Atlantic Coast Gymnastics
Coasters Booster Club
Membership Guide
goals & purpose
Revised 8/2015
goals & purpose
Goals/Purpose and Roles
he main purpose of the Atlantic Coast Gymnastics Coasters Booster Club is to raise funds in support of the gymnasts and coaches, foster a supportive gym community for all and provide an open stream of communications between the gym, its employees, parents, and gymnasts.
This club was organized for the purpose of providing financial aid to the USAG teams at Atlantic Coast Gymnastics. We are a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization. We are responsible for all coaching costs and expenses related to gymnastics meets or competitions for Atlantic Coast USAG competitive gymnasts Levels 3-10. We are also responsible for the cost of the education and certifications of the ACG team coaches, ensuring that they have the training required by the USA Gymnastics program.
In addition, the Booster Club provides financial support for coaching costs and expenses towards the TOPs, HOPEs and Elite programs each season. The financial support will be set at the beginning of each season. For the 2015/2016 season, the Booster Club will provide $2,000 towards the TOPs program and $3,000 towards the HOPEs program.
The Booster Club includes in its membership the parents or legal guardians of all competitive gymnasts Levels 3-10. Membership begins on July 1 of the competitive calendar year and runs through June 30 of the following year. The Booster Club will elect 4-6 officers (The Executive Committee) annually who will oversee the business as required in that year. Officers for the 2015/2016 competitive season are as follows:
President: Anthony BonelliVice President: Donna Howell
Treasurer: Michelle EvangelistaSecretary: Val Harris
Marketing & Publicity: Mary Jane KinkadeTravel/Special Event Coordinator: Kristin Vespe
In addition, The Executive Committee will form committees, as needed, comprised of gymnast parents/guardians.
Please keep in mind that all officer positions are by election and are done voluntarily. They offer their time as a service to the other parents and to the girls. Please realize that they put in many hours behind the scenes. Your support, encouragement and assistance are appreciated.
n average, the Booster Club must raise between $40,000 and $50,000 annually to cover the required expenses in any one competitive calendar year. The Booster Club fiscal (or competitive) year begins on July 1st and ends on June 30th. Participation of all members for all fundraisers and fundraising events is necessary. There are three main types of fundraisers.
Mandatory Work Events & Fundraisers
Each member is required to participate in all work events, i.e. home meets, gym show. In addition, the Executive Board may require membership to participate in general fundraising events. Proceeds from mandatory fundraising events will be deposited into the Booster Club’s general account to offset team expenses.
In the event a member cannot participate in a mandatory work or fund raising event, it is the responsibility of that member to find a replacement to fulfill the obligation. All replacements need to be approved by a member of the Executive Committee prior to the event. If the member fails to find a replacement to fulfill their obligation, they will incur an assessment equal to the total profits of that event, divided by the total number of members, plus a fine of $50.
For example, if a member failed to work a mandatory work session:
Gym Meet Total Profits$3000
Divided by total members50
Plus fine$50 (1st offense) $100 (2nd offense)
Total assessment due$110.00 or $160.00
Optional Fundraisers
Throughout the competing season, the Booster Club may offer optional fundraisers. Proceeds from optional fundraisers will be deposited into members’ individual accounts. Individual account funds may be used for most gymnastic-related expenses, i.e. leotards, meet assessments, but not for payment of tuition to Atlantic Coast Gymnastics (due to our non-profit status).
Participation in the Organization of Fundraisers
While the officers of the Booster Club will typically oversee a fundraiser, members are encouraged to volunteer as committee chairs and/or members. If you can help, please notify a member of The Executive Committee.
Sponsors are welcome! Any member family that initiates a sponsorship will benefit as they will receive a personal account credit equal to 80 percent of the donated amount. The other 20 percent will be donated to the Booster Club’s general account. Official sponsorship letters and forms must be used for any sponsorship associated with the Booster Club.
Financial Information
S our primary purpose is fundraising, the treasurer’s job is extremely important. Your attention to deadlines for fundraisers is important. Be aware that the treasurer is also coordinating payment of expenses from the account at the same time she is tracking income. The Booster Club Does NOT accept credit card payments.
Membership Dues and Payments
For the 2015/2016 season the Booster Club will assess membership dues.
Annual dues for eachgymnast will be: $400. Dues will be collected infourinstallments: $100.00 each, due on September 30th, October 31st, November 30thandDecember 31st. To remain a member in good standing dues must be paidin advance or according to the above schedule. Dues notpaid on or beforeDecember 31, 2014will be assessed a $50 late fee. Any gymnast joining the team during the competition season must pay the full dues immediately upon joining, or can choose to pay in two monthly installments, each beginning with the first month of membership. Any gymnast joining the team outside of their competition season will be assessed the pro-rated amount for the remainder of the calendar year ending June 30th. Dues are assessed on a per-gymnast (versus per-family) basis.
Due to the time commitment necessary from The Executive Committee, dues will be waived for those members. If an officer resigns before his/her term is up, dues will be assessed on a pro-rated basis.
The BC will assess a $25 returned check fee, which is payable immediately, along with the original check amount. Payment MUST be in the form of cash, money order or bank check. After the second returned check, personal checks will no longer be accepted.
Meet Assessments
Meet Assessments are used to pay gymnast entry fees for all meets entered throughout the season. Meet entry deadlines vary and can fall up to five months prior to an actual competition. You will be notified annually of meet assessment costs. Payments foralllevels are due July 15,August15, September15, October 15, and November 15 payable CBC Meet Assessments. The payments for 2015/2016will be as follows:
Levels3/4/5- $750OR5 payments of $150 (payable to CBCMA)
Levels6/7 - $800OR5payments of $160 (payable to CBCMA)
Levels 8/9/10 - $900OR5payments of $180(payable to CBCMA)
(Levels 8/9/10 - Additional feesWILL be duefor those that may qualify to Regionals or Nationals!)
These totals are estimates and the actual cost of meet entries is not yet known,therefore you may end the season with an additional balance due, or with a credit in your account.Please be prepared for either scenario.
As in the past, the payments you make over the summer willNOTbe reflected on your monthly tuition bill! All payments madethrough September will be postedand show on your October billing. Due toACG's class schedules running from September through August,the computer system will not allow the team billings to run on a July to June billing. If you have any questions regarding your assessment paymentsprior to your October bill, you will need to contactme directly and I will keep you informed.If you have a credit balance from the past season, you can deduct that amount from one or severalof this season's payments.
Meet Schedulesare not yet finalized, but will be distributed as soon as confirmed.
Individual Accounts
Each gymnast will have an individual account setup within the Booster Club Account. This is differentandisNOT to be confused with the meet assessment account a gymnast pays toCBC Meet Assessments. The Coasters Booster Club individual account can be used to pay for grips, CBC meet assessments, competition leotards, warm-ups, camp, Booster Club dues, etc., but may NOT be used to pay monthly tuition payments to Atlantic Coast Gymnastics.
Money can be earned for individual accounts either through participation in an optional fundraiser or by selling more than the required amount at a mandatory fundraiser. Contact the Treasurer for Individual account balances.
If you would like to use money from your Booster Club Individual Account, “Account Authorization” forms are available by the mail bins just inside the gym. They may be turned into the treasurer or placed in the Booster Club mail slot.You may also e-mail your request to the Treasurer.
Per IRS regulations any unused Individual Account funds are forfeited upon departure from the association, and are not refundable.
Financial Reporting
A budget for the competition year is prepared by the President, with the assistance of the Treasurer duringlate summer or early fall month. An annual profit/loss report will also be prepared at the conclusion of the competition year. The treasurer of the Booster Club will share the financial records, i.e. budget, profit/loss, as necessary, to membership. Should you desire further details please contact the President and Treasurer.
one of the club’sprimary goals is to foster positive and open communications between the gym, its employees, and the parents and gymnasts. Each year, all members will be asked to provide updated contact information (i.e. Email, addresses, phone numbers, etc.). In a situation of divorce/separation it is imperative that we have information from both parents. We ask that you keep your contact information current.
We collect email addresses from all members and coaches. Email will be the primary source of communication. If you do not have email, please notify the Secretary and arrangements will be made to provide you with copies of materials in print form.
Please be mindful and respectful when using memberships email addresses. Please do not use them for personal solicitations. If you need to put something out to the entire membership, please forward the information to the Secretary. Please refer to the ACG website, for general information, including scores, meet assessments, pictures, mandatory work events and fundraising options, etc. The Coasters Booster Club information can be found under the “About Us” tab on the homepage.
Atlantic Coast Gymnastics launched a brand new website last spring. A Coasters Booster Club page is located under the “About Us” tab found on the homepage. All information related to meets, special events, fundraisers, and more will be posted there. We are always looking for new “action shots” of our gymnasts for use on the site. If you have one that you’d like posted, please contact the Marketing & Promotions officer. Please check this site regularly.
Social Media
Atlantic Coast Gymnastics maintains Facebook, Instagram and YouTube social media pages. Please “like,” “follow.” or “Subscribe” to these pages. Lots of important information is posted there, as well as photos and videos of the girls as they learn new skills.
Mail Bins
Each gymnast has a bin just inside the gym door. Bins are typically arranged in alphabetical order. While most information is distributed via email, some is placed in your gym. It is the responsibility of the PARENT to check the bin. Please keep in mind that bins should be checked daily. Mail bins are to be used for Booster Club or Gym business only
Team/Parent Bulletin Board
A team/parent bulletin board is located on the second floor of the gym in the parent observation room. Please check it frequently for reminders pertaining to Booster Club Meetings, deadlines for fundraisers, meet report times, and other important information.
Booster Club Meetings
The Booster Club will hold monthly meetings.Officers will prepare and distribute a copy of the agenda prior to each meeting. If you have a question, concern or topic that you would like discussed, please email the President and copy the Secretary in advance of the meeting, so it can be added to the agenda. Please keep in mind that the Booster Club will only discuss club business. All questions or concerns related to gym matters should be addressed with gym management and/or coaches.
Monthly Calendar
The Atlantic Coast Gymnastics web site ( will maintain a master calendar of all meets, meetings and special events. Please check it often.
Booster Club Mailbox
All Booster Clubfinancial deposits and fundraiser sheets must be deposited in the Booster Club mail slot, located on top right side of the counter at the lobby desk. Payments to Coasters Booster Club can also be mailed to: Coasters Booster Club P.O. Box 1026 Turnersville, NJ 08012.
Parent Level Reps
The Executive Committee will appoint one parent per team level to serve as official representative. This representative is someone that team families (at each level) can approach with questions, additional information, etc. This representative is not a member of The Executive Committee, but will serve as a level liaison. If you are interested in serving in this capacity, please notify a member of The Executive Committee.
Should you have any suggestions for The Executive Committee related to the operation of the Booster Club, please email the President at any time.
ltimately we all want gymnastics competition to be a positive experience for our daughters. They have chosen one of the most challenging and competitive sports available for girls today. Every gymnast benefits by achieving physical fitness, improved self-confidence, team camaraderie, discipline, and more. It is our desire as a Booster Club to make the experience a positive one for our daughters.
Personal Best Ribbons
The Booster Club recognized gymnasts with “Personal Best” ribbons each time they achieve a higher score on an event during the same competitive year. A representative from each level should be chosen to prepare and distribute the ribbons.
Team Picture Board
The Booster Club maintains a bulletin board in the lobby showcasing photos of all USAG team members.
Year End Banquet
At the end of each season (usually May or June), the Booster Club organizes a banquet for the girls. We provide plaques for first year team members and current year discs for previous team members to attach to their plaque. We also have gifts for all the girls and the coaches. In the past, this has been run as a picnic, pool party, or banquet with food and drinks provided free to all team members. A small fee is charged for parents and siblings who attend.
2015– 2016 Meet Schedule
To Come
Important Contact Information
Booster Club Officers
President:Anthony Bonelli
Vice President:Donna Howell
Email: ell:
Treasurer:Michelle Evangelista
Email: ell:
Secretary:Val Harris
Email: ell:
Travel/Special Events: Kristin VespeCell:
Marketing & Publicity:Mary Jane Kinkade
Email:ell: (609)501-9125
AtlanticCoast Gymnastics
Gym phone (856)875-1300
Owner, Karen Smith Email:
Program Director, Head USAG Women’s Competitive Coach, Joe Catrambone:
Print Gymnast(s) Name(s)
Signature of Parent/GuardianDate
Revised 8/2015