Guidelines for the Adopt A School/Fuel 4 School Application
For ninety years, The Junior League of Galveston County, Inc. has made their focus assisting children of our community in their education and wellness. Each year we select an elementary school to adopt. Typically this includes purchasing school supplies and uniforms for students and offering volunteer support for enrichment programs and special activities. We are searching for a school that has a high percentage of economically disadvantaged students (>75%) and can offer us an opportunity to further assist in the education of children with an emphasis on literacy and healthy habits.
We will be implementing our Fuel 4 School Program in the selected school this year. The Fuel 4 School Program ensures that food insecure children have supplemental food to take home for the weekend. We will provide food to students identified by the school as food insecure. We plan to begin the pilot program in January 2016. All Galveston County schools serving grades PreK through 5th grade may apply.
- Program includes a budget of $5000 to be utilized in agreement between League representatives and school personnel. Funds may not be used for the following: food, field trips, renovation or upkeep of school facilities or grounds.
- The Primary School Contact should be someone who has knowledge of school processes/activities and will be capable of making decisions for the program, such as a counselor or assistant principal.
- Please list all additional assistance that your school is receiving on the application, including any assistance that has not been confirmed. Such assistance will not disqualify your school, but will be taken into consideration. It is our goal to assist campuses that have the most crucial needs.
- Applications must be completely filled out, submitted and received no later than October 31, 2015 by mail at the following address: 210 Kempner, Galveston, Texas 77550 or emailed to .
Applications will be reviewed by a committee of League members. Special consideration may be given to projects that focus on literacy and healthy habits, but we are always interested to see what types of programs you are planning to implement on your campus and are open to new opportunities. Announcement of the selected school will be no later than November 15th, 2015 via email. Please feel free to contactSheyanne Chan, Community VP, with any questions concerning this application .
Adopt A School /Fuel 4 School Application
Date of Application:School Name:
School Address:
School Phone:
Primary School Contact:
Primary School Contact Email:
Grades Served with Projected Class Size by Grade:
Percentage of Total Students who are Economically Disadvantaged:
Total Membership of Parent Teacher Organization:
Extent of Parent Teacher Organization Involvement:
- Is your school receiving volunteer or financial assistance from ANY groups other than the school’s Parent/Teacher group? If so, please explain in detail.
- The Adopt A School/Fuel 4 School Program involves both financial and volunteer assistance. In what ways could our Junior League volunteers best serve on your campus? For specific programs, such as reading enrichment, how often would you require assistance – weekly, biweekly, etc.?
3.What annual events does your campus have, such as a, Science Fair,Polar Express Day, Field Day, Character Parade, etc.? Would you anticipate requesting volunteer or financial assistance for any of these? Please be specific.
4.In the past, funds have been utilized to purchase school supplies, uniforms, and to purchase a book for each student. Are there different ways that you would like to see funds utilized on your campus? Please explain.
5.What are the greatest challenges that your students face both inside and outside the classroom? Are there issues that you are unable to fully address due to inadequate personnel, funds, etc., that The Junior League of Galveston County could assist with?
- Approximately how many students could benefit from supplemental food over the weekends? We define food insecure students as children who may not have the consistent provision of meals over the weekend.
- To facilitate the success of the combined Fuel 4 School/ Adopt ASchool Program, we believe a 3 year commitment to the selected school is ideal. Would you be willing to commit to 3 years of Junior League involvement in your school? Do you foresee any problems with a 3 year commitment? Would your school have a place where we could store one (possibly 2) week supply of food for up to 100 students?
- Would the school be willing to allow educational programs, led by Junior League Volunteers, pertaining to subjects such as, health, nutrition, and positive self image? These events could be held during the day or in the evening including, but not limited to, Literacy Night or PTO meetings. The items in this section are for research purposes and may or may not be implemented.
- Please list any additional information/comments that you would like to provide.