The meeting of the Gloucester County Improvement Authority was called to order by Chairman Charles Fentress. The Certification of the Open Public Meetings Act Requirement was read by Solicitor John Alice. Chairman Fentress led the Authority in the salute to the flag.

Roll Call: Ashley Harris, Paul Lenkowski, Paul Medany, Adam Reid and Chairman Charles Fentress.

Staff Present: George Strachan, Acting Executive Director; Monica Gismondi, Recycling Coordinator; Carmen Trifiletti, Projects Coordinator/HR Director; Tom Bianco, Acting Economic Development Executive Director; John Alice, Solicitor; Shannon Cornelius, Esq., Acting Co-Solicitor; Barbara Cramer, Recording Secretary; and Deb Peters, Assistant Recording Secretary.

Also Present: Ed Steck of T&M Associates; Rick Hunt of Parker McCay; and Joseph Monahan of Rowan University.

Public Portion

Motion to open was made by Mrs. Harris, seconded by Mr. Lenkowski and unanimously approved. There being no participation from the public, motion to close was made by Mr. Reid, seconded by Mr. Lenkowski and unanimously approved.

Approval of Minutes

Motion to approve of the October 16, 2014 meeting minutes was made by Mr. Medany, seconded by Mr. Lenkowski and unanimously approved.

Approval of Bill Lists

A single motion to approve of all bill lists as presented was made by Mr. Medany and seconded by Mrs. Harris. Roll called proved unanimous approval.

GCIA Operating: $1,329,449.62

GCIA Contract/Capital: $39,232.23

RRIT: $22,896.31

Shady Lane Home Operating: $647,462.53

Logan Operating: $117,564.27

Child Development Center Operating: $158,525.29

2008 Justice Complex Bond: $1,260.20

2012 Landfill Bond: $1,470.00

2014 Landfill Bond: $1,307,896.17

Paulsboro Port: $1,842,748.00

Regular New Business

A single motion was made to approve of all Regular New Business items by Mr. Medany and seconded by Mr. Reid. Roll call proved unanimous approval.

a)Resolution of the GCIA Authorizing the Submission of an Application to the New Jersey Local Finance Board – County Guaranteed Lease Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series A of 2004; The resolution was approved authorizing said bond in the amount of $7,500,000.00.

b)Resolution of the GCIA Authorizing the Submission of an Application to the New Jersey Local Finance Board – County Guaranteed Lease Revenue Bonds – Rowan University Business and Engineering School Projects, Series 2015A and Rowan University General Capital Improvement Project, Series 2015B; The resolution was approved authorizing said bond as follows: Series A - $58,000,000.00 and Series B - $36,000,000.00.

c)Authorizing and Approving the Opening of a Rowan University Business School Project Account and a Rowan University Engineering School Project Account at Fulton Bank and Authorizing and Approving the Signers on Said Accounts; The resolution was approved authorizing said accounts to be opened.

d)Appointing STPCx for Commissioning Services for Rowan University College of Engineering Project; The contract was approved in the amount not to exceed $114,430.00.

e)Appointing STPCx for Commissioning Services for Rowan University College of Business Project; The contract was approved in the amount not to exceed $109,305.00.

f)Authorizing and Approving the Authority’s Participation in the Municipalities Continuing Disclosure Cooperation Initiative of the Securities and Exchange Commission; and Authority and Approving Certain Actions in Connection with the Foregoing; The resolution was approved confirming the undertaking and completion of the disclosure review and authorizing the Executive Director to execute all documents.

g)Authorizing Second Amendment to Preliminary Site Access Agreement with E. I. DuPont DeNemours and Company; This amendment approves the mutual agreements and other valuable considerations granting the right to conduct certain analyses with respect to the property.

h)Authorizing Shared Services Agreement Between the City of Woodbury and the GCIA for Economic Development Assistance; The agreement was approved in an amount not to exceed $40,000.00.

i)Authorizing Contract Modification for Tim Scaffidi, Esq. for Co-Solicitor Services for the Year 2014; The modification was approved in the amount not to exceed $110,000.00.

j)Awarding Contract to Marlee Contractors, LLC for HVAC Maintenance and Repair for the GCIA; The contract was approved in the amount not to exceed $14,495.22.

k)Approval of Change of Service No. 2 to AP Construction Company – Paulsboro Marine Terminal Project; The change of service was approved for a credit in the amount of $52,734.04.

Shady Lane Complex New Business

A single motion was made to approve of all Shady Lane Complex New Business items by Mrs. Harris and seconded by Mr. Medany. Roll call proved unanimous approval.

a)Awarding Contract to East Coast Dysphagia Management, LLC for Endoscopic Swallowing Testing Services for the Shady Lane Home; The contract was approved in the amount not to exceed $1,000.00.

b)Authorizing Contract Modification for Brown & Connery, LLC as Labor and Employment Legal Counsel for Shady Lane Home; The modification was approved in the amount not to exceed $60,000.00.

c)Awarding Contract to A.A. Duckett, Inc. for HVAC Maintenance & Repair for the Auto-Matrix System at the Shady Lane Home; The contract was approved in the amount not to exceed $4,906.00.

Closed Session

Motion to enter into closed session at 6:05 p.m. was made by Mr. Medany, seconded by Mr. Lenkowski and unanimously approved.

Second Open Session

Motion to re-enter open session at 6:20 p.m. was made by Mr. Medany, seconded by Mrs. Harris and unanimously approved. The Board indicated that the item discussed was regarding an ongoing litigation of the Weeks Dredging DSC Claim in connection with the Paulsboro Marine Terminal Project.


Motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Medany, seconded by Mrs. Harris and unanimously approved.