Session 5 Lessons 35 - 41
10 Things
1. How many years were between the Old and New Testaments?
a. 0
b. 1,000
c. 400 (Correct.)
d. 33
e. none of the above.
2. True or false: Israel was still a great, unified nation when the Old Testament ends. (False. In 587 B.C., the Babylonians destroyed Solomon's temple and Jerusalem, and took the people into exile.)
3. After the exile to Babylon ended, the people of Judah moved to...
a. Egypt.
b. other places.
c. nowhere. They stayed put in Babylon.
d. All of the above. (Correct.)
4. True or false: At one time, to be Jewish meant you lived in a particular place and had a particular ethnic background, but that began to change in the period between the Old and New Testaments. (True. With the people scattered and the temple destroyed, Judaism as a religion replaced the Jewish nation.)
5. The Persian Empire controlled Israel from about 532-332 B.C. Many Jews quit speaking Hebrew and began speaking the language of the Persian Empire instead, which was...
a. Aramaic. (Correct.)
b. English.
c. Arabic.
d. Latin.
6. True or false: Jesus spoke Aramaic. (True.)
7. Alexander the Great, who was Greek, defeated the Persians around 330 B.C. The everyday language in business and trade in the region was then...
a. Aramaic.
b. Greek. (Correct.)
c. Arabic.
d. Latin.
8. True or false: The New Testament was written in Aramaic. (False. It was written in Greek because of the lingering presence of the empire of Alexander the Great.)
9. True or false: Through the entire period between the Old and New Testaments, the Jewish people were allowed to openly practice their religion. (False. Around 170 B.C., the emperor who succeeded Alexander the Great outlawed circumcision and the Sabbath, and defiled the temple.)
10. In 63 B.C., the ______Empire conquered the region.
a. Turkish
b. Germanic
c. Roman (Correct.)
d. Babylonian
Five Facts
1. What kind of roof did most houses have?
a. thatched
b. flat (Correct.)
c. peaked
d. there were no roofs
2. True or false? Churches were usually white, clay buildings. (False: Church buildings didn't exist.)
3. What was the most common thing people ate?
a. fish (Correct.)
b. corn
c. bratwurst
d. rice
4. True or false? Almost every town had a marketplace. (True.)
5. What was the most common fish in the Sea of Galilee?
a. tuna
b. walleye
c. catfish
d. carp
e. both catfish and carp. (Correct.)
6. True or false? Dogs were the most popular pet in New Testament times. (False: Dogs were shunned and not kept as pets because they were considered unclean.)
7. What was considered "church" in New Testament times?
a. baseball
b. only worship that included organ music
c. any gathering of people for worship (Correct.)
d. buildings that Jesus had entered at one time
8. True of false? During hot weather, people would sometimes sleep in their basements. (False: They would sometimes sleep on their roofs.)
9. When were the Gospels written?
a. 1865-1925 A.D.
b. 60 B.C.-10 A.D.
c. 200-300 A.D.
d. 70-100 A.D. (Correct.)
10. True or false? In order to better understand the Bible, it helps to understand the culture and context in which it was written. (True.)
1. The news of Jesus' birth that the angel Gabriel shared with Mary is known as...
a. the reconciliation.
b. the prestidigitation.
c. the annunciation. (Correct.)
d. the pronunciation.
e. all of the above.
2. Since Mary would have been pregnant for nine months, church tradition sets the date for the annunciation on...
a. April 1 (no fooling).
b. March 25 (the third month of the year). (Correct. Nine months before December 25.)
c. January 1 (the day the year begins).
d. February 14 (a day for love).
e. February 2 (a day for groundhogs).
3. Gabriel made the announcement to Mary by...
a. fax.
b. instant messaging.
c. speaking directly to her, in person. (Correct.)
d. speaking through a megaphone.
e. playing Charades.
4. When Gabriel announced that Mary was pregnant with Jesus, Mary's response was...
a. "That makes me so happy!"
b. "Let me tell Joseph!"
c. "Gabe, you are kidding me."
d. "I can't wait to buy blue outfits."
e. "How can this be, since I am a virgin?" (Correct.)
5. Mary is a remarkable figure for Christians because...
a. she was the mother of Jesus.
b. she sang a song called the Magnificat.
c. she responded to Gabriel, in the end, with faith.
d. she became a follower of Jesus.
e. all of the above. (Correct.)
6. Like angels throughout the Bible, Gabriel responds to Mary's fear with these words...
a. "Gotcha!"
b. "Boo!"
c. "Snap out of it!"
d. "Do not be afraid." (Correct.)
e. "I am so, so sorry."
7. Gabriel assures Mary of her pregnancy by telling her she will receive the gift of...
a. medical care coverage through the time of birth.
b. a year's worth of diapers.
c. the Holy Spirit. (Correct.)
d. a nanny.
e. birth coaching.
8. Gabriel also tells Mary about the extraordinary pregnancy of her cousin, Elizabeth. It's extraordinary because Elizabeth is...
a. young.
b. old. (Correct.)
c. in college.
d. not in love with her husband.
e. more into fashion than babies.
9. In Gabriel's announcement, Jesus' family tree is linked to...
a. Adam.
b. Noah.
c. Methuselah.
d. Donald Trump.
e. David. (Correct.)
10. Mary's final response, "Here am I, the servant of the Lord," may be seen as...
a. something a typical teenager would say.
b. a statement of faith and trust.
c. a way to get rid of Gabriel.
d. an example of Mary's trust in the good news.
e. B and D. (Correct.)
True or False
1. Mary lived in a big town. (False. She lived in a small town.)
2. The name of the angel who appeared to her was Fabio. (False. His name was Gabriel.)
3. The angel Gabriel linked Jesus' family tree to King David. (True.)
4. Mary's cousin, Elizabeth, was also pregnant. (True.)
5. Mary sang a song called "The Aristocats." (False. It's called the Magnificat.)
6. The event where Gabriel tells Mary of Jesus' birth is called the annunciation. (True.)
7. The story where Mary goes to her cousin Elizabeth's house is called the visitation. (True.)
8. Besides being the mother of Jesus, Mary is known as a follower of Jesus. (True.)
9. Joseph also heard the annunciation, and pondered it in his heart. (False. He wasn't around for it.)
10. Mary's song has never been sung since she sang it. (False. It is still sung regularly by Christians throughout the world.)
1. The visit of the Wise Men or magi to the infant Jesus is commonly known as...
a. Herod's First Symphony.
b. the Cacophony.
c. the Epiphany. (Correct.)
d. the Gift Exchange.
2. The magi were guided by...
a. a GPS.
b. a star. (the third month of the year). (Correct.)
c. a map.
d. Sacagawea.
3. King Herod discovered Bethlehem was the place of Jesus' birth from...
a. looking it up in town records.
b. seeing it on TV.
c. consulting with a genealogist.
d. consulting with advisors who read him prophetic writings. (Correct.)
4. Herod wanted to find Jesus in order to...
a. congratulate Mary and Joseph.
b. kill him. (Correct.)
c. give him presents.
d. start a college fund for him.
5. Upon finding Jesus and his mother, the magi...
a. knelt down before Jesus. (Correct.)
b. told Mary all about Herod.
c. presented a year's supply of diapers.
d. sang the Magnificat.
6. The magi offered Jesus...
a. gold, corn chips, and myrrh.
b. gold, frankincense, and fur.
c. coal, frankincense, and myrrh.
d. gold, frankincense, and myrrh. (Correct.)
7. The magi did not return to Herod because...
a. they lost their map.
b. Mary told them not to.
c. they were warned in a dream not to. (Correct.)
d. they forgot.
8. The date that we celebrate Epiphany is...
a. February 2.
b. January 1.
c. Super Bowl Sunday.
d. January 6. (Correct.)
9. The word Epiphany means...
a. God's revealing. (Correct.)
b. Three-in-one God.
c. God's hiccup.
d. star of God.
10. The magi's visit was remarkable because...
a. they were like astrologers, studying the stars.
b. they were Gentiles, or non-Jews.
c. they offered wonderful gifts.
d. all of the above. (Correct.)
Birth of Jesus
1. Before Jesus' birth, Joseph and Mary traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem because...
a. there was a big family reunion there.
b. they heard about a great little spot in a stable.
c. Bethlehem had the best hospital.
d. there was a census, and Joseph's family was descended from David, who was from Bethlehem. (Correct.)
2. Emperor Augustus wanted to take a census in order to...
a. do a genealogy study.
b. update population records.
c. tax the people. (Correct.)
d. keep jobs for bean counters.
3. A manger is a...
a. person who finds work for actors.
b. person who constantly makes mistakes.
c. person who needs a haircut.
d. feeding trough for animals. (Correct.)
4. When the angel announced Jesus' birth to the shepherds, the shepherds were...
a. overjoyed.
b. terrified. (Correct.)
c. mildly amused.
d. asleep.
5. The angels' song in the sky begins with the words...
a. "Yippee! Hooray!"
b. "Hail to you."
c. "Announcement, announcement, announcement!"
d. "Glory to God in the highest heaven." (Correct.)
6. How many angels were there?
a. Three.
b. One million.
c. Seven times seven.
d. Many. (Correct.)
7. After the shepherds went and found Mary and Joseph, with Jesus in the manger, they...
a. pondered everything in their hearts.
b. told others. (Correct.)
c. went back to their flocks.
d. went looking for the angels.
8. After the shepherds left, Mary...
a. pondered everything in her heart. (Correct.)
b. told others.
c. swept up.
d. had a cup of tea.
9. To say that the birth of Jesus is the incarnation means that...
a. the event is uncanny.
b. Jesus is Mary's firstborn son.
c. God took on flesh in Jesus. (Correct.)
d. we give gifts at Christmas each year.
10. When we say "Jesus Christ," we are...
a. saying Jesus' first and last names.
b. using code language that early Christians used.
c. using foul language.
d. saying that Jesus is the Messiah. (Correct.)
1. The old man at the temple who received the baby Jesus in his arms is named...
a. Samson.
b. Homer Simpson.
c. Samuel.
d. Simeon. (Correct.)
2. The old woman who was also there at the temple is named...
a. Madonna.
b. Anna. (Correct.)
c. Sarah.
d. Lilith.
3. Simeon, waiting at the temple, is described as...
a. righteous and devout. (Correct.)
b. kooky.
c. ruddy and handsome.
d. wearing clothes of camel's hair, and a leather belt around his waist.
4. Simeon is led to know that he would see the Messiah by...
a. shepherds.
b. angels.
c. the magi.
d. the Holy Spirit. (Correct.)
5. When Simeon received the baby Jesus into his arms, he broke out in...
a. a sweat.
b. a rash.
c. a song. (Correct.)
d. tears.
6. The song that Simeon sang is known in Latin as the...
a. Gloria in Excelsis.
b. Magnificat.
c. Te Deum.
d. Nunc Dimittis. (Correct.)
7. The marvelous promise in Simeon's song is for...
a. men only.
b. Minnesotans and Californians only.
c. Jews and Gentiles (all people). (Correct.)
d. Mary and Joseph only.
8. Simeon's blessing is followed by challenging words to Mary about...
a. opposition to the child. (Correct.)
b. the end of the world.
c. the end of Christmas celebrations.
d. the destruction of the temple.
9. The church's celebration of the event where Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple is called...
a. the Presentation. (Correct.)
b. the Sanctification.
c. the Blessing.
d. the Enlightenment.
10. The date set for this celebration is...
a. February 14, the same as Valentine's Day.
b. March 17, the same as St. Patrick's Day.
c. February 2, the same as Groundhog's Day. (Correct.)
d. December 31, the same as New Year's Eve.
True or False
Recruit four or five learners for two teams, perhaps females versus males. Take turns asking these questions. Hand out treats for each team once the game is finished.
1. Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple because he was the firstborn son. (True.)
2. The name of the man waiting for the Messiah in the temple was Samson. (False. It was Simeon.)
3. Simeon knew that Jesus was the Messiah because it was told to him by an angel. (False. He was guided by the Holy Spirit.)
4. When Simeon received Jesus into his arms, he broke out into song. (True.)
5. Part of Simeon's song declares that God's salvation is for both Jews and Gentiles. (True.)
6. Words that describe that salvation include "light" and "glory." (True.)
7. After his song, Simeon speaks some more to Joseph about Jesus. (False. He speaks to Mary.)
8. Simeon, like a prophet, says that Jesus' presence will bring division, along with salvation. (True.)
9. The song that Simeon sings in Latin is known as the Gloria in Excelsis. (False. It's known as the Nunc Dimittis.)
10. The church's celebration of Mary and Joseph bringing the baby Jesus to the temple is known as The Presentation. (True.)
Wilderness Temptations
1. (1 point) The person who tempted Jesus in the wilderness was...
a. the Holy Spirit.
b. God.
c. Satan. (Correct.)
d. the angels.
2. (2 points) How long was Jesus in the wilderness?
a. Two years.
b. One day.
c. Three weeks.
d. Forty days. (Correct.)
3. (2 points) True or false: In today's lesson, Satan used Scripture verses to tempt Jesus. (True.)
4. (3 points) Where was Jesus' hometown?
a. Galilee.
b. Nazareth. (Correct.)
c. Capernaum.
d. Bethlehem.
5. (1 point) Fill in the blank: The person who led Jesus around the wilderness was _____. (Satan.)
6. (3 points) In what kind of place did Jesus preach?
a. Synagogue. (Correct.)
b. Mosque.
c. Church.
d. Outside amphitheater.
7. (2 points) What other title is Jesus known by?
a. God's Son.
b. Savior.
c. Rabbi.
d. All of the above. (Correct.)
8. (2 points) True or false: Jesus used Scripture passages to defeat Satan. (True.) Extra point: In what book of the Bible can these passages be found? (Deuteronomy.)
9. (1 point) Where was Jesus tempted?
a. At the River Jordan.
b. On top of a mountain.
c. In the wilderness. (Correct.)
d. At church.
10. (4 points) After Jesus preached in the synagogue, how were the people feeling?
a. Excited.
b. Angry. (Correct.)
c. Confused.
d. Scared.
11. Bonus question (10 points): In his sermon, Jesus mentioned that the prophet Elisha healed someone of leprosy. What was that person's name? (Naaman [2 Kings 5].)
12. Jesus’ Temptation occurred immediately after His Baptism. (True)
13. What are the temptations that Jesus faced
- Power
- Physical Needs
- Getting a new chariot
- Testing God
- a, b & d (Correct)