Name of Researcher, Faculty, Department, Telephone & Email:
Supervisor:Anthony TangUniversity of Calgary.
Other Researchers:Members of the CPSC 681 class
Experimentor: ______email: ______University of Calgary.
Title of Project:Mouse typing on On-Screen Keyboards
Sponsor: None. This is an academic exercise for learning purposes.
This consent form is only part of the process of informed consent. If you want more details about something mentioned here, or information not included here, you should feel free to ask. Please take the time to read this carefully and to understand any accompanying information.
The University of Calgary Conjoint Faculties Research Ethics Board has NOT approved this research study, as it is strictly done as a learning exercise.
Purpose of the Study:
Our team is working on a computer that does not have a keyboard. Because text entry may be occasionally required, we plan to put a simulated keyboard on the screen through which people can "mouse type”. We are trying to determine which of several keyboard layouts and sizes are best for mouse-typing.
What Will I Be Asked To Do?
You will be asked a few questions that tells us something about your typing experience. You will be given some text to type with your keyboard, which we will use to measure your normal typing speed. You will then be shown a series of keyboards on the display, where you will be asked to copy-type some text using only your mouse, by clicking on keys on that on-screen keyboard. You will do this three times for each keyboard. After each keyboard and after the entire study, we will ask you a few more questions about your experiences and preferences.
What Type of Personal Information Will Be Collected?
No personal identifying information will be collected in this study, and all participants shall remain anonymous.
I allow for any raw data collected during the typing tasks, including quotes and answers
to questions, to be used for educational purposes, as long as my identity remains masked:Yes: ___ No: ___
Are there Risks or Benefits if I Participate?
There is no known risk associated with your participation in this research.
What Happens to the Information I Provide?
Participation is completely voluntary, anonymous and confidential.You are free to discontinue participation at any time during the study, although your data up until then will be retained. No identifying names will be included with the collected data. No one except the named researchers and supervisor will be allowed to see any the collected data (including your comments and answers to questions) unless you provided permission as stated above. Otherwise, your data will only be used as part of summarized group information in any presentation or publication of results. The datawill be kept anonymously, and used as described above for educational purposes
Signatures (written consent)
Your signature on this form indicates that you 1) understand to your satisfaction the information provided to you about your participation in this research project, and 2) agree to participate as a research subject.
In no way does this waive your legal rights nor release the investigators, sponsors, or involved institutions from their legal and professional responsibilities. You are free to withdraw from this research project at any time. You should feel free to ask for clarification or new information throughout your participation.
Participant’s Name: (please print) ______
Participant’s Signature ______Date: ______
Researcher’s Name: (please print) ______
Researcher’s Signature: ______Date: ______
If you have any further questions or want clarification regarding this research and/or your participation, please contact:
Dr. Anthony Tang, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary,
, 403 220 6087
If you have any concerns about the way you’ve been treated as a participant, please contact the Department Head, Computer Science, University of Calgary. 403 220 6015.
A copy of this consent form has been given to you to keep for your records and reference. The investigator has kept a copy of the consent form.