North Carolina

Association of Pharmacists

Meeting Name / Leader/ Facilitator / Location
NCIC / Robin Carver and Penny Shelton / Wake Med Cary Hospital
Conference Center, Cary NC
Date / StartTime / EndTime / Minutes taken by
03/06/2017 / 10:30 AM / 1:30 PM / Leanne Bailey
Meeting Purpose/Objective / Desired Outcome
Develop and maintain partnerships in order to facilitate networking, sharing of ideas, and pooling of resources. / Enhance awareness of and knowledge about immunizations among health care workers, caregivers and service providers.
Coalition Members Present
Please see Sign-In Sheet. Meeting attendance: 45
Discussion Topics
Welcome/Introductions: Penny Shelton and Robin Carver
  • NCIC started with a grant in 1997.
  • Sandy Allen with NC Immunization Program was recognized for her past work with NCIC. Sandy will continue to serve on the Executive Committee.
  • In late fall 2016, NC Association of Pharmacists (NCAP) agreed to take over coordination of NCIC. This transition should be complete by the 5/9/2017 NCIC meeting.

  • Flu Fighters at Duke: Overview of flu vaccination project by Michelle Hartman with Duke Univ. School of Nursing. Flu vaccinations increased from 531 in 2010 to 4285 in 2016.
  • Immunize People with Chronic Diseases (Panel with Q & A): Examples of pharmacist impact on vaccination rates in patients with chronic diseases. Identified a gap in NCIR data for adults. Pharmacists in NC are required to report all non-flu vaccines to NCIR. VFC providers are required to report vaccines to NCIR.
  • Update on NC General Assembly: by Brent Hazelett, NC AFP, bills being monitored:
  • SB 73, HB 88 – Modernize Nursing Practice Act
  • HB 36 –Enact Enhanced Access to Eye Care Act: Optometrist Scope of Practice, allows some surgical procedures
  • HB 116 – Student Safety in Athletics: allows parents to determine when student can return to play
  • HB 91, SB 66 – Required Safety Helmets/Under 21
  • HB 185 – Legalize Medical Marijuana
  • HB 69 – Constitutional Carry Act
  • HB 62 – Woman’s Right to Know Addition/Ashley’s Law
  • HB 243 – Strengthen Opioid Misuse Prevention (STOP)Act
  • HB 2 - Public Facilities Privacy and Security Act possible repeal
  • Influenza Season, 2016-2017: Flu is not reportable in NC. Still waiting to identify peak of current flu season. Most cases have been A (H3N2) which was included in vaccine. 48% overall effectiveness of flu vaccine at mid-season check. Most deaths have been in the 65+ age group: 65 deaths as of 2/25/17. First case of Avian Flu has been identified in Tennessee.USDA in testing farms within a 10-mile radius. NC is currently on alert.
Town Hall Meeting:
Penny Shelton –Feedback on NCIC has been obtained from the Exec. Comm. and feedback is needed from mtg participants. Notecards provided to reply to two questions:
  • #1: What do you believe could or should be changed to improve the coalition meeting?
  • #2: What, if anything, could or should the coalition be providing?
Feedback will be summarized and provided to Exec. Comm.
Open Forum Discussion: Comments/suggestions from mtg participants on NCIC -
  • More interactive meetings
  • Roundtable brainstorming sessions on current issues
  • Increase in provider participation in NCIC
  • Outreach to practice providers to get them engaged
  • Time is a struggle for all – look at where and how we meet
  • Revisit purpose and vision of group and educate group on this
  • “Bring 1” – invite someone to come to meeting with you
  • Angst over immunization registry discussed at both Exec. Comm. mtg and at today’s mtg
  • Concern over national conversation on vaccines, messages on safety of vaccines

Future Meetings: To be held at WakeMed Cary Hospital Conference Center
May 9, 2017
August 10, 2017
November 9, 2017
Closing/Networking: Robin Carver
Thank you to Walgreens for the great snacks at today’s meeting!