August 13th, 2016

Monthly Meeting Minutes

I. Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order by President, Debra Mays at 10:00 a.m. Our meeting was held today at North West College, Long Beach.Thanks to Jinniefor providing a delicious breakfast for the Board members.


Board Members present:

Debra Mays, CST, President

Niall E. Davis, CST, FAST, Secretary

Jinnie Gardiner, CSFA, Board of Directors

Latoya Rush, CST, Treasurer

Elsa Salazar, CST, Board of Directors

Committee members/Consultants present:

Herschell Evans, CST

Keith Orloff, CST, FAST available by telephone

Board Members absent:

Maggie Griffith, CST, Board of Directors

III. Agenda:

TheAgenda was approved on a motion by Jinnie Gardiner, and seconded by Latoya Rushand carried.

IV. Past Minutes:

Past minutes for July 9th2016were approvedon a motion byElsa Salazarseconded by Latoya rush, and carried.

  1. President’s Report- Debra Mays

Debra began by welcoming all the attendees to this morning’s meeting, and thanking all for participating with a special thanks to Jinnie for hosting us. She encouraged all to continue working on making this conference set for November 2016 the best yet. She stated she would be sending out the forms requested for speakers.

No further report other than ongoing progress for November Conference.

Vice President’s Report – Jacqueline Pyle

No Report at this time.

  1. Treasurer’s Report – LaToya Rush

LaToya supplied the following information, Checking account beginning balance as of 7/1/16was $30,906.13. The ending balance for the checking account was $30,584.13 as of 7/31/16. The Savings account beginning account has $12,354.32 as of 7/1/16. The ending savings account balance is $12,504.32 as of 7/31/16. Deposits for the conference venue have been made and the records are with the treasurer. Latoya stated she purchased some admin supplies.

  1. Secretary’s Report – Niall E. Davis

Niall thanked everyone for giving up their time for service to CA-SA and a special thaks to Herschell and Jinnie for their service and dedication. He reminded everyone to remember what they had committed to had to follow through. Also we should know that is ok to reach out to the board if you need help. He requested that we review the to-do list as well.

1X.By-laws Committee–Niall E. Davis – No Changes to Report

X.Education Committee–Jacqueline Pyle

No Report.

X1. Communications/Website – Maggie Griffith

No Report.

X11. Government and Public Affairs – Debra Mays

Debra stated we will be putting our legislative efforts on hold until the election of our next governor in California. She will be making contact with Catherine Sparkman as well.

X111. Previous Business/New Business/Open Forum

The theme for the conference will be Yankee Doodle Dandy and Jinnie Gardner will be the point of contact. A discussion was held about more outreach efforts to hospitals to do training Maggie and Jinnie will collaborate on this idea that was well received by the Bod.

A discussion on the upcoming conference was had and we talked about a poster be created and Elsa will be the point of contact.

We discussed forming a student ambassador program within CA-SA with approval from AST which has been granted. Jinnie Gardiner will be the point of contact,

We also discussed having an instrument exam table set up at the conference for participants to win prizes.Jinnie Gardiner will be the point of contact.

The next meeting will be held on September 10, 2016 at Kaiser 9333 Imperial Hwy. Downey Ca,

The meeting was adjourned at 1:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Niall E. Davis, CST, FAST

California State Assembly of the

Association Surgical Technologists