Institutional Summary

MillersvilleUniversity, located in scenic LancasterCounty, is one of the 14 state-owned institutions of Pennsylvania's State System of Higher Education.

Founded in 1855 as the LancasterCountyNormal School, it was the first school of its kind in the Commonwealth. Today, it is a comprehensive public institution with a broader mission: to provide a full range of exemplary undergraduate programs that sustain the liberal arts tradition, at the lowest reasonable cost to its students.

Millersville offers 51 bachelor’s and 3 associate degree programs in the arts and sciences, industrial technology, business, and education. All Millersville undergraduate degree programs include a general education component designed to develop student communication skills and critical thinking abilities as well as provide a broad foundation in the liberal arts. The University also offers master's degrees in 24 programs in the arts and sciences and education along with selected certification programs.

The faculty, staff and services reflect the University's concern for student growth and development. The student-to-faculty ratio is 18:1. There are approximately 326 full-time faculty members available to advise and counsel students on academic and career-related matters. Of these faculty 90 percent hold a doctorate or terminal degree.

Millersville enrolls approximately 7,900 students. More than 79 percent are full-time undergraduates; the rest are part-time undergraduates and graduate students. About 56 percent of all undergraduates are women and one in seven is at least 25 years old. Half of Millersville's undergraduates come from southeastern Pennsylvania; most are from either Pennsylvania or contiguous states.

MillersvilleUniversity is a selective institution admitting two thirds of the approximately 7,000 students who apply each year. About 40 percent of undergraduate students live in University residence halls, with the remainder of the student body commuting from homes and nearby apartments.

The Carnegie Classification of Millersville University isMasters (Comprehensive) I. The Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools accredits MillersvilleUniversity. Professional accreditations include the following:

  • Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc. - ABET (ENGR, OSEH)
  • American Chemical Society - ACS
  • American Medical Association, Committee on Allied Health Education Programs - AMA/CAAAEP (Respiratory Therapist, REST)
  • Association of Collegiate BusinessSchools and Programs - ACBSP (Business, BUAD)
  • Computer Science Accreditation Board - CSAB
  • Council on Social Work Education – CSWE
  • International Association of Counseling Services – IACS (Center for Counseling & Human Development)
  • International Technology Education Assoc./Council on Technology Teacher Education - ITEA/CTTE (Tech Ed.)
  • National Association of Industrial Technology – NAIT (Industry & Technology, ITEC)
  • National Association of School Psychologists - NASP
  • National Association of Schools of Music - NASM
  • National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education - NCATE (Teacher Education, TED)
  • National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission - NLN (Nursing, NUR)

Institutional Research