Section 1 Mission and Philosophy / 2
SAD 55 Mission / 3
Athletic Department Philosophy / 4
Participation Objectives / 5
Section 2 Coaches’ Responsibilities / 6
Head Coach Job Description / 7-8
Assistant/Middle School Coach Job Description / 9-10
Responsibilities Acknowledgement / 11
Coaching Ethics / 12
Coaches’ Checklist / 13-14
Tips for Interpersonal Relationships / 15
Duties of a Coach / 16
Area of Responsibility / 17-18
Setting Goals / 19
Coaches’ Eligibility Certification / 20
Section 3 SAD #55 Athletic Policies / 21
Conduct Between Staff and Students / 22-23
Code of Conduct / 24-28
Eligibility Guidelines / 29-31
Physical Examination Policy / 32
Cuts Policy / 33
Fund Raising / 34
Section 4 Athletic Forms / 35
Permission Slip / 36
Medical Exam / 37
Grade Report Form / 38
Transportation Waiver / 39
Practice Plan / 40
Player Information / 41
Practice and Game Attendance / 42
Fund Raising Report / 43
Pre-Season Game Request (scrimmages) / 44
Preferred Opponents Lists / 45
Section 5 Communication / 46
Parent/Athlete/Coach Guide / 47-48
Selecting Captains / 49
Selecting Managers / 50
Team Contracts / 51
Section 6 Equipment and Supplies / 52
Missing Equipment/Uniform Form / 53
Budget Request Form / 54
Equipment Inventory Form / 55
Record of Equipment Issued to Athletes / 56
Section 7 Health and Emergency / 57
Training Kit Supply Checklist / 58
Accident Report / 59-60
Section 8 Post Season Responsibilities / 61
End Of Season Report / 62-63
Stipend Request Form / 64
Awards Night Tips / 65
End of Season Athlete Recognition / 66
Season Record Form / 67
Section 9 Evaluation of Program and Staff / 68
Midseason Player Evaluation / 69
Parent Evaluation / 70
End of Season Athlete Evaluation / 71-72
Coach’s Self Evaluation / 73-74





Sacopee Valley High School

Mission Statement


Sacopee Valley Athletics


Athletics plays an important part in the life of Sacopee Valley High School. Young people learn a great deal from participation in interscholastic athletics. Lessons in sportsmanship, teamwork, competition and how to win and lose gracefully are integral parts of our athletic program. Athletic participation also plays an important part in helping students develop a healthy self-concept as well as a healthy body. Athletic competition also improves school spirit and helps students to develop pride in their school.

Sacopee Valley Athletics

Participation Objectives

A.  To provide a positive image of school athletics at Sacopee Valley High School

B.  To strive always for playing excellence that will produce winning teams within the bounds of good sportsmanship while enhancing the mental health of student athletes.

C.  To ensure growth and development that will increase the number of participants; that will give impetus to increased contest attendance; that will enhance a program of maintenance and improvement of athletic facilities.

D.  To provide opportunities that will allow the program to serve as a laboratory where students may cope with problems and handle situations similar to those encountered under conditions prevailing in the contemporary world. The laboratory should provide adequate and natural opportunities for:

1)  Physical, mental and emotional growth and development

2)  Acquisition and development of special skills in activities of each student’s choice.

3)  Development of commitments such as loyalty, cooperation, fair play and other desirable social traits.

4)  Directed leadership and supervision that stresses self-discipline, self-motivation, excellence, and the ideals of good sportsmanship that make for winning and losing graciously.

5)  A focus of interests on activity programs for student body, faculty, and community that will generate a feeling of unity.

6)  Achievement of initial goals as set by the school in general and the student as an individual.

7)  Provisions for worthy use of leisure time in later life, either as a participant or spectator.

8)  Participation by the most skilled that will enable these individuals to expand possibilities for future vocational pursuits.

E.  To provide a superior program of student activities that includes appropriate activities for every participant.

F.  To provide and opportunity for students to experience success in those activities he or she selects.

G.  To provide sufficient activities to respond to a wide variety of student interests and abilities.

H.  To provide student activities which offer the greatest benefits for the greatest number of students.

I.  To create a desire to succeed and excel.

J.  To provide for the students’ worthy us of leisure time now and in the future.

K.  To develop high ideals of fairness in all human relationships.

L.  To practice self-discipline and emotional maturity in learning to make decisions under pressure.

M.  To be socially competent and operate within a set of rules, thus gaining respect for the rights of others.

N.  To develop an understanding of the value of activities in a balanced educational process.





Sacopee Valley Athletic Department

Head Coach

Job Description


1.  Possesses and maintains a moral character that is in congruence with the expectations of the S.A.D. #55 School Board.

2.  Possesses all qualifications and criteria established by the MPA for coaches, supervisors, and directors of student activity programs.

3.  Possesses a good knowledge of the sport assigned including, but not limited to, knowledge of training and conditioning techniques and the ability to diagnose player deficiencies and prescribe corrective activities.

4.  Possesses a good ability to communicate with parents and students.

5.  Possesses the ability to deal with emergency situations that may involve and athlete.

Goals and Performance Responsibilities:

Goal A: To manage and supervise the assigned athletic program, grades 7-12

1.  Assign duties and responsibilities to assistant coaches.

2.  Coordinate the issuance, care and inventory of equipment, supplies (medical as well as others), and uniforms.

3.  Assist the athletic director in purchasing equipment, supplies, and uniforms for the particular sport.

4.  Assist the athletic director in developing the annual budget.

5.  Assist the athletic director in scheduling opponents (scrimmages) and officials.

6.  Supervise students at all times from the time practice or activity starts until students leave for home. At no time should students be without direct supervision of a coach.

7.  Submit the following forms to the athletic department:

a.  Complete team roster forms

b.  Complete awards, season records, inventory forms, and lost equipment forms at the conclusion of the season.

c.  Complete all other forms required by the athletic department and the MPA

8.  Ensure the proper completion of physical examinations and all forms relating to the examinations and emergency medical authorization before a student participates.

9.  Ensure proper completion of parental emergency release forms when the team is traveling.

10.  Coordinate the distribution, collection, storage of athletic equipment, uniforms, and supplies (during and after the season).

11.  Show respect for officials, press, opposing coaches, visiting teams, parents, fans, students, athletes, fellow coaches, and teachers.

12.  Be a leader among young student athletes as an athletic coach.

13.  Help with the maintenance and up keep of practice and game facility including notifying the athletic director when a particular area or piece of equipment is unsafe. (trash pick up)

14.  Be responsible for security of facilities used by team and coaching staff when custodians are not on duty.

15.  Perform any other duties or responsibilities related to the coaching position as needed or directed by the high school principal or athletic department.

Goal B: To establish an environment in which athletes can gain self-esteem and develop positive self-image.

1.  Be responsible for awards presentations made during annual awards programs, and incorporating the total coaching staff.

2.  Demonstrate interest in the classroom efforts and off-season activities of athletes.

3.  Provide leadership that promotes positive attitudes and good sportsmanship.

4.  Work with athletes in a fair, understanding, tolerant, sympathetic, and patient manner.

5.  Encourage students to participate in more than one sport.

6.  Promote school and community interest in the sport by:

a.  Appearing at school pep rallies

b.  Holding a preseason parent meeting

c.  Maintaining a pleasant, workable relationship with the news media

d.  Preparing public address announcements for in-school reading

7.  Notify all members of the team of all policies, procedures, and training rules as they pertain to the team.

8.  Be responsible for the conduct of student athletes and other involved students at all times-practices, games, bus rides, other schools, etc.

9.  Promote unity within the coaching staff and within the framework of the athletic department.

10.  Ensure representation from all groups within the student body by providing opportunity for students in all stages of development.

Goal C: To establish successful teams within the bounds of good sportsmanship.

1.  Develop teamwork, morale, sportsmanship, courtesy, fair play, academic excellence, and strict adherence to rules of training and conduct.

2.  Promote the attitude among athletes and coaches that winning is important but is secondary to good sportsmanship and the overall welfare of the athlete.

Term of Employment: The length of the contract shall be determined by the length of the athletic season as established by the MPA, the administration, and the S.A.D. #55 Board of Education.

The job description listed is meant as a guideline and, in absence of specific direction, I understand that I must make reasonable decisions and must act on those decisions to ensure that goals are met.

My signature signifies that I have reviewed the contents of my job description and that I am aware of the expectations of my position. I understand that I must maintain the Qualifications requirements and will be evaluated directly in accordance with the Performance Responsibilities as stated herein.


Coach’s Signature Date




Job Goal: To assist the head coach with management and supervision of the assigned athletic program.

Reports To: Head Coach, Athletic Director, and High School or Middle School Principal


1.  Meets all qualifications and criteria established by the SAD #55 Board of Education for coaches, supervisors, and directors of student activity programs.

2.  Possesses and maintains a high moral character, and the ability to work with children and adults.

3.  Possesses knowledge of the sport(s) assigned.

Performance Responsibilities:

1.  Serve as a middle, freshman, or junior varsity coach and be classified as an assistant to the head coach.

2.  Assume the responsibilities for the development of the specific team within the total program, under the direction of the head coach.

3.  Assist the head coach in ways that will benefit the total program.

4.  Attend all coaches’ meetings called by the head coach.

5.  Carry out assignments as prepared by the head coach.

6.  Assist the head coach in the distribution and collection of equipment, supplies, and uniforms.

7.  Take part in special awards programs, promotional programs, and other programs or activities deemed important to the sport by the head coach.

8.  Be responsible for the security of all facilities used by the team and coach when the head coach is not present and/or when custodians are not on duty.

9.  Be responsible for the conduct of the student athlete and other involved students at all times: practices, games, bus rides, school locker room, etc.

10.  Show respect for officials, the press, opposing coaches, parents, fans, student- athletes, fellow coaches, and teachers.

11.  Work to promote school spirit.

12.  Develop teamwork, morale, sportsmanship, courtesy, fair play, academic excellence, and strict adherence to rules of training and conduct.

13.  Work to promote unity on the coaching staff within the framework of the athletic department.

14.  Perform any other duties or responsibilities directly related to the coaching position as directed and/or needed.

Term of Employment: Length of the contract shall be determined by the length of the athletic season as established by the Maine Principals Association, the administration, and Board of Education.

The job description listed is meant as a guideline and, in absence of specific direction, I understand that I must make responsible decisions and must act on those decisions to ensure that Board goals are met.

My signature signifies that I have reviewed the contents of my job description and that I am aware of the expectations of my position. I understand that I will be evaluated directly in accordance with the Performance Responsibilities as stated herein.


Signature of Employee Date


Responsibilities Acknowledgement


Dear Coach,

Welcome to the Sacopee Valley Coaching Staff. There are many challenges and responsibilities that coaches will take on while working with our student athletes and I would to like clarify some of the expectations we have for our coaches to ensure coaching success.

1.  Coaches must serve as role models for students in terms of appearance and conduct (language and actions). They serve as representatives of the school district during practice, games and while private citizens.

2.  Any concerns coaches have regarding athletics including supplies, transportation or scheduling must be reported to the Athletic Director first.

3.  Conversations about the operation of the athletic program should be reserved for the Head Coach and/or the Athletic Director. Any concerns you have should not be shared with community members, players or parents. School concerns you have outside of athletics should be directed to the appropriate administrators following the normal chain of command.

4.  Coaches must meet all criteria set by the Maine Principal’s Association including completion of the Coaching Principles Course (now online), current First Aid Certification and current CPR Certification.

5.  Review the contents of the Sacopee Valley Coaches’ Handbook so that you are aware of all expectations, your job description and responsibilities, policies and athletic forms.

6.  Coaches must know, understand and follow the rules and guidelines contained in the Sacopee Valley Parent and Athlete Handbook. Make sure you review the different policies such as the Code of Conduct and the Academic Eligibility Policy with your athletes at your first team meeting.