group when she has more information.

i.  Young Persons – Wendy

Wendy reported that she has dedicated more of her time engaging with schools that have nursing and medical students.

Wendy states that Surviving the Holidays Part III Workshop will be focused on the new OA workbook.

j.  Website –Lori L.

Lori stated that she and Kimberly spent about 2 ½ hours discussing the NFI Website. Lori stated that Kimberly is a great teacher and was appreciative of the time spent together.

k.  Bylaws and Electronic Documents – Vacant.

Marie reports the Vice Chair normally takes care of the Bylaws and electronic documents.

l.  We Care List: - Jean

Jean has spoken with Narvette and has agreed to do the We Care List.

VII.  Unfinished Business:

  1. Motion to split excess funds 60/30/10


  1. Update of status of March SOAR 8 Assembly & Recovery Convention.

Marie reports that everything is up to date for the conference planning committee.

Marie advised the group that SOAR 8 Business Assembly Representatives need individual power cords for lap tops etc. and requested that NFI members consider loaning their power cords. Please make sure cords are marked so that they can be returned.

Marie stated that we will not have a speaker meeting in February and request that everyone stay to fill the bags for SOAR 8.

Marie talked about “Trashy Women” and will send out information to the group.

Georgette brought three baskets to donate to NFI individuals, and or groups, to be filled and then donated to SOAR 8 for the raffle.

Karen requested that members save their jars and lids to be given to Mary for one of the workshop projects.

Barb encouraged members to go to the NFI website to register for the conference.

  1. Florida State Convention Update

Barb states that 50 people have signed up for the conference.

  1. Nomination and election of Chair & Vice-Chair.

Marie nominated Cora W. for Chair.

Cora accepted the nomination, qualified herself and shared briefly with the group.

·  Motion: Elect Cora W. as Chair

·  Made/Seconded: Barb/Michael

·  Resolution: Cora W. was approved by acclimation.

Karen nominated Barb for Vice Chair.

Barb declined, stating there would be a conflict of interest. Barb is currently serving as Vice-Chair to WSO.

Pris nominated Nancy K for Vice-Chair.

Nancy accepted the nomination, qualified herself and shared briefly with the group

·  Motion: Elect Nancy K. as Vice- Chair

·  Made/Seconded: Marie/Karen

·  Resolution: Nancy K. was approved by acclimation

VIII.  New Business:

  1. Elected officers take office.
  2. Vote on number of Reps to send to March SOAR 8 Region Assembly

·  Motion: To send 3 Representatives to the Soar 8 Convention

·  Made/Seconded: Marie/Karen

·  Resolution: Approved Unanimously

  1. Send certifications to SOAR 8 Secretary for Region Assembly

Marie will meet with Cora and Nancy via Skype to register Certifications.

·  NFI will need to elect a new Secretary. Marie will take notes for the February meeting.

VIII. Meeting concerns, Upcoming Events and positive pitches or announcements for good of fellowship

1.  Florida State Convention – February 24-26, 2017

2.  SOAR 8 Assembly and Recovery Convention – March 17 – 19, 2017

3.  OA Birthday – January 17th

4.  Traditions meetings are held monthly on the third Sunday of the month from 3-4pm (except March meeting will be March 26 due to Soar 8 Assembly & Recovery Convention) Conference call information:712-775-7035, participant code is 530554#

5.  Michael reports 2 new meetings and request literature/a start- up kit.

6.  Karen announced that the Tuesday group at Lakewood group is growing (26 people).

7.  Barbara reports that she has 3 OA Workbooks for sale.

IX. Close meeting with OA’s Fellowship Pledge followed by Serenity Prayer.