Wesley Theological Seminary

Practice in Ministry and Mission

Site Placement Evaluation

(In order to obtain an assessment of all PMM Sites, you are asked to complete this evaluation form for each academic year of placement)

Today’s Date: ______Academic Year ______

Placement Site: ______City/State ______

PMM I _____ PMM II _____ M.A. ______SPP______

How did you obtain your placement? (please check the ones that apply)

1.  _____through the PMM interview event and process

2.  _____a referral from a Wesley student

3.  _____a recommendation from a church member

4.  _____through your own inquiry

5.  _____because you are employed there

How pleased are you with your choice of a PMM placement? (circle one)

_____Very pleased _____Pleased _____Displeased _____Very displeased

If pleased, what about your placement did you enjoy?

If displeased, what about your placement contributed to your displeasure?

Were you able to readily achieve your learning goals at this site?

_____Yes _____No

If yes, what made it possible to achieve your goals?

If no, what interfered with your achieving your goals?

Whether you achieved your learning goals or not, would you say that this site provided you with a learning environment that was supportive of your call?

_____Yes ____No

Would you recommend this Placement Site to other Wesley student?

_____Yes _____No

What makes this Placement Site most valuable as a teaching congregation/agency?

The next few questions have to do with your Clergy Learning Partner:

How would you rate your Clergy Learning Partner as fulfilling the PMM program expectations?

___Very satisfactory __Satisfactory ___Unsatisfactory ___Very unsatisfactory

How would you rate your Clergy Learning Partner as fulfilling your personal expectations?

___Very satisfactory ___Satisfactory ___Unsatisfactory ___Very unsatisfactory

Did your clergy learning Partner take a personal interest in your development as a ministerial person?

____Yes ____ No

If yes, what kinds of things did your Clergy learning Partner do that communicated his/her interest in your ministerial development?

If no, what would you have liked your Clergy learning Partner to have communicated to you about your development as a ministerial person?

Would you recommend this Clergy learning Partner for future PMM students?

____Yes ____ No

If Yes, why? If No, why?

The next few question have to do with your Lay Learning Partner

How would you rate your Lay Learning Partner as fulfilling the PMM program expectations?

___Very satisfactory ___Satisfactory ___Unsatisfactory ___Very unsatisfactory

How would you rate your Lay Learning Partner as fulfilling your personal expectations?

___Very satisfactory ___Satisfactory ___Unsatisfactory ___Very unsatisfactory

Did your Lay Learning Partner take a personal interest in your development as a ministerial person?

____Yes ____ No

If yes, what kinds of things did your Lay Learning Partner do that communicated his/her interest in your ministerial development?

If no, what would you have liked your Lay Learning Partner to have communicated to you about your development as a ministerial person?

Would you recommend this Lay Learning Partner for future PMM students?

____Yes ____ No

If Yes, why? If no, why?


PMM Student Placement Evaluation/2014