Board of Directors meeting
May 13th, 2015
Westchester-Rockland Society of Pharmacists
Meeting called to order8 PMby Chairman
Minutes accepted as written and submitted via e-mail
Jay Rothbaum Jill Rothbaum John Boos
Patrick Courtney Jerry Koblin Joe Fischella
Bernard WallyPravin Patel Dan Asrani
Anthony Ciarletta
Report from Pat Courtney (region 5 rep to PSSNY) as e-mailed to Board was addended to:
Sale of PSSNY building in Albany is going thru and should be complete by end of month.
Tracy Russell's resignation is a loss to PSSNY, but is a result solely of a better offer she willcontinue to be our honoree (Presidential Achievement Award) at our dinner dance. We allwish her well in her new endeavor. No replacement has been found yet, but is in process.It was also re noted that non-registered pharmacy personal will be registered by the Board ofPharmacy.
Report from treasurer (Jay Rothbaum) indicated that we will be looking for a new accountant at theend of the year, due to a lack of cooperation and timeliness from our present accountant. He alsoreported that our finances were adequate, that the ads for our journal were on par with preceding years, but that our attendance rate, to date, is slow. A follow-up e-invite will be sent. Jay further reported that relinquishing the office was in order and the Board unanimously voted to havethe Treasurer speak to the landlord about vacating the premises (motion-Courtney, second-Boos).
Meetings would be held the 2ndWednesdayof the month at a suitable restaurant (Luciano's wassuggested).
Report from C.E. chairman Lou Flacks (via tele-conference) indicated May's program (May 27th, 2015) isset with sponsorship from McKesson, and June meeting will be in Rockland County at 2 Spear Street, Nyack, New York onJune 10th, 2015. Lou was reminded, as was the President (A. Ciarletta) that thismeeting was the event voted upon by the Board to inform membership of new lower dues, i.e.,$395.00 per year (lowered from $445.00/year) and $345.00 per first year for new (first time) members.Retiree, student and all other categories were to remain the same.
President Ciarletta announced the winner of the scholarship award (Ashley Regis of Spring Valley,New York). Response of applicants was poor and it was suggested raising the amount of theaward and procuring applicants thru student services at the various schools, rather than the Dean'sOffice. The President also announced that the web site up and running. Hefurther suggested we sponsor (as a sign of support for PSSNY) a "drink station" at the upcomingsummer convention. A motion (moved-Koblin, second-Wally) was unanimously approved by theBoard.
The Board recommended that the region 5 Rep to PSSNY (Courtney) add his report to the web siteeach month, consolidating the information into the most salient topics for WRSP.
As a final discussion the Board took up the changes to the "Ammo" bill, indicating it was essentialthat our local state representatives understood what a PBM is, that "terms and conditions" had tobe removed, that MAC appeals had to be processed quickly, efficiently and changed for everyprovider and the source of the price has to be revealed (a New York source).
Meeting adjourned9:45 PM
Respectfully submitted
Bernard Wally RPh
Acting Secretary