The Santiago Connection:

Origins, Displacements and Pilgrimages. Fall 2017

Instructor: Azlin Perdomo / Office: Rabb 256
Email: / Office hours: MW: 10:30 - 12:00 P.M(orbyappointment)
Phone: 781.736.4976


Spanish Advanced Placement Test Score of 4 or higher (SAT II 620) or the Brandeis Placement Exam.

Brandeis prerequisite: HISP 104

Course description

This course is designed as an Experiential Learning course. Students will be exposed to an intense conversational practice and use Spanish in a variety of interactive activities such as class discussions, oral and written exercises, literary and cultural readings, interviews, dialogues, debates, presentations, film studies and an exploration of the mass media. The class is outlined to provide students with an active learning environment in which they will use Spanish to gain a deep understanding of cultural differences. HISP 105 will continue to build upon the students’ previously acquired linguistic skills and introduce a variety of new, more complex structures to be mastered. In this course, we will explore specific historical and present-day cultural aspects of Spain, Cuba, and Chile. For each country, a broad spectrum of readings, films, and independent research will serve as the foundation of class discussions, presentations and written work. Students will reflect on how their perspective on important political events changes before and after the semester. Our in-class conversations will better prepare students to interact with foreigners and to understand others’ perceptions of the world. As a final project, students will research a topic and write a reflection that compares and contrasts relevant political events. The reflection will include comparing Latin America or Spain to similar political processes in their own country.

Learning outcomes

Through this course, students will:

  • display an understanding of other cultures and recognize cultural similarities and differences
  • broaden their Spanish vocabulary through an exploration of various cultural topics
  • continue to improve their grammatical accuracy in Spanish and work towards improved fluency in oral communication
  • understand the main gist and some key details when listening to authentic aural materials (films, video excerpts, recordings, etc.)
  • express their ideas, opinions, and beliefs in a clear manner in written and oral form
  • be able to communicate in oral and written form their analysis of a text (novel, film, poem, etc.) as well engage in discussions about it
  • produce original texts using their own creative ideas and opinions
  • gain an understanding of basic events in the history of Chile, Cuba, and Spain

Four-CreditCourse (with threehoursof class-time per week)

Success in this 4credithourcourse is based on the expectation that students will spend a minimum of 9hoursof study time per week in preparation for class (readings, papers, discussion sections, preparation for exams, etc.).


  1. La muerte y la doncella byAriel Dorfman, Siete Cuentos, 2001. ISBN 978-1583220788
  2. Spanish dictionary It is highly recommended that all students have access to a good monolingual dictionary.


Classpreparation, participation and homework / 10%
Classpresentations (2) / 20%
Quizzes (2) / 10%
Exams (1) / 10%
Compositions(2) / 20%
Final Oral Exam and interview / 10%
Final Project / 20%
Grading scale:
94-100= A74-76= C
90-93= A-70-73= C-
87-89 = B+67-69= D+
84-86= B64-66= D
80-83= B-60-63= D-
77-79 =C+59 or less = F

Course policies

  1. Attendance: Regular attendance is crucial to the successful attainment of the course objectives. Punctuality is essential and only occasional late arrivals will be accepted. You may miss up to threeclasses for reasons of health, job interviews, etc. However, you may not miss any evaluations, compositions, and/or homework. In cases of an accident, illness, etc. you must notify your instructor as soon as possible. Missing any part of daily class will be considered a full absence. Excessive absences will have a negative impact on your class participation grade and will seriously affect your ability to follow the course.
  1. Preparation and participation in class. Please come to class prepared, ready and willing to participate in all in-class discussions and activities. Being prepared does not mean simply having looked over the readings, but instead you should study them carefully in order to have a clear understanding and be able to fully discuss in class. Your participation grade in HISP 105 will be based on your ability to follow the readings, keep up with the assigned work, and effectively present your ideas to the class.
  1. Homework. All homework is due on the day it is assigned. No exceptions. When indicated, students will be responsible for collaborating on group projects outside of class to complete assignments. Your professor will assign specific group projects and oral presentations.
  1. Quizzes. There will be two quizzes that focus on vocabulary and grammar points studied in class.
  1. Exams. There will be onemidterm on course content, grammar and vocabulary during the semester.
  1. Compositions. Throughoutthecourseyouwill be askedtowriteparagraphs and compositions in Spanish. Therewill be twomain (graded) compositionsforthiscourse. Studentswill be giventheopportunitytorewritethefirstcomposition and makecorrections.
  1. Final project. The final project for HISP 105 will include an oral presentation and a written paper based on the play La muerte y la doncella by Ariel Dorfman. Detailed instructions will be provided by your professor.*Note: Please use a spell check program to help you proofread your written work before you turn it in. Do not use any translation programs or ask anyone to edit your work for you.


Academic integrity is central to the mission of educational excellence at Brandeis University. Violation of University policies on academic integrity, described in Section 3 of Rights and Responsibilities, may result in failure on the assignment or failure in the course, and could even end in suspension from the University. Remember that native speakers, family members, friends, and tutors or study leaders, including those sanctioned by Brandeis University, are not authorized to complete homework or any other assignments for you. Any such help will be considered cheating. If you have questions about the type of help you can receive, please ask your professor before you receive help.

Plagiarism is not tolerated in this course, and ignorance or negligence on your part is not a valid excuse. The most rampant form of cheating these days is “cut and paste” plagiarism from the Internet. Using words, ideas, or fragments from undocumented Internet sources is cheating.

If you have any questions about what constitutes academic dishonesty, please contact your professor or the Office of Student Development and Conduct in 203 Shapiro Campus Center.

Notice to students with disabilities

If you are a student with a documented disability on record at Brandeis University and wish to have a reasonable accommodation made for you in this class, please see the professor immediately. Retroactive accommodations cannot be provided.

Spanish Major/Minor

If you are thinking about majoring or minoring in Spanish, you should familiarize yourself with the program in the Bulletin and then see the Undergraduate Advising Head.

Additional Help

The Brandeis University Group Study (B.U.G.S.) offers students free language practice outside of class. Take advantage of this service. The Office of Student Enrichment Services is located in Usdan Student Center 130.

Textbook vouchers

Textbook vouchers are available to students who are Pell Grant recipients. The vouchers will be available in Academic Services (Usdan 130) on the first day of class and are due on the last day of the drop/add period. Students should address questions to Shari Zingle, Senior Department Coordinator, in Academic Services (, 6-3460).


Please speak with your professor as soon as possible if you have questions about your placement in this course. Keep in mind that once you have completed a course in the language sequence (courses numbered 10 through 106), you will not be able to skip a level. If the course at your level is closed, we advise you to wait a semester and enroll in the appropriate during the next registration period.

Students who do not earn at least a C- will not be allowed to continue in the language sequence.

Cell phones and laptops

Please turn off all cell phones when you enter the class. If you must take an urgent call, please excuse yourself from the class. No texting, please. I do encourage you to bring your laptop to class and use it to access course materials, take notes, and research related materials. Please refrain from using laptops to access unrelated websites or email. If you do, you will lose the privilege of using your laptop in class for the rest of the semester. There will be no second chances.

Study Abroad

If you are interested in studying abroad there are many opportunities. Please contact the following representatives:

Scott van der Meid ()

Allyson Goose ()

Study Abroad Office – Usdan Student Center

Phone number: 6-3483


Additional information about this course, including the syllabus, films, reference materials, events, and other relevant information may be found on LATTE.

Note: I reserve the right to make changes and include other readings and activities that may be relevant to the class for enrichment, or to meet other needs and interests.




The Santiago Connection:

Origins, Displacements and Pilgrimages

Fall 2017

Semana 1: 30/8-1/9

Class 1 Introducción al curso.

Tarea: Buscar información sobre El Camino de Santiago para compartir.

Incorporar el vocabulario. (Lista)

Lecr:Buen camino, el origen del caminoy visita a Galicia 360

Semana 2: 4-8/9. Lunes 4 de septiembre: “Labor day” No hay clase.

Class 2 El Camino de Santiago. Lectura y Video.Pretérito e imperfecto, repaso

Tarea: Latte:(vídeo) El Camino de Santiago: no un camino de rosas.

Leer el Código Calixtinus.

Diarios sobre peregrinación. Crear un anuncio publicitario.

Class3 Tiempos perfectos.Codex Calixtinus.Diarios sobre peregrinación.

3 guardianes y 1 tesoro

Tarea: Robo y recuperacióny Los peregrinos del siglo XXI

Semana 3: 11-15/9

Class 4: Debate sobre robo y recuperación.Secuencia de tiempos verbales

Escribir una guía moderna.

LATTE: Del Cabo Norte a Santiago

Preparar presentaciones orales 1

Class5 Presentaciones.

Tarea: Estudiar para la prueba

Semana 4: 18-22/9***jueves 21-viernes 22: RoshHashanah

Class6 Prueba I. Introducción a La España del siglo XX

Leer: La España del siglo XX

Class7 El Pluscuamperfecto.La España del siglo XX.Picasso y la guerra civil

Tarea: Leer: Cuento: La lengua de las mariposas

Tarea: Latte: Película: La lengua de las mariposas

______Semana 5: 25-29/9

Class8 El estilo indirecto. La lengua de las mariposas.

El cuento y la película, discusión.

Class9Conclusión y preparación para presentaciones orales

Tarea: preparar presentaciones orales 2

Semana 6: 2-6/10. Jueves 5= Sukkot

Class 10 Presentaciones orales 2

Tarea: leer historia de Cuba

Class 11 El imperfecto del subjuntivo.

Santiago de Cuba. Historia.La libertad de expresión. Jóvenes y la revolución.

Tarea: Olas migratorias desde 1959 entre el desencanto y la desesperanza.

Tarea: Película: LATTE: Azúcar amarga

Semana 7: 9-13/10 *Miércoles 11 de octubre= “BrandeisThursday”

*Jueves 12= ShiminiAtzere

Class 12 Olas migratorias y Azúcar amarga

Tarea: Película: LATTE: Fresa y chocolate.

Class 13 Cláususlas hipotéticas.

Fresa y chocolate.

Semana 8: 16-20/10

Class 14 Composición 1

Fresa y Chocolate

Class15 Fidel Castro. La revolución y la contemporaneidad. Surcos de la ciudad.

Tarea: Estudiar para el examen.

Week 9: 23-27/10

Class 16 Examen

Tarea:Historia de Chile

Class 17 Vozpasiva. Chile precolombino/fábulas, diáspora, Mapuches.

Tarea: Estudiarparala prueba 2

Semana 10: 30/10-3/11

Class 18 Prueba 2.

Tarea: Latte: Película: Machuca.

Class 19 Presentaciones de lastradicionesindígenas.Machuca. Dos mujeres.

Semana 11: 6-10/11

Class 20 Composición 2. Introducción a La muerte y la doncella.

Tarea: Leer pp. 7-23

Class 21 La muerte y la doncella. Rueda de palabras.

Tarea: Leer pp. 23-40

Semana 12: 13-17/11

Class 22 La muerte y la doncella. Repaso gramatical.

Tarea: Leer pp. 41-56

Class 23 La muerte y la doncella, escribir final alternativo.Preguntas al texto

Tarea: Leer pp. 57-69

Semana 13: 20-24/11- Miercoles 22-viernes 24: Thanksgiving.

Class 24 La muerte y la doncella. Traer una imagen que puedas conectar con el texto.

Tarea: Leer pp. 70-85

Class 25 La muerte y la doncella/Conclusión.

Semana 14: 27/11-1/12.

Class 26 Nostalgia por la luz, análisis comparativo (opcional). Presentar ideas para exámenes orales y proyecto final.Repaso gramatical.

Tarea: Preparar los exámenes orales.


Semana 15: 4-8/12.

Class 27 Exámenesorales.

Class28 Conclusión del semestre. Show and tell. Entregar proyecto final.