School of Management is located on 33 KirpichnayaUlitsa, which is 15 min. byfootfromSemenovskayametrostation


ThemainlyindustrialareaofSokolinayaGorahastwogoodexamplesofOrthodoxchurches: theChurchofResurrectionofChrist (mid 19thcent.) inthesmallparkonthecrossroadsoftheIzmaylovskoeShosseandProspektBudennogoandtheChurchofSaintDemetriusofThessaloniki (early 20thcent.) onthejunctionofBlagushaandIbragimova.

Visa and registration issues

Visa issues

CitizensofsomecountriesdonotrequirevisatoenterRussianFederation, butinmostcasesdurationoftheirstayinRussiaislimited. VisaisrequiredtoenterRussiaforalongerperiod.

Effectiveon 8/19/2010
Country / Notes
Argentina / Periodofstaynotmorethan 90 dayswithin 180 fornon-commercialpurposes.
Armenia / Unlimitedstay.
Azerbaijan / Unlimitedstay.
Belarus / Unlimitedstay.
BosniaandHerzegovina / Fortouristsperiodofstayshouldnotexceed 30 days, foranyotherpurposesnotmorethan 90 days; documentsconfirmingthepurposeofvisitrequired.
Brazil / Periodofstaynotmorethan 90 dayswithin 180 fornon-commercialpurposes.
Croatia (Hrvatska) / Withinvitation, travelvoucher, documentsconfirmingtheofficialpurposeofthetrip.
Cuba / Upto 30 days.
Israel / Periodofstaynotmorethan 90 dayswithin 180. ThereisanagreementbetweenRussiaandIsraelaboutcancellationofguestandtouristvisas. Fortripsthepassportvalidnotlessthan 6 monthsfromthedateofentranceisrequired. PresenceofanyotherdocumentsbytheAgreementisnotprovided.
Kazakhstan / Unlimitedstay.
Kyrgyzstan / Unlimitedstay.
Macedonia / Fortouristsperiodofstayshouldnotexceed 30 days, foranyotherpurposesnotmorethan 90 days; documentsconfirmingthepurposeofvisitrequired.
Moldova, Republicof / Unlimitedstay.
Montenegro / Upto 30 days.
Serbia / Periodofstayupto 30 daysforholdersofbiometricpassportsissuedafterApril 8, 2008.
Tajikistan / Unlimitedstay.
Thailand / Upto 30 days.
Turkey / Agreementwassignedbutnotratifiedbytheparliamentsofbothcountries.
Ukraine / Unlimitedstay.
Uzbekistan / Unlimitedstay.
Venezuela / Periodofstaynotmorethan 90 dayswithin 180.

If youneed a Russian visa or official invitation, please fill an enclosed form and send it –with a scan of the 1st page of your passport- to Elena Panteleeva, .

Foreigners apply for visa with the following set of documents (as provided by Russian Federal Migration Service):

  • a valid identity document, accepted as such by the Russian Federation;
  • a completed visa application form with one photograph;
  • one photograph (30x40 mm);
  • a medical insurance policy, unless otherwise provided for by international agreements of the Russian Federation;
  • an additional certificate proving that the applicant does not have HIV (AIDS), in case the foreign national applies for a visa for a term exceeding three months;
  • an original visa support letter.

It is strongly recommended to be very accurate with the timing!

Theminimumperiodrequestedforthevisaissueanceis 3 workingdays, providedyoupaytheConsulatefeeintheamountof 70 EUR andthereisproofforurgentvisaprocessing. Thoughthestandardtermis 10 calendardays (for 35 EUR fee) whichinexceptionalcasescanbeextendedupto 30 days.

Registration issues

When you enter the territory of Russia, you will have to fill in the migration card. Please, keep it safe until the end of your stay in Russia - it's important.

After you have arrived to Moscow, within three working days you have to apply for Moscow registration paper, providing the necessary documents to Federal Migration Service. You need to have your passport, migration card and visa (in case it's not printed in your passport) with you. You will obtain your registration in 1 - 3 days' time. In case you do not take care of this formality in time, you will have to pay the fine (2000 R), and you also risk to have problems with Russian police. So - be attentive!

Hotels in Moscow

Hotel / Room type / Price (€) / Reservation
The Tourist Hotel Complex “Izmailovo” / Standard single
Standard double
Business single
Business double / 80
97,5 /
Luxe / 40
100 / Contact Elena
"D Hotel" / Standard double
Junior suite / From 112
From 125 /
Hotel Ulanskaya / Standard single
Standard double / 163
215 (per room) /
Holiday Inn Moscow Sokolniki Hotel / Standard
Executive / 135 /
A1 Hotel
/ Standard
Superior / 170
195 /


Thehotelcomplex «Izmailovo» - isamodernthree-starhotel, offeringitsguestsahighlevelofservice, basedonadevelopedinfrastructure, perfectlyorganizedtechnologyofservicingguestsandprofessionalismofthestaff. Good value for money.

This complex is located 1 metro station or approximately 30 min walk away from the School of Management.


The HSE Guesthouse is a structural unit of the University – Higher School of Economics (HSE). ItislocatedclosetoMoscowdowntown, 5 minwalkfrommetrostationLeninskyprospekt. It’ll take about 1-1,5 hours to go from the Guesthouse to theSchool of Management.

Breakfast is not included to the room prices.

"D Hotel"

Elegant and very cozy, hotel "D Hotel" is a fine choice for travelling on business and just for pleasure. Our hotel is located in the silent and green area. Our guests will not be disturbed by stir bright lights and noise of the city. Hospitable staff, high standards of service, unique design of interiors will create fine conditions for working and having rest.

The ten-storied building of our hotel constructed in year 2009, is located in the heart of business life, close to one of the biggest Moscow highways - the Mira avenue and just in 5 minutes of walking from "VDNH" metro station. It takes 20 minutes to get the downtown and about 1 hour to go from the "D Hotel" to theSchool of Management.

Holiday Inn Moscow Sokolniki Hotel

HolidayInnMoscowSokolnikihoteloffers 523 modernguestroomsofdifferentcategories. AdditionalhotelfacilitiesincludefreeWi-Fiinallguestroomsandalsofitnesscentre, swimmingpool, saunaandgym.Itisanidealstartingpointbothforbusinessandindividualtravellers.

Thehotelisconvenientlylocatedafewstepsfromthemetrostationand 10 minuteswalkfromSokolnikiExhibitionCentre. It’ll take about 45 min. to go from the HolidayInnMoscowSokolnikihotel to theSchool of Management.

Hotel Ulanskaya

Hotel offers 61 rooms: nottoolarge, comfortable.Itsmainadvantagesareprofessionalstaff, high-qualityserviceandreasonableprices.

15 minute’swalktherearealotofrestaurants, cafés, bars, shops, afamoustheatre “Sovremennik” (O.Tabakov’stheatre-studio), Rolancinema, Moscowpostofficeandmanyotherthings, thatdothelocationofourhotelveryattractivefortourists.It’ll take about 45 min. to go from the HotelUlanskaya to theSchool of Management.

A1 Hotel

The hotel "A1 Hotel", referring to the small hotels of Moscow, was opened in spring 2009, closetometrostations "Kitay-Gorod" and "Chistye-Prudy", inaquietsideofArkhangel’skiylane. It’ll take about 1 hour to go from the A1 Hotel to theSchool of Management.

A1 Hoteloffersapackage of services, which includes: accommodation with breakfast, as well as services in the rooms: WI-FI, digital telephony, the system air-conditioning, individual safe, mini bar, satellite TV, etc.


In Moscow there are 3 international airports –Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo and Vnukovo.

The cheapest (8 euro) and fastest (35-45 min) way to go from these airports to the center of Moscow is an Aeroexpress( TheAeroexpresstrainsruntowardsairportstothedailyschedule, includingdaysoffandholidays. Theydeparteveryhalfanhour (from/to Vnukovo every hour). Theelectrictraingoesnon-stop.

‘Normal’ price for a taxi ride is about45-50€.

You may find a detailed information about some airline companies having regular flights to Moscow on their web-pages:



Adria Airways

Bulgaria Air
