The Patient & Public Involvement Bulletin that intends to keep you updated with the latest news and updates within the CCG. /
Commissioning Strategy Plan and Priorities for Service Improvement
Wandsworth Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is responsible for planning, commissioning or ‘buying’ and monitoring health services for the people who live in Wandsworth.
If you live or work in Wandsworth, we want to know what’s important to you, so we are asking you to help us by taking a few minutes to complete our on line survey. The information we collect will provide us with a benchmark to support the development of our commissioning plans in the future.Please click here to complete the survey.
Diabetes Reference Group (DCRG)
The DCRG have been working together on the redesign of diabetes services in Wandsworth. One of the intensions has been to deliver more care in local community settings rather than in a hospital. The DCRG are delighted to announce that the first weekly multidisciplinary community clinic commenced on the 4th September 2013 at St John’s Therapy Centre. The clinic team is led by a diabetes specialist consultant from St George’s Hospital and includes specialist nurses and dieticians from the Wandsworth Community Services Division of St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust. It is anticipated that there will also be a podiatry presence very soon with more community clinics opening across the borough in the coming months. Appointments at the clinic are by GP referral and are aimed at patients who may be newly diagnosed or whose diabetes condition is unstable.
For further information, please contact:
Wandsworth Self-Management Programme
Wandsworth self-management programme is:
  • a range offree self-management coursesfor people living with any long term health condition(s) and their carer’s
  • a database of activities oropportunities and information for people living with a long term health condition
The main programme is The Expert Patients Programme (EPP) which offers a tool-kit, of techniques and skills to enable participants to manage their condition better on a daily basis, increase confidence and take control of their condition and its impact on their quality of life.
The programme runs for 2.5 hours, once a week for 6 weeks, with 12-16 people in a group and is led by trained tutors who live with a long-term health condition themselves.
People who have attended the programme have reported that it has helped them to:
  • Feel confident and more in control of their life
  • Manage their condition and treatment together with healthcare professionals
  • Be realistic about the impact of their condition on themselves and their family
  • Use their new skills and knowledge to improve their quality of life
Courses available:
  • Expert Patients Programme (EPP): for people who live with any long-term health condition.
  • Looking after Me (LAM): for carers’, enabling them to develop self-management skills to take control of their own health and wellbeing.
  • New Beginnings (NB): for people living with or recovering from mental health conditions including: stress, anxiety, depression, panic attacks.
Relevant Videos: Please click links below to watch the videos
Expert Patient Programme Video 1 Expert Patient Programme Video 2
Further Information: You can contact us if you have any queries or want to register for a course listed below or for more information, please call us on 0208 871 5163 or email: .
Next available courses:
Date / Venue / Time
Monday 21st October / Queen Marys Hospital / 13.00pm
Monday 4th November / Balham Park Surgery / 13.00pm
Wednesday 6th November / Bedford Hill Practice / 10.30am
Thursday 7th November / Hestia Age Activity Centre / 18.00pm
Patient Led Assessment Care Environment
PLACE were introduced with the key purpose of ensuring patients are at the centre of all inspections of hospital environments, and for the first time detailed data about inspection findings have been published nationally.
Thousands of members of the public joined forces with NHS staff to lead over 4,600 assessments of a mix of NHS settings to shine a light on the things that matter most to patients – being treated in clean, safe environment, tasty nutritious food, and high standards of privacy and dignity.
The results have been published by the Health and Social Care Information Centre. To view, please click here.
111 Service in Wandsworth
As part of our campaign to promote the 111 service in Wandsworth we have committed to publish a monthly performance update on our website. You can see the most recent report here. The CCG will be undertaking additional marketing activities over the winter to boost call rates to 111 and help ease pressure on A&E and other services.
Also, we will be holding a 111 Stake holders Event on Tuesday 3rd December. Please keep an eye out for more information.
Flu Jab – Flu Safe
As winter approaches, it’s now time for those at greatest risk from flu to protect themselves and their families, and get flu safe with a free flu jab.
Flu is a highly contagious infection that anyone can catch, and it can be a really serious illness for some. Those at greater risk from flu include people aged 65 or over, pregnant women, and those with health conditions such as asthma, chest or heart complaints and diabetes.
Wandsworth CCG is launching the new Flu Safe campaign this week to remind people that they should make an appointment with their GP and get a flu jab.
Dr Nicola Jones, Chair of Wandsworth Clinical Commissioning Group, said: “Flu is not like a cold – it can be a serious illness for some people and it doesn’t just affect older people. If you’re pregnant, have lowered immunity or a long term health condition such as severe asthma, a chest or heart complaint, or diabetes, then you should also get a free flu jab from your GP and get flu safe. The flu jab is safe and it can’t give you flu.”
Wandsworth CCG is encouraging everyone in the borough who knows anyone who may be at risk from flu to tell them how important it is that they get protected. People who are carers and frontline health and social care staff are also encouraged to get a free jab to protect themselves and those around them.
The flu vaccine changes every year to fight the latest strains of flu, so even if you had a jab last winter you need another one this year to stay flu safe. The jab doesn’t contain the ‘live’ virus so it cannot give you the flu.
Dr Nicola Jones added: “Flu can increase the risk of developing more serious illnesses such as bronchitis and pneumonia, and can make existing conditions much worse. Although for some people it will be unpleasant and inconvenient to have flu, making it difficult to take care of your children or go to work, for others it can be far more serious and complicated. Every year in this country, some people die as a result of flu.
“If you’re in any of the ’at risk’ groups, the flu jab is completely free and is a safe way of protecting you and your family in a matter of minutes.”
The best time to be vaccinated is at the start of the flu season from the start of October to early November, so it’s good to get in early and get flu safe in time for the winter.
Simply contact your GP to arrange a convenient appointment and get your jab. It’s quick, safe and free for those most at risk from the virus.
NHS England Engagement
NHS England is seeking your views to help shape the future of general practice services in England
General practice wants and needs to transform the way it provides services to address these challenges and at the beginning of August NHS England launched Improving General Practice – A Call To Action to help stimulate debate amongst GP practices, area teams, CCGs, health and wellbeing boards and other community partners as to how best to develop general practice services fit for the future.
NHS England wants general practice to play a stronger role in the co-ordination of care, particularly for people with long term conditions and complex health and care problems and respond to the challenge of reducing premature mortality.
GP-led integrated out-of-hospital services can reduce avoidable emergency admissions and A&E attendances, prevent ill-health and lead to more timely diagnosis. A stronger role for general practice will enable us to make the changes necessary to deliver better health outcomes, more personalised care, excellent patient experience and the most efficient possible use of NHS resources.
They are also developing a strategic approach to commissioning primary dental, pharmacy and eye care services and will carry out separate engagement exercises in due course.
They are currently engaging with local communities, clinicians and stakeholders about the best possible way to develop general practice for the future and are encouraging GPs to feedback their views and get involved. Click for more information.
Recruiting – Cancer Clinical Reference Group Representatives
The Cancer CRG is committed to ensuring that there is consultation with public representatives on all decisions involving cancer services within Wandsworth. To achieve this we would like to establish a parallel group that will work alongside the Cancer CRG made up of patients with a current or previous cancer diagnosis, carers of people with cancer and members of the public with an interest in this area.
The qualities we are looking for in our Patient and Carer Representatives:
  • A keen interest and knowledge of Healthcare
  • A keen interest in Cancer related issues
  • Able to work in a team or with a working group
  • Able to view things and opinions with an open mind
Your role as a Patient and Carers Representatives will be to:
  • Help us to improve services
  • Use your experience and knowledge to give patients/carers view on cancer services, including proposed changes
  • Be willing to help change and influence cancer services
If you feel you may be a suitable candidate for this role and you would like further information or to request an application pack, please email: Janice.O' / October 2013 Edition
Latest Blog from the Chair
Today (30/09/2013) I visited SHARE Community Ltd in Battersea. They are a self-help association for rehabilitation and employment for people with disabilities. SHARE Community helps disabled people across London in Wandsworth to reach their potential and achieve their life goals through training, education, employment guidance and personal development.
Many of their clients have a personal budget and choose to use this fund to access services at SHARE. The opportunities on offer include life skills, training in the use of technology, horticulture, and food hygiene. SHARE offers mentoring and support which helps individuals to achieve their own personal goals and reach their potential.
SHARE is launching a social enterprise which provides catering for events, so if you have an event coming up that has catering requirements, give them a try! It was an uplifting experience, to see people so busy and motivated to learn and improve. You can find out more at:

Telehealth Service Project
Our new Telehealth Service aims to improve the way patients with long-term conditions are managed. This service increases the use of assistive technology as a tool to monitor patients at home.
We are currently undertaking an engagement programme, which aims to tell patients and professionals more about the project and how it will work, and gather their views and opinions. We will deliver awareness sessions to give GPs, practice managers, specialist nurses, case managers and other healthcare professionals the opportunity to:
  • Learn how telehealth works in practice
  • Understand the referral process
  • Identify which patients will benefit most
  • See how the equipment works
  • Discuss effective implementation techniques
We will also be sending regular updates out.
If you would like any further information about the project in the meantime, please contact:
Upcoming Events
Wandsworth CCG Board Meeting
The next Board is on Wednesday 13th November 2013 at Queen Mary’s Hospital starting at 10am – why not come along to hear about the work of the CCG? The agenda and papers for this meeting will be available on our website from Friday 8th November.
Localities Road show
On Thursday 5th December, the Wilditch Centre will be playing host to the first Wandsworth Board Road Show. This event will be on all things Battersea, with a focus on the healthcare plans for the Nine Elms and Vauxhall development. Following a presentation and Question & Answer session, there will be a more open forum about more general healthcare and commissioning related matters in Battersea.
NHS Wandsworth CCG would like to invite everyone from the Battersea locality to attend this event and be part of the future healthcare developments on and around your doorstep. Further events in other localities will follow.
Details of the event are:
Date / Venue / Time
5th December 2013 / Wilditch Centre 48 Culvert Road, Battersea,
SW11 5BB / 2-4pm
Please email: to book your place.
Your Day: Your Say
Adult Social Services is holding a one day conference for people who use our services and those who care for them.
The theme of this year's conference is taking control. We want to enable you to have more control over your daily care and support.
  • Buffet lunch provided
  • BSL interpreters and a palantypist will be provided
Booking and further information is available from:
Call: 020 8871 8960 (24hr message service)
Date / Venue / Time
Friday 15th November
2013 / Civic Suite, Wandsworth Town Hall, SW18 2PU / 13.00pm
To avoid disappointment please book your place by: Friday, 1 November 2013

You can sign up from now until the start of January for completion by the end of March 2014-
Getting a cancer diagnosis can be a very difficult experience that affects people in many different ways. At Paul’s Cancer Support Services, we understand this and can help people affected by cancer to reduce stress and improve their quality of life through effective and easy-to-learn techniques. The latest flexible online course which runs from now through to the end of March 2014 will enable participants to take part in 12 sessions at their own pace, when they feel well enough to participate.
The course is led by Ella Titman, a trained integrative counsellor, yoga teacher and yoga therapist and is designed for anyone who has or has had cancer. Partners or other family members are also encouraged to participate so they can provide support to the person with cancer and learn to deal with their own stress. Although this is an online course participants are not expected to have advanced computer skills. You just need access to a computer at home (PC or a Mac) and preferably a broadband connection. An IT support person is available to help should participants run into any IT problems during the course.
To find more details about the course click here or you can ring Petra Griffiths on 020 7738 1333 or email .

Dementia and Older Adults Mental Health (OAMH) Clinical Reference Group (CRG) Community Event
TheDementia and OAMHCRG are holding an event to engage with the local community on Life after Diagnosis – Living well with Dementia to be held on Thursday 7th November at Hotel Verta in Battersea between12pm – 4pm. The event will host a market place for the community to access information on local services and presentations from the perspective of people diagnosed with dementia and their families and/or carers.
To book: Places are free and open to patients, local residents, professionals and partner agencies but booking, through Event rite is essential, please click here to book your place now.
If you want any further details on this event please contact either Alison Kirby or Gill Thompson on:

CCG Website – New Design
Following both member and patient feedback we have redesigned and re-launched our website, take a look; we would welcome your feedback.
Youth Health Jury Blog
The Youth Health Jury has been networking with a range of health professionals, organizations and youth groups in the borough to advocate their youth voice! From next month the Youth Health Jury will collaborate training sessions with Wandsworth Youth Council. Health Jurors will be given the opportunity to gain skills such as inspection, interviewing, presentation, communication, confidence building, and negotiating and influencing, media skills. The budding journalists amongst the Health Jury are to engage in a Youth Media Group writing articles and blogging once a month in relation to youth health and services in Wandsworth. Things to look forward to, in the new year the Youth Health Jury will be involved with the Youth Council and Healthwatch Youth to assist with the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service Youth-Led inspection which will include Youth Health Jury members interviewing staff, young people, centres and conducting research leading to recommendations for CAMHS.
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Contact / Website / Follow us
Wandsworth CCG
1 Adelaide Road, London, SW18 1DA