Today’s Meeting
Date: 12/01/2010 / Facilitator: Shawn Hendrickson / Minute Taker: Emily Johnson
Time: 1:00 - 3:20 / Location: Career Center / Data Analyst:
Next Meeting
Date: 12/14/2010 / Facilitator: Shawn Hendrickson / Minute Taker: Emily Johnson
Time: 7:45 a.m. / Location: Career Center / Data Analyst:
Team Members (Place “X” Beside Name if Present)
Shawn Hendrickson / Jesse Yarbrough / Joe Quinn / Rich Sawyer
Rob Hankins / Dan O'Brien / Matt Holmes / Emily Johnson
Today's Agenda Items / Potential Problems Raised
1. Meeting norms Roles of our group / 01.
2. Review of last meeting's notes / 02.
3. Staff self-assessment survey / 03. Staff resistance to MBI
4. Staff meeting tomorrow--Major vs. Minor--How do we approach? Brief MB SWIS / 04.
5. Jan 4 PIR Day 3-5 Universal Expectations / Jan 28 PIR Day Matrix? / 05.
Next Meeting Agenda Items
01. January 28 PIR Day
Meeting Minutes: Administrative/General Information and Issues
Information for Team, or Issue for Team to Address / Discussion/Decision/Task (if applicable) / Who? / By when?Meeting norms/ roles / Norms: Be on time One speaker at a time Confidentiality when dealing with group disagreements/take care of them with the group Respectful discussions/respect for all ideas End the meetings on time Consider other obligations of team members when scheduling meetings Agenda available prior to meeting Team Roles: Rich/ staff cheerleader Shawn & Joe/Facilitators-Coaches Emily/recorder Matt/ Time-Task Master Dan & Jesse/ Data Rob/member
Review of last meeting's notes / Reviewed survey completed by team at 11/2 meeting and compared to staff survey. Noted significant differences with only 1 item marked as a high priority by staff. Why? Possibility that question was perceived as ambigous or staff may be thinking of their specific classroom/area versus school-wide. Possibility that most staff doesn't see the need for MBI and may not be supportive of MBI process. We may get different results when students take the survey. My Voice Survey will be given to all students. Consensus to not share results of this survey with staff at this time. / Jesse & Emily in conjunction with English teachers / December 16
Major vs. Minor worksheet / We'll review Major/Minor worksheet given to staff. Staff has asked Shawn about MBI. This would be a good time to give staff an overview of MBI. FAQ/ What is it? What's it for? Basic principles behind? Tell staff that we're looking at revamping the referral process for discipline---we'll be tracking discipline referrals differently---introduce staff to SWIS system. Shawn has sample discipline referral form from Stevensville. Do we track minor offenses? If so, how? It would be helpful if all staff was on the same page. Team discussed the worksheet. Many items were clarified in an effort to make whole staff discussion easier. Shawn will show staff the form from Stevensville prior to discussion. / Shawn / 12/02 staff meeting
12/02 Staff meeting / Ask staff what their top 3 discipline problems are. What disrupts their teaching? What do they see as school-wide problems. This discussion could be a good lead-in to what MBI is all about. Small questionnaires will be available on all tables tomorrow morning: Please list three student behavioral issues most often observed in your classroom. Please list three student behavioral issues most often observed outside your classroom.. Shawn will email reminder about workshop to all staff this afternoon with note to begin thinking about the above 2 questions / Shawn / for 12/02 staff meeting
MBI FAQs / If staff has more questions about MBI we can direct them to the site / Any team member / Any time
January 4 PIR Day / Discussion centered around 3-5 Universal Expectations. Guide staff through process of adopting 3-5 Universals for more staff buy-in of MBI. Divide into four groups for initial discussion with 2 MBI team members facilitating each group. Data on discipline referrals will be needed prior to this day as well as information from December 12 staff meeting. Shawn will prepare PowerPoint presentation for staff. / Shawn/PowerPoint Matt/collect survey data and give to Jesse & Dan / for 01/04 meeting
December 15 / District-wide meeting of MBI coaches to plan 1/2 day, district-wide MBI presentation. / Joe & Shawn
Problem-Solving Action Plan
Implementation and EvaluationPrecise Problem Statement, based on review of data
(What, When, Where, Who, Why) / Solution Actions (e.g., Prevent, Teach, Prompt, Reward, Correction, Extinction, Safety) / Who? / By When? / Goal w/ Timeline, Fidelity and Outcome Measures, Updates
Evaluation of Team Meeting (Mark your ratings with an “X”)
Our RatingYes / So-So / No
1. Was today’s meeting a good use of our time?
2. In general, did we do a good job of tracking whether we’re completing the tasks we agreed on at previous meetings?
3. In general, have we done a good job of actually completing the tasks we agreed on at previous meetings?
4. In general, are the completed tasks having the desired effects on student behavior?
If some of our ratings are “So-So” or “No,” what can we do to improve things?
Items 2-4 don't apply at this time
Newton, Todd, Horner, University of Oregon, Algozzine and Algozzine, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, October 2008