March 26, 2013

The Regular Session Meeting of the Governing Body of the Borough of Bloomingdale was held on the above date in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 101 Hamburg Turnpike, Bloomingdale, NJ. Mayor Dunleavy called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m.


Mayor Dunleavy led the Salute to the Flag .


In Attendance: Mayor: Jonathan Dunleavy


Council Members: Mark Conklin

John D’Amato

Richard Dellaripa

Linda Shortman

Michael Sondermeyer

Ray Yazdi

Professionals Municipal Clerk: Jane McCarthy, RMC

Present: Borough Attorney: Fred Semrau, Esq.


Mayor Dunleavy stated that adequate notice of this meeting was posted in the Bloomingdale Municipal Building and provided to The Suburban Trends; The North Jersey Herald & News; and all other local news media on January 2, 2013.


Mayor Dunleavy noted that there are a few non agenda items and went over them and noted that they will be on for consideration later in the meeting.


Recognition of Passaic County Poster Calendar Contest Winners

At this time, the Mayor and Council present certificates of appreciation to Sergio Meza; Second Place Winner (who was not in attendance) and Camyrn Keegan, Honorable mention for their efforts in the Passaic County Poster Calendar Contest.

The presentation was roundly applauded by all those in attendance.

Recognition of Eagle Scouts

At t his time, the Mayor and Council presented the following resolutions which were previously adopted to: Sean A. Saint Jacques and Erik Hunter Synol:

RESOLUTION #2013-3.7



WHEREAS, Sean A. Saint Jacques has participated in the Boy Scouts of America, a national organization founded in 1910 for the purpose of assisting young boys develop character, citizenship and physical and mental fitness through training in wood, field and handicraft activities and community service; and

WHEREAS, Sean A. Saint Jacques has graduated within the organization by achieving successive ranks and merit badges through his successful completion of activities intended to foster the purpose of the Boy Scouts of America, and has attained the high rank of Eagle Scout as a result; and

WHEREAS, the Governing Body of the Borough of Bloomingdale finds and declares that Sean A. Saint Jacques has brought honor to his community, his family and himself through his attainment of the high rank of Eagle Scout and has distinguished himself as an example to others of what it means to be a Scout;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Governing Body of the Borough of Bloomingdale does hereby recognize and congratulate Sean A. Saint Jacques on his attainment of the high rank of Eagle Scout; does commend to him continued participation in civic and scouting activities as a means of fulfilling his status as an Eagle Scout; and does extend to him best wishes in all of his future endeavors; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Governing body of the Borough of Bloomingdale hereby declare March 23, 2013, as “SEAN A. SAINT JACQUES DAY” in the Borough of Bloomingdale.

RESOLUTION #2013-3.8



WHEREAS, Erik Hunter Synol has participated in the Boy Scouts of America, a national organization founded in 1910 for the purpose of assisting young boys develop character, citizenship and physical and mental fitness through training in wood, field and handicraft activities and community service; and

WHEREAS, Erik Hunter Synol has graduated within the organization by achieving successive ranks and merit badges through his successful completion of activities intended to foster the purpose of the Boy Scouts of America, and has attained the high rank of Eagle Scout as a result; and

WHEREAS, the Governing Body of the Borough of Bloomingdale finds and declares that Erik Hunter Synol has brought honor to his community, his family and himself through his attainment of the high rank of Eagle Scout and has distinguished himself as an example to others of what it means to be a Scout;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Governing Body of the Borough of Bloomingdale does hereby recognize and congratulate Erik Hunter Synol on his attainment of the high rank of Eagle Scout; does commend to him continued participation in civic and scouting activities as a means of fulfilling his status as an Eagle Scout; and does extend to him best wishes in all of his future endeavors; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Governing body of the Borough of Bloomingdale hereby declare March 23, 2013, as “ERIK HUNTER SYNOL DAY” in the Borough of Bloomingdale.

Mayor and Council thanked the two boys for this wonderful accomplishment and it was roundly applauded by all those in attendance.

Recognition of Bloomingdale Fire Department members in their recent efforts in saving a drowning victim in Lake Iosco

At this time, Mayor Dunleavy spoke of the recent tragedy where one fisherman lost his life and the Fire Department were able to save the other fisherman.

At this time, the following members of t he Fire Department were recognized for their efforts:

Members in rescue suits in the water:

Chris Neuberger

Steve Shattls

Mike Wanklin, Jr.

Ed Ball

Mike D’Amato

Jason Hammaker

Other members on location that day:

Mike Hudson

Mark Lime

Bob Shoemaker

Bob Westdyk

Pete Croop

Bill Pomeroy

Carlo LeDuc

Kathleen Wanklin

Bill Sondermeyer

Tom Boud

James Ferris

Chief Borell also spoke and said what a wonderful job our Fire Department did and was proud of their efforts that day and always.

Chief Hudson recognized Fire Chief Al Evangelista of Wanaque and presented him with a Certificate of Appreciation for their efforts in standing by.

The presentation was roundly applauded by all those in attendance.

Mayor Dunleavy called for a five minute recess at this time.


Mayor Dunleavy reconvened the meeting at 7:51 p.m.

PowerPoint presentation by Police Chief Joseph Borell on a review of 2012

At this time, Police Chief Joseph Borell gave a detailed PowerPoint presentation on his department, the makeup, what they do, how they did in 2012 and what they plan on accomplishing in the future.

Mayor thanked the Chief for a wonderful outline of his Department and thanked them for their efforts.


Councilman Yazdi moved to open the meeting up to Early Public Comment; seconded by Councilman D’Amato and carried on voice vote.

Linda Huntley, 86 Van Dam Avenue, asked about item 12(f) and Mayor noted that this is to schedule a Special meeting on April 1, 2013 so that we can do a resolution amending the budget. We will be introducing the budget on April 23, 2013.

Since there was no one who wished to speak, Councilman Yazdi moved that it be closed; seconded by Councilman Dellaripa and carried on voice vote.


Noted receipt of the Water/Department Monthly report for February 2013.

Environmental Commission

Councilwoman Shortman reported that the Environmental Commission meeting was canceled due to the snow; they are presenting reviewing the Open Space Plan.

Senior Citizen Advisory Board

She also noted that the Senior Citizen Advisory Board met and looked around the building and they would like to have some repairs done; Discussion followed in regard to cracks in the floor. Mayor will meet with them and go over the items they want addressed; noted that the floor was looked at previously and it is a big expense to fix.

Open Space Plan

This has been sent back to the Planning Board; public hearing will be held.

Mayor’s Report

Mayor noted that he met with Sunny Brennan of the Master Gardeners in regard to their plan for plantings. It was noted that $2,000 was dedicated to the master gardeners from the ROSE Fund.

T he mulch and gravel will not come out of the $2,000 per Mayor.

Municipal Alliance/Recreation

Councilman Sondermeyer, Liaison stated March 30 will be the egg hunt at 12 p.m.

April 4 there will be a program at the Walter T. Bergen School in regard to bullying at 6:45 p.m.

There will be a basketball game between the school and members of the Council, etc.

April 13 is the Trout Fishing Contest.

April 20 is the Little League parade.

Mayor stated that we will be honoring Glenwild Gardens for their 85th Anniversary at our April 23, 2013 meeting.

Board of Education

Councilman Dellaripa stated that the issue of Ice Safety Awareness was brought up to the Board of Education and they are looking into how to implement a program.

The Board of Education will have t heir budget review tomorrow evening at 7 p.m.

Mayor Dunleavy stated that he spoke with Aquatic Technologies who does our chemical treatment at Oakwood Pond that they will do a depth study at no charge.

Planning Board

Councilman Yazdi stated that the Planning Board is in the process of ding a review of the steps to redevelopment; these meeting are open to the public.

Noted that Avalon Bay is progress and they are looking to be finished by the end of the year. they have reimbursed us $18,000 for the redevelopment study.


Mayor noted that we have received $45,000 reimbursement so far from FEMA of our $240,000 request. He thanked the Police Chief, Fire Chief, DPW Superintendent and Treasurer for their record keeping and gathering the information for the reimbursement paperwork.


Municipal Clerk asked that the minutes of March 12 be held at t his time.

Councilman Yazdi moved for the approval of the following Consent Agenda:

A.  Approval of Minutes: Executive Session November 27, 2013; Official Meeting of February 5 and 26, 2013

B.  Request from Bloomingdale Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary to waive their permit fee for their flower sale May 11.

C.  Request from Friends of the Library to waive permit fee for their Nook Raffle in April.

D.  Removal from rolls of Michael Mazzola as Junior Fire Fighter

Councilman Yazdi seconded the motion and it carried as per the following roll call: Council members: Conklin, YES; D’Amato, YES; Dellaripa, YES with abstinence from November 27, 2012 minutes; Shortman, YES with a abstaining on the February 26 minutes; Sondermeyer, YES and Yazdi, YES.

Councilwoman Shortman would like the Borough Attorney to review the ROSE Fund ordinance and see what things can legally be allowed to come out of Open Space.


Transparency/salaries and posit ions on website

Councilwoman Short man noted she would like this on website asap; Mayor stated that it will be within the next two weeks.

Codification of Zoning Ordinances

Noted that the Codification company had some questions and the Borough Attorney has addressed a letter in regard to the outstanding items, i.e. map and t he Planning Board will be addressing them.

It was noted that Coded Systems did a very good job in putting together the draft codification of the ordinances.

Introduction of Ordinance #16-2013: Amending Fee ordinance to include change in fee for Peddlers and Solicitors permits

AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOROUGH OF BLOOMINGDALE, IN THE COUNTY OF PASSAIC AND STATE OF NEW JERSEY, the code of the borough of bloomingdale BY amending Chapter IV, “General Licensing,” Chapter 4-2, “Peddlers and Hawkers,” Section 4-2.5, “Fees,” Chapter IV, “General Licensing,” chapter 4-3, “Solicitors and canvassers,” section 4-3.6, “License fee” to amend license fees charged by the borough for peddlers and solicitors and canvassers was introduced by title by Councilman D’Amato who moved that second and final reading and public hearing be held on April 23, 2013 at 7:30 p.m.

Councilman Yazdi seconded the motion and it carried as per the following roll call: council Members: D’Amato; Dellaripa; Shortman; Sondermeyer; Yazdi and Conklin all YES.

Discussion in regard to Borough Hall roof

Mayor stated that we have checked into the files and it was found that the middle roof was done when the elevator was put in and has a 15 year warranty with Atlas; Roof itself was done in 2004. We have a 20 year warranty with Firestone and we are contacting them as to fixing the roof.

Update on FEMA

Noted that we have received $45,000 towards our reimbursement to date.

FY2013 Municipal Budget

Mayor stated that all the work sheets from the Departments have been received; each department came in flat. The Auditor is reviewing it now; we are under CAP.


Adoption of Resolution #2013-3.11: Payment of bills

Councilman Dellaripa offered the following Resolution and moved for its adoption:

RESOLUTION – No. 2013-3.11



Authorizing Payment of Municipal Obligations

WHEREAS, the Governing Body (“Governing Body”) of the Borough of Bloomingdale (“Borough”) finds and declares that certain municipal obligations have come due and are now payable; and

WHEREAS, the Governing Body further finds and declares that said obligations have been itemized on the annexed schedules, which are hereby deemed part of this Resolution;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Governing Body of the Borough of Bloomingdale does hereby authorize payment of said municipal obligations, in accordance with the recommendations of the Chief Financial Officer and the Borough Treasurer, from the following accounts and in the following amounts:


CURRENT 1,446,914.69 CURRENT 860,278.20

UTILITY 306,339.07 UTILITY 176,234.39

CAPITAL 123,341.15 OPEN SPACE 1,380.00

UTILITY CAPITAL 155,460.00 TRUST 0,000.00

TRUST 10,894.74 RECYCLING 1,129.16

DOG 5,217.84 DOG 3,458.80

RECREATION 11,931.55 UNEMPLOY 187.30

ROSE FUND 12,565.07 CAPITAL 00,000.00


TOTAL 2,072,908.01 TOTAL 1,042,667.85

Councilman D’Amato seconded the motion.

Councilwoman Shortman stated discussed a bill for Tri Boro which Mayor explained will be reimbursed by Tri Boro. Noted that they lease the building for $10 and we are responsible for the capital improvements.

The motion carried as per the following roll call: Council members: Dellaripa, YES; Shortman, YES; Sondermeyer, YES; Yazdi, YES wit h recusing on referee bill; Conkli9n, YES and D’Amato, YES with recusing on referee bill.

Adoption of Resolution #2013-3.12: Authorizing Cancellation of Capital Ordinances