Mentor Model: Transitional Declaration of Intent
In order to facilitate the transition to the Mentor Model system for continuing contract and promotion, all full-time faculty must fill out and submit the following form to the Mentor Model Transition Committee no later than May 1st, 2014. Faculty who do not submit their form by this date will default to the normal 5 year process for the Mentor Model rather than the shorter timelines afforded by the transition window.
Name: / Department:Date hired as permanent full-time faculty member: / Current Rank:
Declaration of Intent
Please check the appropriate items. If you are not sure of your date of eligibility for Continuing Contract or advancement in rank, please contact either Human Resources or a member of the Mentor Model Transition Committee.
I next plan to apply for: / ☐ Continuing Contract / ☐ Promotion / ☐ BothIn year: / ☐ 2014-15 / ☐ 2015-16 / ☐ 2016-17 / ☐ 2017-18 / ☐ 2018-19 / ☐ 2019-20 or later
☐ I do not plan to apply for promotion again. I understand that not beginning the process now means that if I change my mind in the future, I will be starting a new 5 year process at that time. (If you select this option, simply skip the next two sections and proceed to the final signatures)
Committee of Three
Your Committee of Three (CO3) guides and eventually evaluates you for continuing contract and/or promotion. To facilitate the transition process, we are asking that all faculty planning to apply for continuing contract or promotion work with their chair/supervisor to select a Mentor now. Additionally, all faculty planning to apply in 14-15 or 15-16 also need a Chair Representative now. Your final CO3 member, the College Wide Representative, will be assigned the fall you apply.
Mentor’s Name: / Extension:Mentor’s Signature: / Date:
For those applying in 14-15 or 15-16:
Chair Representative’s Name: / Extension:
Chair Representative’s Signature: / Date:
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Areas of Specialization
All faculty must fulfill their primary responsibilities in a satisfactory manner. Areas of specialization allow faculty members to focus on secondary responsibilities that best meet their individual needs and interests. These three areas are service, pedagogy, and scholarship. More information on all of these areas is available in the Mentor Model procedures documents. The area(s) of specialization you choose should be/have been a sustained focus during your promotional period, so please choose carefully. (Note: if this changes in the future, simply alter the form, collect the signatures so everyone is alerted to the change, and resubmit).
☐ / 100% Service☐ / 66% Service and 33% Pedagogy
☐ / 66% Service and 33% Scholarship
☐ / 33% Service and 66% Pedagogy
☐ / 33% Service and 66% Scholarship
☐ / 33% Service and 33% Pedagogy and 33% Scholarship
I understand the transition form and how it applies to me, and I agree that all the selections marked on this form can be filed with the Mentor Model Transition Committee, my supervisor and the Vice President of Academic Affairs as indicative of my selections.
Signatures / Date SignedFaculty Member
Associate Vice President
Vice President of Academic Affairs
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