Uploading and modifying Files in Cascade (creating assets)

For the purposes of Cascade Server, files are typically created by external programs and imported for use in the system. Images and PDF documents, are some common examples of files used in Cascade Server. Images and PDF are not editable inside Cascade but will preview.

Uploading a file (PDF in a profile is example) in Cascade: we created space especially for these files within faculty profiles. To upload to this space, use the drop down from “menu” . The drop-downs help locate the files correctly.

Three fields are required for the file you upload, as shown.

System name cannot have spaces, requires the correct extension (.pdf, or if a photo, .png or .jpg)

Title is displayed whenever the document shows up as a link, or in some cases in a listing, so give it a meaningful name. A title can have spaces.

The file upload is the actual document, you would browse to the file located on your computer, your network file space, or to a flash drive…

Remember the SUBMIT button to finish uploading the file!

------Working with Documents ------

Moving or changing a document within Cascade:
The example is a pdf of a class syllabus. Common changes are moving a document/file from one folder to another or changing the name (spaces within system names MUST be eliminated or replaced by hyphens or underscores.
Your document will not work on the web if there are spaces!

In the Move/Rename tab, you can change the system name, and the “Parent Folder” browse will let you move it to another location. Confirm button-confirms the change of location. Submit to complete.

Updating a pdf or image file that’s already in Cascade is very easy :

1)  Find the document in its folder in Cascade and select it-example: syllabus pdf.

2)  Choose the Edit tab. Browse to the newer version of the document on your computer.

3)  Click submit to complete the replacement. This replaces the CONTENT in the document but preserves all the links in Cascade, such as to your profile page.

Folders are very similar, you create them form the drop down and choose folder. They can be renamed, moved, and deleted in the same manner as files.
If you want to place files in a folder, create the folder FIRST.
Pages are either copied from an existing page or requested from our web team.

Zip Archives for adding batches of pdfs and images.
To upload an entire folder with multiple files, you would size (if images) and name the files, put them in a folder, then “zip” the folder to an archive. On Windows, right click and find “send to zip archive”.

Uploading the archive: highlight the destination folder in Cascade. From tools choose “zip archive”. Browse and submit your zipped folder. The zip archive will unpack inside Cascade.