Fast Fat Loss Secrets
The Witness the Fitness Secret to Success-
At WTF we have fantastic weight loss results in every single client. That’s because we have researched the healthiest, quickest and safest way to drop fat fast. You may be surprised by what you are about to read but the research is overwhelming and so are our results. We need to look at some simple science of losing body fat, since looking good and feeling great is massively down to our nutrition.
There is no bigger influence on one’s health, size and body shape than the food eaten several times a day, every day. Every time you eat, you create a series of hormonal responses and hormones are hundreds of times stronger than drugs. Either you control them or they control you.
Carbohydrates and Insulin – The Fat Storing Combo
Carbohydrates come in many different forms (breads, rice pasta, cereals, cakes, sweets, biscuits, crackers, fruit, potatoes, alcohol etc.) but they all turn into sugar at some point. It’s this increased amount of sugar and the body’s hormonal response that is the biggest influence on obesity and fat storage today
Sugar, not fat, has the biggest influence on fat storage and obesity.
You can see on the graph below that the amount of carbohydrates (and therefore sugar) being consumed has risen dramatically over recent years and this is one of the main reasons we are in an obesity epidemic and more and more people are struggling to shift fat:
Average annual sugar consumption in lbs from 1750-2005
As you can see that’s an extra 300,000 calories per year or 800 per day!!!
Plus, a 30% rise in the last 2 decades! Perfect correlation with the increase in our overweight population!
Ok, here is the scientific part – stay with it, it will help you understand why you are storing fat!
When you eat most carbohydrates (we’ll come to the good ones later), your body releases the powerful hormone insulin into your blood stream. The insulin tells your cells what to do. It tells most cells to absorb the sugar out of the blood and tells your fat cells not to release any fat to burn (because there are carbs already in the blood to burn).
One of insulin's jobs is to take sugar out of the blood — the sooner the better, because sugar in the blood damages the body. The reason diabetics have such bad health problems (blindness, circulation problems, etc.) is because of the damage sugar does when the person can't make enough insulin.
When you eat something with a lot of sugar (carbs) in it, the body panics and usually overdoes the hormonal release.
Too much insulin is released to mop up the sugar (insulin spike). It takes all the sugar out of your blood. Then your blood sugar is too low, so you crave more carbohydrates and the cycle repeats.
Another problem; with sugar and most carbs you can never get enough. You can be full, topped off, completely stuffed, and you could still go for some ice cream! Eating carbs makes you crave more carbs.
So the hormone insulin (produced by eating most carbs) has three effects you don't want:
1. Converts sugar (from high carb meals) in the blood to fat in the cells — tells the body to store all the fat it can while the sugar is available
2. Tells the cells not to burn any fat, since there are plenty of sugar molecules to burn
3. Makes you crave more carbs
Therefore, elevated insulin makes you fat, meaning sugar makes you fat, meaning carbs can make you fat!
This is typical of what most people’s blood sugar levels (even on the so called ‘healthy’ or ‘low fat’ diets) look like, and a major reason why:
More and more people are overweight,
More and more people suffer from lack of energy
Many people even feel ‘moody’ at varying times of the day.
For example; if you eat a predominantly carbohydrate based meal at lunchtime (12pm-ish), by three o’clock you will probably feel lethargic, sleepy, lacking in energy and barely able to keep your eyes open –
Sound familiar?
The reason this happens is because the excess carbohydrates and lack of sufficient protein in that meal have generated an over production of insulin.
As blood sugar levels drop and you feel tired your body tells you that you need a sugar hit: and you reach for the carbs again, sandwich, chocolate bar or packet of crisps as a source of carbohydrate for the brain, and the vicious cycle starts all over again.
Not only that but the insulin has told the body to take all excess sugar floating around and covert it to fat, so not only are you sleepy, but you’re getting bigger! Not what you want! So how can we change this?
The Fat Loss Answer is Here.
We need to control these blood sugar levels so the body doesn’t release insulin to then store it all as fat.
If you want to label this healthy way of eating then you can call it a ‘low insulin diet’ but we don’t call it a ‘diet’. You want to find a way to eat that you can maintain for your lifetime, not for a little while.
Otherwise you will fall into the trap of losing weight and gaining it, losing weight and gaining it (you may have already experienced this physical yo-yo). It's often demoralizing and it's definitely not healthy.
If you don't put very much insulin into your system, your body burns any fat you eat as fuel, and if you need more, your fat cells freely release fat into your blood stream to be burned as fuel. The result – rapid fat loss!
When there is very little insulin, your body has to burn fat. That becomes its main fuel, and your body actually gets better at burning fat the more it has to do (because your cells make more fat-burning enzymes and fewer sugar-burning enzymes).
If you want to lose weight quickly and keep it off, and actually improve your health, lowering your insulin response is the best way.
Find out which foods you can eat to keep insulin levels low and control sugar levels read the WTF eating plan