NZQF NQ Ref / 1699 / Version / 2 / Page 1 of 10

National Certificate in Meat Processing (Further Processing) (Level 2) with strands in Trimming, Saw Operations, Quartering, Packaging, and Dispatching

Level / 2
Credits / 57-65

This qualification has been reviewed. The last date to meet the requirements is 31 December 2018.

Transition Arrangements

This qualification has been reviewed and replaced by the New Zealand Certificate in Meat Processing (Level 3) [Ref: 2495].

Last date for entry into the replaced National Certificate is 31 December 2016.

Last date for award of the replaced National Certificate is 31 December 2018.

It is recommended that candidates currently enrolled in this qualification who will be unable to complete the qualification by the 31 December 2018 transfer to the replacement qualification listed above.

It is the intention of Primary ITO that no existing trainee should be disadvantaged by these transition arrangements. Any person who considers they have been disadvantaged may appeal to the Primary ITO, below.

For detailed information see Review Summaries on the NZQA website.

NZQF National Qualification Registration Information

Process / Version / Date / Last Date for Assessment /
Registration / 1 / August 2011 / December 2018
Review / 2 / April 2015 / December 2018

Standard Setting Body

Primary Industry Training Organisation

PO Box 10383

The Terrace

Wellington 6143

Telephone 04 801 9616



National Certificate in Meat Processing (Further Processing) (Level 2) with strands in Trimming, Saw Operations, Quartering, Packaging, and Dispatching


/ 2


/ 57-65


This qualification is designed for those working in the further processing sector of the meat processing industry and is specifically targeted at those whose primary function is working in the trimming, saw operations, quartering, packaging, or dispatching areas of operations within this sector.

The Core Compulsory section of the qualification covers the knowledge and skills related to workplace health and safety, applying safe work practices, and meat industry workplace hygiene and food safety requirements.

The Core Elective section of the qualification enables candidates to select from a list of standards in the Meat Industry Generic domain that fit with their job roles.

The Balance section of the qualification enables candidates to select from a list of standards in the Interpersonal Communications domain, and from standards in the Meat Processing subfield and/or Occupational Health and Safety Practice domain to meet the qualification credit requirements.

The strands enable candidates to select standards from a list of standards from a variety of domains. These domains contain standards relevant to the strands and that fit with candidates’ job roles.

Replacement Information

This qualification and the National Certificate in Meat Processing (Boning) (Level 3) [Ref: 1698] replaced the National Certificate in Meat Processing (Further Processing) (Level 2) with strands in Boning, Trimming, Saw Operations, Quartering, Packaging, and Dispatching [Ref: 0690].

Special Notes

Prerequisite: National Certificate in Meat Processing (Introductory) [Ref: 0932], or demonstrate equivalent knowledge and skills.

Credit Range

Core Compulsory

/ Core Elective




Level 1 credits / 3 / - / -
Level 2 credits / 4 / 8-14 / 0-20
Level 3 or above credits / 4 / 0-6 / 0-20
Minimum totals / 11 / 34
Trimming Strand / Saw Operations Strand
Level 1 credits / - / -
Level 2 credits / 12 / -
Level 3 credits / - / 20
Minimum totals / 12 / 20
Minimum total for qualification / 57 / 65
Quartering Strand / Packaging Strand / Dispatching Strand
Level 2 credits / 12 / 5-15 / 0-15
Level 3 credits / - / 0-10 / 0-15
Minimum totals / 12 / 15 / 15
Minimum total for qualification / 57 / 60 / 60

Requirements for Award of Qualification

Award of NZQF National Qualifications
Credit gained for a standard may be used only once to meet the requirements of this qualification.
Unit standards and achievement standards that are equivalent in outcome are mutually exclusive for the purpose of award. The table of mutually exclusive standards is provided on the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) website:
Reviewed standards that continue to recognise the same overall outcome are registered as new versions and retain their identification number (ID). Any version of a standard with the same ID may be used to meet qualification requirements that list the ID and/or that specify the past or current classification of the standard.

Summary of Requirements

0·  Core Compulsory standards

0·  Core Elective – A minimum of 34 credits as specified

One of the following strands is required

0·  Trimming Strand

0·  Saw Operations Strand

0·  Quartering Strand

0·  Packaging Strand

0·  Dispatching Strand

Detailed Requirements

Core Compulsory

The following standards are required

Health > Occupational Health and Safety > Occupational Health and Safety Practice

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
497 / Demonstrate knowledge of workplace health and safety requirements / 1 / 3
17593 / Apply safe work practices in the workplace / 2 / 4

Manufacturing > Meat Processing > Meat Industry Generic

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
2505 / Demonstrate knowledge of meat industry workplace hygiene and food safety requirements / 3 / 4

Core Elective

A minimum of 34 credits

From the following sets

0·  Elective

0·  Balance


A minimum of 14 credits

Manufacturing > Meat Processing > Meat Industry Generic

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
2503 / Maintain hand knives in the meat processing industry / 3 / 3
16506 / Demonstrate knowledge of chemical handling in the meat processing industry / 2 / 5
20235 / Explain health and safety practices in the meat processing industry / 2 / 3
25029 / Communicate on a production line in the meat processing industry / 2 / 3
25035 / Demonstrate knowledge of musculoskeletal disorders in the meat processing industry / 2 / 4
25040 / Work in a team to achieve designated tasks on a production line in the meat processing industry / 2 / 4
25147 / Demonstrate knowledge of the New Zealand meat processing industry / 2 / 3
26999 / Demonstrate knowledge of and sharpen hand knives in the meat and hide processing industries / 3 / 3


The balance of credits to achieve

A minimum of 34 credits

May come from the following

Humanities > Communication Skills > Interpersonal Communications

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
1277 / Communicate information in a specified workplace / 2 / 3
9677 / Participate in a group/team which has an objective(s) / 2 / 3
9680 / Communicate within a specified organisational context / 2 / 3
10791 / Participate in an informal meeting / 2 / 3
Field / Subfield / Domain /
Health / Occupational Health and Safety / Occupational Health and Safety Practice
Manufacturing / Meat Processing / Any

Trimming Strand

A minimum of 12 credits

Manufacturing > Meat Processing > Meat Industry - Further Processing

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
20226 / Operate a meat processing skinning machine / 2 / 12
21159 / Pre-trim carcasses / 2 / 12

Manufacturing > Meat Processing > Meat Industry - Packaging

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
21158 / Trim meat products for packaging / 2 / 12

Saw Operations Strand

A minimum of 20 credits

Manufacturing > Meat Processing > Meat Industry - Further Processing

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
2500 / Break down ovine carcasses on bandsaw / 3 / 30
4539 / Break down deer carcasses on bandsaw / 3 / 25
27347 / Break down pork carcasses on bandsaw / 3 / 20

Quartering Strand

A minimum of 12 credits

Manufacturing > Meat Processing > Meat Industry - Further Processing

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
20237 / Quarter beef carcasses for further processing / 2 / 12
26998 / Quarter pig carcasses for further processing / 2 / 12

Packaging Strand

A minimum of 15 credits

Manufacturing > Meat Processing > Meat Industry - Further Processing

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
20226 / Operate a meat processing skinning machine / 2 / 12

Manufacturing > Meat Processing > Meat Industry Generic

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
20976 / Operate carton sealing machines in the meat processing industry / 2 / 3
20977 / Operate an automatic carton making machine in the meat processing industry / 2 / 3
25038 / Prepare and operate an automatic bag loader in the meat processing industry / 2 / 3

Manufacturing > Meat Processing > Meat Industry - Packaging

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
20225 / Prepare cartons to pack meat / 2 / 4
20227 / Pack and vacuum seal meat cuts / 2 / 4
20228 / Label cartons for packing meat products / 2 / 3
20230 / Operate a lidder feed machine in the meat processing industry / 2 / 2
20231 / Operate scales in a meat processing plant / 2 / 4
25142 / Pack bulk meat products / 2 / 8
25146 / Pack individual meat products / 2 / 8
25834 / Operate tray packaging equipment in the meat processing industry / 2 / 5
25835 / Operate computerised data capture equipment for semi-automatic labelling machinery in the meat processing industry / 3 / 10
25836 / Package meat products using gas flushing equipment in the meat processing industry / 2 / 10
25838 / Operate automatic meat cut wrapping equipment in the meat processing industry / 2 / 4
25839 / Operate manual meat cut wrapping equipment in the meat processing industry / 2 / 4

Dispatching Strand

A minimum of 15 credits

Manufacturing > Meat Processing > Meat Industry - Freezers and Chillers

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
16497 / Freeze meat products / 2 / 4
16498 / Chill meat products / 2 / 4
16499 / Control a meat chiller / 3 / 4
16500 / Control a meat freezer / 3 / 4
16501 / Access and provide information using computerised freezer and/or chiller inventory management system / 3 / 4
16502 / Demonstrate knowledge of stock control procedures in a freezer and/or chiller in the meat industry / 2 / 2
16503 / Receive inward goods in a freezer and/or chiller in a meat processing operation / 2 / 2

Manufacturing > Meat Processing > Meat Industry Generic

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
17688 / Demonstrate knowledge of the meat industry standard regarding storing and transport / 3 / 4
20241 / Load transport containers in the meat processing industry / 2 / 5
20979 / Describe the New Zealand Food Safety Authority's (NZFSA) electronic certification system / 3 / 5

Service Sector > Driving > Driver Licence Endorsements

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
18496 / Demonstrate knowledge and skills for driving a forklift on a road for endorsement F (forklifts) / 3 / 2

Service Sector > Lifting Equipment > Powered Industrial Lift Trucks

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
10851 / Operate a powered industrial lift truck (forklift) / 3 / 7
10852 / Operate a powered industrial lift truck (forklift) fitted with attachments / 3 / 3

Transition Arrangements

This qualification and the National Certificate in Meat Processing (Boning) (Level 3) [Ref: 1698] replaced the National Certificate in Meat Processing (Further Processing) (Level 2) with strands in Boning, Trimming, Saw Operations, Quartering, Packaging, and Dispatching [Ref: 0690], which will expire in December 2012.

There are significant differences in content and structure between the new and replaced qualifications.

·  Standards 3501, 4248, 4249, 7123 and 12382 from the Compulsory of Ref:0690 were not included in this qualification.

·  Standards 1304, 2504, 2506, 3097, 9681, 12624, 16688, 17024, 18766, 20232 and 20233 from the Elective of Ref:0690 were not included in this qualification.

·  The Boning strand of Ref:0690 was not included, but standards from the strand may be used to meet the credit requirements of the Balance section of this qualification.

·  All other standards listed in Ref:0690 which are not listed in this qualification may be used to meet the credit requirements of the Balance section of this qualification.

For detailed information see Review Summaries on the NZQA website.

People currently working towards the replaced qualification may either complete the requirements for that qualification by 31December 2012 or transfer their existing achievements to this qualification or the National Certificate in Meat Processing (Boning) [Ref: 1698].

This qualification contains standards that replace or are substitutes for earlier standards. For the purposes of this qualification, people who have gained credit for the expiring standards are exempt from the requirement to gain credit for the replacement standards – see table below.

Credit for / Exempt from /
2493 / 21158, 21159
16457 / 20225, 20231
17024, 20236 / 26999
20218 / 21159
20223 / 21159
20224 / 21158
20239 / 27347
20244 / 21159
20245 / 21159
20246 / 21158
20247 / 21159
20576 / 21158
20578 / 21158
20579 / 21158
20580 / 21158
21827 / 26999

It is not intended that anyone is disadvantaged by this review, and the above arrangements have been designed for a smooth transition. However, anyone who feels they have been disadvantaged may appeal to the standard setting body at the address below.

Other standard setting bodies whose standards are included in the qualification



Tranzqual ITO


This certificate will display the logos of NZQA, the New Zealand Industry Training Organisation and the organisation that has been granted consent to assess against standards that meet the requirements of the qualification (accredited).


This qualification is classified according to the classification system listed on the Directory of Assessment Standards (DAS) and the New Zealand Standard Classification of Education (NZSCED) system as specified below.

DAS Classification / NZSCED /
Code / Description / Code / Description /