

Donald W. Reynolds Community Center

211 West Third Avenue, Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71601

July 22, 2010

Commissioners Present:

John Pope, Chairman Thurston Lamb, Vice-Chairman

Laurie Black Georgette Garner

Debbie Hoofman JeNelle Lipton

Carroll Prewett

Commissioners Absent:

Randy Frazier Greg Morris

Staff Present:

Robert Phelps, Brenda Halbert and Sarah Wruck

Guests Present:

Richard Davies, Executive Director, AR Department of Parks & Tourism

Gloria Sumner, Executive Director, Pine Bluff/Jefferson County Clean & Beautiful

Adam Roberts, Executive Director, Hot Springs/Garland County Beautification Commission

Betty Barnhardt, Executive Director, Keep Sherwood Beautiful

Greg Gustek, Director, Pine Bluff Convention and Visitors Bureau

Larry Fugate with the Pine Bluff Commercial

Sharon Vogelpohl, Julie Robbins and Alexis Sims of Mangan Holcomb Partners

Official Welcome by Pine Bluff/Jefferson County:

Gloria Sumner expressed her appreciation for the KAB Commission’s visit to Pine Bluff, introducing Greg Gustek of the Pine Bluff Convention and Visitors Bureau and Larry Fugate of the Pine Bluff Commercial.

Greg Gustek welcomed everyone to Pine Bluff by presenting a gift pack, including a travel mug with the Pine Bluff “Harbor City” logo, stating the tagline, “Anchor of Southeast Arkansas”, is the new promotional branding statement for a city that encompasses nine miles around the harbor.

Mr. Gustek stated the Visitors’ Bureau works closely with the Pine Bluff/Jefferson County Clean & Beautiful Commission and supports and admires everything they do to keep the community clean and beautiful. He expressed appreciation for Ms. Sumner’s hard work and to the KAB Commission for our efforts statewide.

Call to Order:

John Pope officially called the meeting to order around 9:20 a.m.

He thanked Ms. Sumner for hosting the meeting today and expressed appreciation to the Greater Pine Bluff Chamber of Commerce for hosting the previous evening’s reception, stating the “Red

KAB Commission Minutes

July 22, 2010 – page 2

Coats” were most impressive. Ms. Sumner said she is now an official “Red Coat” with the Chamber and, also, serves on the Leadership Alumni Board.


Thurston Lamb presented the invocation.

Executive Director’s Report:

Robert Phelps highlighted items of his printed report, including the addendum distributed yesterday, as follows:

·  Significant relocation of KAB offices, shifting west on fourth floor of the Big Mac Building: Ms. Wruck will be located in the old computer lab; Ms. Halbert will be in the middle office with an outside door; and Mr. Phelps will be in the east office. The Parks Division relocated several weeks ago to the area formerly occupied by AR Economic Development.

·  Keep Ozark Beautiful: Milestone will be reached with certification of our 10th KAB Affiliate in Arkansas one week from today.

·  July 12-14, attended KAB State Leaders Council annual meeting in Nebraska, serving as chairman of that organization:

1)  Randy Frazier served as trainer and facilitator;

2)  First annual KAB meeting at no cost to the state;

3)  Significant changes have been made within the KAB organization, including re-emphasis on recycling;

4)  Adoption of the Affiliate Network team, allowing Affiliates greater communication;

5)  KAB staff reaffirmed State Leaders role as counsel in policy making and programs; in addition to seven operating executives of KAB, Mr. Phelps will represent the Affiliates in that process.

·  KAB plans future change of time and venue of the national conference: July or August, instead of December; venue options include Orlando, Nashville, Austin or New Orleans.

·  LFZ Program: Jack Singleton is recovering well from surgery, and we look forward to his continued guidance for future direction and growth:

1)  Finished spring semester with 21 certifications complete;

2)  KAB Foundation Committee is reviewing first two phases and future direction, requiring another Walmart grant to move forward.

·  KAB Foundation growth and development plans include hiring an executive director, expanding the board and launching a capital fund drive.

·  Alexis Sims of MHP, State Coordinator, and Sarah Wruck will present a final report of the 2010 Great American Cleanup in Arkansas as well as plans for the upcoming Great Arkansas Cleanup.

·  Julie Robbins of MHP will present the FY 2011 KAB Marketing Plan and Budget.

·  Arkansas Broadcasters’ NCSA Program continues to provide great value with ROI at $17.24 per $1.00 expense, even though the most recent quarter air time value is lower than normal.

·  “Report littering” hotline: 41,300 plus calls received since December 2004; despite our efforts to educate and prevent, littering continues.

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·  “Clean and Green” Symposium plan is in progress, but initial venue and date will likely change; Commissioners’ input is very important.

·  Free recycling/support messages for KAB and use of logo:

1)  Wendy’s “See Arkansas First” tray liner includes a recycling message and KAB logo, thanks to Shelby Woods at CRJW;

2)  Target flyer encourages return of five plastic bags for $1 off purchase;

3)  DFA driver’s license renewal notice includes “Shine – Keep Arkansas Clean and Green” slogan.

·  Attended Carl Garner’s 95th birthday celebration June 5 in behalf of the KAB Commission and Foundation. Mr. Garner continues to be an active board member of the Foundation.

·  Little Rock’s 2010 “Riverfest” event resulted in 17 tons of recycled plastic and aluminum, seven more tons than the 2009 event, thanks to the efforts of Carol Bevis and John Roberts of Regional Recycling.

·  Betty Barnhardt of Keep Sherwood Beautiful has been selected as one of 15 KAB Affiliate Insight Team facilitators to identify ways to engage local affiliates.

·  Congratulations to Randy Frazier for recognition of his leadership to KAB and State Leaders as a trainer and facilitator.

·  Congratulations to Melinda Glasgow and Keep Little Rock Beautiful for the recent unveiling of custom ash receptacles in the River Market, thanks to the CLPP grant from KAB.

·  Thanks to Harold MacDowell, via John Pope, the remainder of Gelene MacDowell’s memorial fund has been assigned to the Learning Fields at Chaffee Crossing.

·  KAB’s 5,000th Facebook fan celebrated with recognition planned.

·  Adam Roberts received ADEQ’s 2010 ENVY Award; he serves on KAB’s CLPP Affiliate Advisory Council and is the state contact for the Intercoastal Cleanup.

·  Keep Sherwood Beautiful’s “Shred-It Saturday” event was highly successful with 109 people participating and 2.6 tons of paper recycled.

·  Marge Wright of Fairfield Bay, long-time ardent supporter of our programs, has been recognized as the VFW Auxiliary Community Service Volunteer for 2009-10 at their state convention in Little Rock.

·  As a result of Governor Beebe’s “Green Initiative”, ADPT will begin soon recycling plastic bottles; we now recycle paper, aluminum cans and Styrofoam cups.

·  July 31 is the deadline for “SHINE Awards” entries; Commissioners were urged to contact their mayors to send in their entries.

Mr. Phelps concluded by thanking the Greater Pine Bluff Chamber of Commerce for hosting the previous evening reception and to Gloria Sumner for hosting today’s meeting on behalf of Pine Bluff/Jefferson County Clean & Beautiful.

Roll Call:

Brenda Halbert called the roll.


Mr. Pope welcomed guests, including the KAB Affiliate Directors.

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July 22, 2010 – page 4

Approval of Agenda:

Mr. Pope called for approval of today’s meeting agenda:

Thurston Lamb made a motion, seconded by Carroll Prewett, to approve

the July 22, 2010, KAB Commission Meeting Agenda. The motion passed.

Approval of Minutes:

Mr. Pope called for corrections or additions to the May 27, 2010, KAB Commission Meeting Minutes, followed by a motion:

JeNelle Lipton made a motion, seconded by Carroll Prewett, to approve

the May 27, 2010, KAB Commission Meeting Minutes. The motion passed.

Financial Report:

Mr. Phelps called for questions regarding the KAB Financial Report for FY 2010, reflecting expenditures of $634,065 or 89 % of the fiscal year budget, with an 11% carryover surplus.

Mr. Phelps reviewed the budget process, noting he had tried to keep the Commission informed. Over the last two years, our 1% of the 1/8 cent Conservation Tax has been less than forecast with sales tax down; however, it has not impacted our program, because KAB has been able to carry forward remaining funds from past years; the next two years will probably see a similar experience with dipping into reserves.

One aspect of the budget that might change are grants with a $20,000 budget and no expenditures in FY10. Plans are underway to revamp the grants criteria, so these funds will be more easily accessible to our Keep America Beautiful Affiliates in Arkansas for leadership training and community improvement, since they too are experiencing economic challenges. This would be especially important to help defray costs to attend KAB annual conference training.

Thurston Lamb commended Mr. Phelps for his financial expertise in monitoring the budget well enough to carry over funds and still maintain our good level of programming. After lengthy discussion, including support for changing the grants criteria, the following motion was made:

Thurston Lamb made a motion, seconded by Carroll Prewett, to approve

the distributed KAB Financial Report for the period ending June 30, 2010.

The motion passed.

Volunteer Services Coordinator’s Report:

Sarah Wruck referred to her printed report, commenting on the following:

·  2010 Great American Cleanup in Arkansas has been more successful than early results indicated, stating Ms. Sims would present the final wrap-up report.

·  She reflected that the most important thing on her agenda currently is reviewing the two annual KAB sponsored litter cleanups, how we can improve on the campaigns, get more people involved and streamline them.

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Ms. Wruck commended Ms. Sims for a successful 2010 Great American Cleanup, requesting that she present the final wrap-up report as well as the strategic planning summary.

Mangan Holcomb Partners:

2010 Great American Cleanup

Alexis Sims distributed the 2010 Great American Cleanup Final Report for Arkansas, reflecting the following:

·  16,399 volunteers collecting nearly 641,000 pounds of litter;

·  $787,027 value to the state, including volunteer hours, donated goods and services, and NCSA advertising of $107,787;

·  KAB Affiliates received priority of supplies, including the Keep America Beautiful donated Troy-Bilt weed trimmer/leaf blower backpack, won in a drawing, as follows:

1)  Hot Springs/Garland County Beautification Commission;

2)  Keep Jacksonville Beautiful;

·  Final report has been sent to Keep America Beautiful;

·  Statewide press release will be distributed next week.

2010 Great Arkansas Cleanup

The Great Arkansas Cleanup is already underway with letters to past coordinators as well as coordinators that just completed a spring Great American Cleanup event. Three of the new GAmC coordinators were recruited from Facebook.

Local Cleanup Strategic Plan Summary

Ms. Sims and Ms. Wruck reviewed the new cleanup campaign/s strategic plan, separate from current marketing and public relations efforts, to cross-coordinate between both campaigns. We will begin by encouraging coordinators to add a second annual cleanup, hoping to increase the number of events and counties involved. Goals for both campaigns include the following:

·  Increase number of coordinators by 8%

·  Increase number of events by 13%

·  Increase number of volunteers by 3%

·  Increase number of participating counties from 60 to 63

Quantifying results will include plotting on a state map where there is activity and identifying opportunities that exist. Looking at data from past years will allow us to track trends. Activities to achieve goals of increasing numbers include the following:

·  Coordinators: Retain and recruit new coordinators with personal e-mails/letters and increased KAB presence at cleanups.

·  Events: Increase the number of events by engaging LFZ schools, 4-H Clubs and targeted universities.

·  Volunteers: Gather contact information with sign-in sheets to build a stronger relationship with KAB for future volunteerism.

·  Counties: Contact targeted county judges and mayors.

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Lengthy discussion followed with John Pope commending Ms. Sims’s and Ms. Wruck’s efforts in developing goals and objectives for the GAC and GAmC campaigns. Comments and suggestions followed:

·  Georgette Garner: Some groups already hold two or three cleanups a year, stressing the importance of connecting with KAB for recognition; Main Street Arkansas is one potential group.

·  Alexis Sims stated that we might identify potential groups thru our news clips.

·  Richard Davies suggested the importance of relaying the significance of the cleanup results to the AR Press Association: “What it would look like”, i.e., 16,000 volunteers fit into War Memorial Stadium with 320 tons of collected trash, including tires, loaded in dump trucks on the field, as an effective visual………if this cleanup didn’t happen, the trash would be all over Arkansas.”

·  JeNelle Lipton emphasized the importance of retaining current coordinators and having two different groups coordinate the spring and fall events, i.e., city and chamber of commerce, to prevent overlap and ease the paperwork. She suggested having a form letter for businesses to encourage their involvement by cleaning their own area.

·  Sharon Vogelpohl suggested an official letter of appreciation from the Governor that can be framed and displayed.

Ms. Garner requested a list of counties that we hope to add to the campaign. As soon as it is complete, Ms. Vogelpohl stated Commissioners will be provided a detailed plan regarding goals, and that document will be shared with Commissioners, including identification of areas/counties that lack activity.

KAB Commission FY11 Marketing Plan Budget:

Julie Robbins distributed her printed report, stating the FY11 KAB marketing budget is geared primarily toward public education/awareness surrounding the “Shine” campaign, reviewing the plan in detail with budget assigned, as follows:

·  Public education/awareness – Shine campaign (73% of total budget)…….$260,000

1)  Creative/production (radio, print, billboard, general)….$45,000

2)  Media placement (traditional, online ads, ARSN,

Roby Brock, NCSA, AOAA and AHTD donated

billboards)…………………………………………….. 205,000

3)  Arkansas Trucking Association Partnership………….. 10,000

·  Programs outreach (Shine Awards; LFZ program)……………………….. 15,000

·  Events marketing (GAC, GAmC, Clean & Green Symposium)………….. 60,000