Job Type : exec_director

Job Title : Executive Director


TITLE: Executive Director,

SALARY RANGE: $38,400 - 42,000 + benefits


At least a BA in Human Services or related field with a minimum

of two years in administrative/management experience. Must also have a

minimum of two years experience working with persons with disabilities.


. Strong organizational background.

. Experience in the field of disability.

. Knowledge of grant proposal processes, including grant writing,

implementation, and coordination.

. Experience and/or knowledge of the range of programs serving

persons with disabilities.

. Must have working knowledge of non-profit agency


. Experience with fund raising including community and public


. Experience with human services program planning and


. Experience with the State Department of Rehabilitation and the

Independent Living Service delivery system.


. Executes policies established by the Board of Directors and

keeps the Board informed on implementation of these policies.

. Submit timely reports according to the specifications of the


. Oversees the overall program development and maintenance.

. Oversees the fiscal systems.

. Oversees the maintenance of existing contracts and grants, and

seeks, develops, and negotiates new contracts and grants with public and

private sources.

. Oversees the quality of consumer services.

. Supervises Director of Advocacy and Outreach, Office Manager,

Accounting Manager, Program Managers, Communication Assistance Services


. Facilitates all staff weekly meetings.

. Serves as liaison with Federal, State, and local entities.

. Develops and implements fund raising activities approved by the

Board of Directors.

. Any other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.

POSITION SUMMARY: Under the guidelines set by the Board of Directors,

the Executive Director oversees the operation of the ______CIL. The

Executive Director has ultimate responsibility for all programs,

services and activities with primary focus on the following:

1) Board Liaison and Support

.Implements and administers board approved policies and budgets.

. Prepares and submits timely reports, recommendations and


. Coordinates board training and strategic planning sessions.

. Coordinates any agency review process, including analysis of

input from staff, consumers, community, organizations and contractors.

. Identifies and recruits candidates for potential membership on

the governing board.

2) Program Administration

. Monitors compliance with grants, contracts, and regulations,

including preparation of performance reports and the maintenance of

appropriate records.

. Assures that the mission of the organization is reflected in

all program planning, implementation and evaluation.

. Promotes program quality and expansion through grants or other

funding from government, foundations or other private entities.

3) Finance

. Oversees all elements of the organizations financial system.

. Prepares and administers the annual budget as approved by the


. Monitors compliance with established financial policies and


. Reviews monthly financial statements and reports prior to

submittal to the Board of Directors.

4) Personnel

. Oversees the implementation of personnel policies and

procedures in accordance with current employment regulations.

. Directly supervises senior staff, Fiscal Officer and other

staff members as designated.

. Prepares an annual written performance evaluation of each staff


5) Resource Development

. Exercises responsibility for obtaining financial and in-kind

resources through grants, contracts, fees, foundations, corporations,

fundraising events, individual donors, and volunteers.

. Initiates contact and represents the Center with potential

resource development sources.

6) Public Relations and Systems Change

. Actively participates on councils, committees and other

entities concerned with programs and services for people with disabilities.

. Works with local, state and national boards and organizations,

including travel, to further the Independent Living movement, the rights

of people with disabilities, and promote Center activities.

. Develops, implements and participates in programs and services

related to community awareness, education, advocacy.

. Represents the Center in media and at public and

Center-sponsored events.

. Reviews all promotional materials prior to publication and
