Board Agenda for January 23, 2013
A public meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 22, 2014, in the auditorium of the Department of Natural Resources, 1594 West North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah.
The Division of Oil, Gas and Mining will conduct a Briefing Session at 8:00a.m.:
1.Earth Day Awards Overview
2.Proposed Field Trips
3.Legislative Update
5.Next Month’s Agenda and Division Calendar
6.Opportunity for Public Comment
The Board will hear the following Matters at 9:00 a.m.:
1.Docket No. 2009-019 Cause No. C/025/0005 – In the Matter of the Request for Agency Action of Utah Chapter of the Sierra Club, Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, Natural Resources Defense Council, and National Parks Conservation Association, Petitioners; Division of Oil, Gas and Mining, Respondent – Request for Board Review of the Division's October 19, 2009 approval of the Application of Alton Coal Development, LLC to Conduct Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Operations in Coal Hollow, Kane County, Utah.
(The Board will hear argument on the extent of discovery allowed in the attorneys fees claim by Alton against Sierra Club, et al.)
2.Docket No. 2011-018 Cause No. 250-02 – Notice of Agency Action for an Order Requiring MARION ENERGY to plug and reclaim wells; or Forfeit Surety Bond and Authorize the Division to Plug and Reclaim wells located in Townships 13 and 14 South, Range 7 East, Carbon County, Utah.
(Continued from the December 04, 2013, Board Hearing)
3.Docket No. 2013-026 Cause No. 131-134 – In the Matter of the Petition by the Division of Oil, Gas and Mining for an Order: (1) Forfeiting to the Division Homeland’s bond associated with the Brown 3-2 well; (2) Authorizing the Division to complete plugging and reclamation of the Brown 3-2 well and the lands affected by the well; (3) Authorizing the Division to take other action necessary to recover from Homeland any and all costs associated with the plugging and reclamation of the Brown 3-2 well; and (4) Ordering Homeland to establish new bond coverage for its remaining wells in the State of Utah.
(Continued from the December 4, 2013, Board Hearing)
4.Docket No. 2013-034 Cause No. 131-136 – In the Matter of the Request for Agency Action of CRESCENT POINT ENERGY U.S. CORP. for an Order extending the Board's Orders entered in Cause Nos. 131-14 and 131-24 to establish sectional (640 - acre or substantial equivalent) drilling units and to authorize up to 16 producing wells per drilling unit so established for the production of oil, gas and associated hydrocarbons from the Lower Green River and Wasatch Formations underlying the Randlett Area, comprised of various Sections within Townships 3 South, Ranges 1 and 2 East, USM, and Township 4 South, Range 2 East, USM, Uintah County, Utah.
(Continued from the December 4, 2013, Board Hearing)
5.Docket No. 2013-038 Cause No. S/039/0020 –In the Matter of the Petition by the Division of Oil, Gas and Mining for an Order: (1) Withdrawing Bryce H. Haas’s Notice of Intention to Commence Small Mining Operations at the B&H Quarry, S/039/0020, located in portions of the east half of Section 5, Township 20 South, Range 2 East, SLBM, Sanpete County, Utah; (2)Forfeiting Bryce H. Haas’s surety for the B&H Quarry; (3) Authorizing the Division to complete reclamation at the B&H Quarry; and Granting such further relief as the Board may deem just and reasonable under the circumstances.
(Continued from the December 4, 2013, Board Hearing)
6.Docket No. 2014-001 Cause No. 243-12 – In the Matter of the Request for Agency Action of CONOCOPHILLIPS COMPANY for an Order establishing a 160-acre drilling and spacing unit for the production of gas (including coalbed methane) from the Ferron Formation in the SE¼ of Section 9, Township 15 South, Range 8 East, SLM, Carbon County, Utah.
7.Docket No. 2014-002 Cause No. 142-10 – In the Matter of the Request for Agency Action of ULTRA RESOURCES, INC. for an Order authorizing the flaring of gas in excess of the amounts allowed under Utah Admin. Code Rule R649-3-20(1.1) from twelve (12) Three Rivers Area wells located in Sections 32 and 36 of Township 7 South, Range 20 East, SLM, and Sections 3, 8, and 16 of Township 8 South, Range 20 East, SLM, Uintah County, Utah.
8.Docket No. 2014-003 Cause No. 245-07 – In the Matter of the Request for Agency Action of XTO ENERGY INC. for an Order extending the Board’s Order entered in Cause No. 245-1 To establish a 160-acre drilling unit for the production of gas (including coalbed methane) from the Ferron Formation comprised of the SE¼ of Section 26, T17S, R7E, SLM, Emery County, Utah.
9.Docket No. 2014-004 Cause No. 272-03– In the Matter of the Request for Agency Action of BERRY PETROLEUM COMPANY for an Order establishing 40-acre drilling and spacing units for production of oil and gas from the Green River and Wasatch Formations underlying Sections 5 and 7 in Township 6 South, Range 4 West, USM, Duchesne County, Utah.
10.Docket No. 2014-005 Cause No. UIC-362.2-2 – In the Matter of the Request for Agency Action of CLEAR CREEK CBM, LLC for approval to inject produced water from the Cook #20-1 Well located in Section 20, Township 13 South, Range 7 East, Carbon County, Utah, into the Alpine School District #3-17 (SWD) Class II Injection Well located in Section 17, Township 13 South, Range 7 East, Carbon County, Utah.
11.Docket No. 2014-006 Cause No. 139-114 – In the Matter of the Request for Agency Action of NEWFIELD PRODUCTION COMPANY for an Order Pooling all Interests in four drilling units established by The Board’s Orders entered in Causes Nos. 131-51, 139-8, and 139-90 in Sections 14, 17, and 23, Township 3 South, Range 2 West, and Section 17, Township 3 South, Range 3 West, U.S.M., Duchesne County, Utah.
(The Board will consider the recommended findings of fact and conclusions of law generated by the hearing examiner from the January 15, 2014 hearing.)
12.Docket No. 2014-007 Cause No. S/005/0004 – In the Matter of the Request for Agency Action of C.E. BUTTERS REALTY AND CONSTRUCTION regarding Informal Conference for the Fact of Violation and Proposed Assessment for Citation No. MC-2013-17-03 for lands located in Section 29 of Township 9 North, Range 3 East, Cache County, Utah.
(Continued to the February 26, 2014, Board Hearing)
(Copies of the agenda are available at and at the administrative offices.)
Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons requiring auxiliary communicative aids and services to enable them toparticipate in this hearing should call Julie Ann Carter at (801) 538-5277, at least three working days prior to the hearing.